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3 hours ago, Jarndyce said:

I don’t know how they get away with employing such patently unsuitable candidates.   HR department must be at least partly to blame - either complicit or asleep at the wheel.

the problem is these useless cunts actually talk the talk really well and interview very well , they just can't walk the walk or even crawl the crawl.

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2 hours ago, wrighty said:

Assume for a moment that you're right, how do you propose to 'reset' HR? Who would you get to recruit new HR people? 

For further examples see the liar's paradox and Godel's Incompleteness Theorems.

Put it out to the private sector.

If they don't supply the right person for the job they have to give up their fees.

That focuses their mind from what I know from my time in the industry.

Having said that, your top bod, Alfie "I can bend double" who was at KWC a couple of years below me, was?, is? In the HR industry.

He of all people should easily see where the weak point is, if it is in fact IOMG-HR

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6 hours ago, RonWeasley said:

She arrived to “change the whole system”, employed a deputy director manager in adult social services who doesn’t know what she’s doing, did the same in childrens social services, those deputies then hired very inexperienced managers who don’t know what they’re doing so most of the staff on the ground level left as she and the deputies ruined everything positive. Now she leaves a month before the reported inspection?! Suspicious 🤨 

Well she certainly did that! All previous experienced senior managers gone, experienced Social Workers gone! Terrible for the children and families on the Island.

I doubt it was through their own choice. The question is was she pushed or did she fall, perhaps it was another golden hand shake for being crap at her job. Workers had been raising concerns for months but nothing done, HR complicit in all of the failings. Bring back previous Social Workers and Managers to sort this s**t show out! 

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6 hours ago, Jarndyce said:

Indeed: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes, as you medical chaps might say?

Well, no- one,it seems.

But perhaps  attention should  focus on whether there is a common factor here with a number of  of short- lived and disastrous  appointments.

In that case might that factor be those who select, and  very importantly, those who interview and appoint these candidates?
Clearly their success rate, though consistent,  is appalling.

Perhaps that is where the problems lie.

If we are going for Latin  phrases,  then a legal one  would then seem to  apply  “ res ipsa loquitur” 

- “It speaks for itself”

Edited by hampsterkahn
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7 hours ago, WTF said:

the problem is these useless cunts actually talk the talk really well and interview very well , they just can't walk the walk or even crawl the crawl.

Some of them have crawling off to a fine art, crawling their way to success.

It's entirely possible that those short-lived careers end because the new appointee, let's assume one eminently capable and eager to get stuck in, after a while find themselves stymied by a staid, flawed system and culture unprepared for, even fearful of, change.


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