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On 2/11/2023 at 1:28 AM, wrighty said:

Again, I’m somewhat out of my depth here, but I think that’s right. The mammogram identifies a pattern of calcification which could be cancer or DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ). It gets cut out, these days with lumpectomy rather than full mastectomy, and sent to the lab for analysis.  Those that are DCIS had a lowish chance of turning bad. 

It’s similar with prostate cancer in men. If we live long enough most of us get it on a cellular level but have no problem with it.  Some however do. It’s not a simple case of a blood test and find out like some believe, and at the moment screening is not supported by evidence. Some will still have it though, and it causes headaches as to what to do with some of the positives, and some men are harmed by surgery that in hindsight was unnecessary. 

I read this post last night,  l left my reply and thoughts for 24hrs because it touched such emotional thoughts. 

Some Men on the Isle of Man are dying from Prostate Cancer not all are elderly . It's preventable with the right actions taken, awareness is key, education with both medical professionals and the public to recognise and take appropriate action. 

Everyone should be aware of the symptoms of this curable cancer, and we should be talking about it. 

I havent seen any public health messages from Manx Care to support any information regarding Prostate cancer, maybe l just haven't seen it? 

Obviously my point of view is based on actual real case of Prostate cancer. Screening would have saved the life of this person.

As a women l also feel breast cancer screeing is important and should continue as it saves many lives, l hope this is just a temporary staffing difficulties. 






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7 minutes ago, Lilly said:

As a women l also feel breast cancer screeing is important and should continue as it saves many lives, l hope this is just a temporary staffing difficulties. 

The reasons behind the withdrawal should be fully explained and a timeline for recommencement should be provided. As it stands it reads like it’s all been withdrawn indefinitely. 

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12 hours ago, Gladys said:

They do text reminders. It was sporadic, but seems better now.  

To be honest, I do have a mobile phone but it’s not my primary method of communication,.

I will always give my home landline number as the one to reach me one but unbelievably this is not always accepted as a contact number. Presumably because you can’t leave a text on it.

Sometimes I don’t look at my mobile phone from one day to the next. Why should I have to for things of such import?


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12 hours ago, Gladys said:

They do text reminders. It was sporadic, but seems better now.  

The problem with the text's is that they say you have an appointment but unlike the doctors it doesn't say what date or the time nor does it say if the appointment is at Nobles or Ramsey.

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8 minutes ago, Zulu said:

The problem with the text's is that they say you have an appointment but unlike the doctors it doesn't say what date or the time nor does it say if the appointment is at Nobles or Ramsey.

Just checked the last one I received and it does give the date and time but not,  as you say, which clinic or hospital. 


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1 hour ago, Zulu said:

The problem with the text's is that they say you have an appointment but unlike the doctors it doesn't say what date or the time nor does it say if the appointment is at Nobles or Ramsey.

The letters are a form letter, so the admin assistant just fills in the name, date, time, department etc. There is no reason they can't do exactly the same for an SMS message, In fact the appointment management system should be able to spit it all out.

Then follow up with a reminder 24 or 48 hours before. Considering the waste of 10% of appointments, surely it would be a worthwhile investment.

Trouble is "We've always done it this way"  is the default mode even when the system is patently failing. Would also reduce the headcount allowing more funds for the frontline but turkeys don't vote for Christams so admin are not going to replace themselves with automation. This has to come from the top down but the top usually has no clue about IT and tech.


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1 hour ago, CallMeCurious said:


The letters are a form letter, so the admin assistant just fills in the name, date, time, department etc. There is no reason they can't do exactly the same for an SMS message, In fact the appointment management system should be able to spit it all out.

Then follow up with a reminder 24 or 48 hours before. Considering the waste of 10% of appointments, surely it would be a worthwhile investment.

Trouble is "We've always done it this way"  is the default mode even when the system is patently failing. Would also reduce the headcount allowing more funds for the frontline but turkeys don't vote for Christams so admin are not going to replace themselves with automation. This has to come from the top down but the top usually has no clue about IT and tech.


That still doesn't explain why it can take days for the letter to be received.  Where is the hold up? 

But agreed, I would be happy with a text with the full details of the appointment and a reminder a couple of days prior.  The tech to do that has to be pretty basic.  

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36 minutes ago, cissolt said:

Hooper was very prickly talking about this.

Why suspend the service at all if they are changing it to report into Manchester?

His comments were really disgraceful- a mixture of annoyance he was being questioned along with a dismissive attitude that not having screening is fine, and why should the government have to tell people anyway. (Side stepping that Manx Care issued the release).

Hope his electors recall this when they next go to polls. Appears the health minister isn’t too concerned about preventative health care.

His answer smacked of a service being caught out and him trying to brush it away.

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41 minutes ago, cissolt said:

Hooper was very prickly talking about this.

Why suspend the service at all if they are changing it to report into Manchester?

The actual words attributed to him are “Manx Care suspended the service two weeks ago so arrangements can be made to bring it up to standard” which suggests that for some reason it had been flagged as sub standard. 

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19 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

The actual words attributed to him are “Manx Care suspended the service two weeks ago so arrangements can be made to bring it up to standard” which suggests that for some reason it had been flagged as sub standard. 

Which is problematic in itself. In summary - there was a service but it was sub standard. So we stopped it. The media release said none of this, so he is just back filling now.

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Manx Care suspends service until further notice

'Routine breast screening on the Isle of Man has been stopped and Manx Care says it doesn’t know when it will restart.

No appointments will be made whilst ‘updates are made to the programme’ and it is ‘as yet unknown’ when things will go back to normal.

The service automatically invites women aged between 50 and 70 for screening.

Symptomatic breast clinics are unaffected and will continue to run as normal – anyone who is due to have a routine two-yearly screening mammogram will also receive an invitation in due course.

People who feel they have a problem are being urged to contact their GP or the Breast Screening Team on 642570.

Manx Radio has approached Manx Care for comment - the station has been told the health body has no more detail to add.'


It would have been much better if Manx Care had given an explanation of what was happening.


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1 hour ago, Dirty Buggane said:

What's problematic is this prick should not be spouting anything at all, he was tested found wanting and fucked off. Apart from Alfie boy not being able to do his job, what is this prick still doing as interim nonmanager and still fucking up.

And now he’s been confirmed as permanent DHSC minister with Tim Johnstone as DfE minister.

Shall i ring 999 for the ambulance now, before you read this and have your apoplectic fit?

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