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2 minutes ago, Catrisk said:

Tracey Bell admitted at her daughters recent court case that she earns over £2M a year. That should tell you all you need to know about dentists.

Did she break down what percentage of that £2M came exclusively from dentistry, given that she also has an aesthetic clinic business (giving Botox injections and lip fillers at high cost to rich people)?   I don’t imagine that all dentists have access to that particular income stream.

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2 hours ago, wrighty said:

To expand on my 3 point plan…

Fluoride is a simple, safe, public health water treatment that would prevent a lot of dental decay. The ‘usual suspects’ don’t object to chlorine to prevent us getting cholera (or perhaps they do and are ignored) so why the objection?

School dentistry would hopefully mean we don’t have a group of dental phobic adults who only go once it’s far too late. Regular maintenance is the key, and if kids learnt that at school perhaps they wouldn’t really much need a dentist going forwards. 

And as for the ‘free at the point of delivery’ ideal, I disagree. If a service is free, it’s not valued. I’ve known a few dentists over the years and they all say that NHS patients and private patients are ‘different species’. Private patients dutifully turn up for their check ups, and go for years with no actual treatment. NHS patients don’t go for years, and turn up with a mouthful of rotting pegs demanding it all be fixed, straight away. (Yes, I’m generalising/stereotyping) And it’s not just a money thing. As I indicated, I pay about £120 a year for private dental care. You can get dental insurance for not hugely more than that if you sign up for regular checks and hygienist appointments. 

So, start kids off properly with regard to dental health, prevent problems with fluoride, and have an adult population who values their dental care, pay a relatively small amount for it, and consequently don’t really need it. Sorted. 

Chlorine in the water is benefical to everyone who uses it in preventing pandemics and ensuring the water remains safe at point of use even when it is stored for a few days. Flouridation is for the benefit of those who can't be asked to brush their teeth nor teach their children how to. No wonder the teachers are stressed with all the halitosis they must have to endure.  

Maybe they could give kids free toothbrushes and toothpaste as a preventative measure for the minority who need it rather than wholesale chemical warfare on the majority who don't. But no doubt that would be seen as discrimination and parent shaming etc.

Oh, wait that is the new normal I guess. Give the majority a treatment for the very few who are at risk.   

Maybe alongside teaching the kids how to give bjs and hand jobs, they ought to teach them the basics of personal hygiene and healthcare. And they in turn could teach their kids.


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They way it works now is unless you have money you get no dental care. Yes you can buy insurance but that pays not all of it. Just a bit. And if all you have is an annual check up and 2 cleans then the annual premium exceeds the cost.

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15 hours ago, wrighty said:
  1. Fully privatise primary dental care for working age adults. A check up and a couple of scale/polishes a year doesn’t cost a fortune - most people spend more on haircuts (and nobody suggests that should be an NHS service)


4. Reduction in National Insurance/taxes so I can pay for a water filtration system to remove the fluoride from my drinking water?

5. Remove VAT from tooth hygiene products?


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6 hours ago, Anyone said:

They way it works now is unless you have money you get no dental care. Yes you can buy insurance but that pays not all of it. Just a bit. And if all you have is an annual check up and 2 cleans then the annual premium exceeds the cost.

Fortunately I’ve got an NHs dentist & go regularly for checkups, £18 for last check up which lasted 10 minutes & any treatment is at reasonable price although anything classed as cosmetic eg replace old filling with nice white ones is paid for privately 

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On 3/8/2023 at 9:33 PM, Catrisk said:

Tracey Bell admitted at her daughters recent court case that she earns over £2M a year. That should tell you all you need to know about dentists. 

Not sure what you’re getting at here. “ admitted”  implies that there is there is something to be guilty of.

I am of an age where previously you received dental care as part of the NHS. Alas no longer.

It’s largely now private businesses and as such would you expect say an electrician, plumber or lawyer  to “ admit” to the earnings they make?

Does that  tell you all you need to know about these professions?

I am of the opinion that dentistry should come  back into the NHS fold. But until such time as it does ( probably never) market forces will prevail.

As an aside I have only heard praise for Ms Bells operation.

Don’t blame her, blame the system.

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1 minute ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Not sure what you’re getting at here. “ admitted”  implies that there is there is something to be guilty of.

I am of an age where previously you received dental care as part of the NHS. Alas no longer.

It’s largely now private businesses and as such would you expect say an electrician, plumber or lawyer  to “ admit” to the earnings they make?

Does that  tell you all you need to know about these professions?

I am of the opinion that dentistry should come  back into the NHS fold. But until such time as it does ( probably never) market forces will prevail.

As an aside I have only heard praise for Ms Bells operation.

Don’t blame her, blame the system.

I still have NHS dentist 🦷 at Thie Rosien, Port Erin. 
Very good friendly service. 

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5 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Not sure what you’re getting at here. “ admitted”  implies that there is there is something to be guilty of.

I am of an age where previously you received dental care as part of the NHS. Alas no longer.

It’s largely now private businesses and as such would you expect say an electrician, plumber or lawyer  to “ admit” to the earnings they make?

Does that  tell you all you need to know about these professions?

I am of the opinion that dentistry should come  back into the NHS fold. But until such time as it does ( probably never) market forces will prevail.

As an aside I have only heard praise for Ms Bells operation.

Don’t blame her, blame the system.

You won't find many/any electricians or plumbers "admitting" to earning 2 million a year!

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As far as the 'Dental Health' issue is concerned, Seven years ago I applied to have an NHS Dentist as a local who has paid into the tax etc system for over 50 years. Apart from me making a follow up phone call a year or so later I have never been contacted since. 

Before anyone comments on my supposed state of Dental health after seven years, I have managed so far to save for any real necessary work to be done. But not for check-ups that could have avoided that need in a proactive way.

Extremely sorry situation when those charged with making sure we DO have these health resources available to us, fail so desperately miserably. But can find long long millions for very much 'Vanity projects' they are able to have their name on a plaque for.

Furthermore, in a very ironic twist, the answer to this, and in fact all of the Islands problems is 15,000 more residents!!

With almost 3,000 of us currently still trying to get an NHS Dentist, myself for over 7 SEVEN YEARS....SEVEN YEARS! With an extra 15,000 people also looking, what chance does a mere local have...ZILCH.

Big question, Where is the real problem? Especially when our lot, IOMG, express their views on the health service here as 'over budget', when the obvious reality is 'UNDER FUNDED'

When will we actually get people in power who genuinely care....for more than just themselves?

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