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11 minutes ago, Weliveinhope said:

I persuaded my wife to make an appointment at the drs this evening as she's been in pain for a while, as a combination of stubbornness and by the time I get an appointment it'll be better anyway had made her put it off. After trying all day to get through (Ramsey surgery) we called in after work. She was told that they're not taking appointments as two drs have left and she'd have to call every morning at 8am. She was asked to explain the symptoms in front of a full waiting room, and then was asked could a paramedic diagnose it. I find this totally unacceptable on so many levels. We're of a generation where most people wouldn't go to the doctors unless it was almost an emergency, and I think the current situation puts people off further. I fear for the health of a lot of people, I really do. This situation needs to be addressed and addressed urgently, its an absolute disgrace.

You try being with Snaefell. Do they even have a GP anymore?

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If Alf and his population increase to 100k is ever to become a reality, then health needs sorting out pdq. Young people will surely look at health and education as a top priority.

Relocate is a dead duck without improvements in public services.

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1 minute ago, asitis said:

If Alf and his population increase to 100k is ever to become a reality, then health needs sorting out pdq. Young people will surely look at health and education as a top priority.

Relocate is a dead duck without improvements in public services.

Older people with money definitely look at health provision, both public and private.

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2 hours ago, GD4ELI said:

Older people with money definitely look at health provision, both public and private.

Alf wants to disincentivise any more old people, perhaps running down the health service to its current awful state is part of the island plan?

Edited by cissolt
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Our democratically elected peoples’ representatives frequently forget about their responsibilities to the entire Manx public. They obfuscate, duck and dive and dodge responsibility as much as they can possibly get away with. I believe that the Nolan’s principles in public life imply that the optics of government’s actions are just as important as the actions themselves. Clearly, bad optics are damaging to political reputations. Unfortunately for the IOMG, in their clumsy pursuit to discredit Dr Ranson they trashed their own reputations in the court of public opinion, at least.

According to an article on Manx Radio, most (junior) civil servants are terrified of speaking out about various issues in their departments – they know their ‘place’ and they know that to protect their careers they must not say anything. IMHO, this ‘revelation’ demonstrates how toxic the culture IOM CS has become and has been a major contributor to the government’s on-going catalogue of poor decision making. Dr Ranson’s case reinforces the view that many civil servants/ public servants hold that speaking out on any issue could jeopardise their careers. In another MF thread (which has now disappeared) I gave the example of how, in order to protect the company’s reputation, the former boss of McDonald’s was fired and fined over an ‘inappropriate’ relationship with a senior female employee, which he had not adequately disclosed. It is said he showed “poor judgment” and “violation of company policy”. Why should IOMG operate under a lesser set of ethical standards than a burgers-flipping joint?

From MUA’s unauthorised loans, the massive costs of unfunded Public Sector pensions, the outlandish costs of DOI capital projects, etc., to Dr Ranson’s case (I believe the IOMG should have paid her out and started addressing issues that led to this debacle in the first place) the government just keeps digging itself deeper into proverbial holes. Unfortunately for the Island’s residents, we are stuck in this rut with a handsomely remunerated cadre of thin-skinned senior civil servants, who are unable to handle any whiff of personal criticism, and who could be feeding daft advice to our politicians who consequently are unable to make decisions which are in the Island’s best interests. Unwillingness to make wholesale changes in CS/PS structure and its culture is a serious impediment to the Island’s ability to survive, let alone prosper, or dare I say ‘flourish’.  Ultimately though, the responsibility for any failures must reside squarely with our elected representatives. 

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40 minutes ago, cissolt said:

Alf wants to disincentivise any more old people, perhaps running down the health service to its current awful state is part of the island plan?

Older people have money which they spend.

As for Alf - he's welcome to it.

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16 hours ago, Weliveinhope said:

I persuaded my wife to make an appointment at the drs this evening as she's been in pain for a while, as a combination of stubbornness and by the time I get an appointment it'll be better anyway had made her put it off. After trying all day to get through (Ramsey surgery) we called in after work. She was told that they're not taking appointments as two drs have left and she'd have to call every morning at 8am. She was asked to explain the symptoms in front of a full waiting room, and then was asked could a paramedic diagnose it. I find this totally unacceptable on so many levels. We're of a generation where most people wouldn't go to the doctors unless it was almost an emergency, and I think the current situation puts people off further. I fear for the health of a lot of people, I really do. This situation needs to be addressed and addressed urgently, its an absolute disgrace.

God help anyone who needs ENT at Noble's. 3 years for a non urgent appointment and 6 to 12 months for an urgent appointment. Even though you are supposed to get a letter with an urgent appointment within 6 weeks this is currently at 12 weeks. But if you want to go private you can get an appointment next week. Something is very wrong there.

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3 hours ago, asitis said:

If Alf and his population increase to 100k is ever to become a reality, then health needs sorting out pdq. Young people will surely look at health and education as a top priority.

Relocate is a dead duck without improvements in public services.

CM Cannan will push through this policy regardless of its consequences, and its unintended consequences. Public services will struggle, people’s health will suffer whilst some people will get prioritised, especially if you have friends in high places, or can cause a commotion. Meanwhile other non health related  services will end up crumbling to nothing. locate.im will merely crack on with its bullshit, as they are hardly going to do themselves out of a well paid job. Incidentally, is IOMG going to invest in the prison? More prison spaces as increase of unregulated immigration to the island poses a risk of rising crime, increased demand for drugs etc? Also with increasing a population, has anyone thought of new arrivals criminal history? 

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I recently spent a couple of days in nobles and witnessed first hand the nurses absolutely run of there feet and short staffed, some of the older ones can’t wait to leave ( during my short stay three we’re leaving having had enough with morale low) I have nothing but complete admiration for the job they do and if anyone deserves more money it’s them ALF or any mhks in your ivory towers reading this. Perhaps rather than loading the government with well remunerated over management and ghost jobs that make no difference to everyday life sort out what really matters. Also my local gp doctor ask me to make a follow up phone appointment for this months end, so after ringing my practice several times (always politely) I was told absolutely no chance for at least another 6 weeks just keep trying ,the system is completely broken and many many people are going to suffer.

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5 minutes ago, Banker said:

Person from Ramsey on radio wanting to know what MHKs are doing about retaining GPS, apparently it be went to Jersey for more money 

There’s an advert to recruit GP’s, by the Guernsey Health Service, in this weeks Examiner

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2 hours ago, code99 said:

Our democratically elected peoples’ representatives frequently forget about their responsibilities to the entire Manx public. They obfuscate, duck and dive and dodge responsibility as much as they can possibly get away with. I believe that the Nolan’s principles in public life imply that the optics of government’s actions are just as important as the actions themselves. Clearly, bad optics are damaging to political reputations. Unfortunately for the IOMG, in their clumsy pursuit to discredit Dr Ranson they trashed their own reputations in the court of public opinion, at least.

According to an article on Manx Radio, most (junior) civil servants are terrified of speaking out about various issues in their departments – they know their ‘place’ and they know that to protect their careers they must not say anything. IMHO, this ‘revelation’ demonstrates how toxic the culture IOM CS has become and has been a major contributor to the government’s on-going catalogue of poor decision making. Dr Ranson’s case reinforces the view that many civil servants/ public servants hold that speaking out on any issue could jeopardise their careers. In another MF thread (which has now disappeared) I gave the example of how, in order to protect the company’s reputation, the former boss of McDonald’s was fired and fined over an ‘inappropriate’ relationship with a senior female employee, which he had not adequately disclosed. It is said he showed “poor judgment” and “violation of company policy”. Why should IOMG operate under a lesser set of ethical standards than a burgers-flipping joint?

From MUA’s unauthorised loans, the massive costs of unfunded Public Sector pensions, the outlandish costs of DOI capital projects, etc., to Dr Ranson’s case (I believe the IOMG should have paid her out and started addressing issues that led to this debacle in the first place) the government just keeps digging itself deeper into proverbial holes. Unfortunately for the Island’s residents, we are stuck in this rut with a handsomely remunerated cadre of thin-skinned senior civil servants, who are unable to handle any whiff of personal criticism, and who could be feeding daft advice to our politicians who consequently are unable to make decisions which are in the Island’s best interests. Unwillingness to make wholesale changes in CS/PS structure and its culture is a serious impediment to the Island’s ability to survive, let alone prosper, or dare I say ‘flourish’.  Ultimately though, the responsibility for any failures must reside squarely with our elected representatives. 


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How has it gone so horribly wrong? 

At one time you could almost be guaranteed a same day appointment with a GP when you rang up. I know that sounds unbelievable now.

At least that was the case for me when I was registered with Hailwood, and now Ramsey practices.

Is it merely a case of fewer doctors? Or a larger more ailing population ?


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