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3 minutes ago, Dr. Grumpy said:

Another possibility being that they wanted to fire him, but were worried about another 'Ranson type' Tribunal claim and found some trust that'd take him with Manx Care still paying his salary cica 240 K?

Unfortunately, that theory has the ring of plausibility about it.   And no doubt Management considered this to be acceptable use of Manx Care budget, while front line are told to make “efficiency” savings on consumables, drugs, dressings, lab tests, etc…

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3 minutes ago, Dr. Grumpy said:

Another possibility being that they wanted to fire him, but were worried about another 'Ranson type' Tribunal claim and found some trust that'd take him with Manx Care still paying his salary cica 240 K?

Is that likely?  Surely, if someone is seconded, the organisation they  are seconded to pays for their services?  Suppose it depends on the terms of the secondment and there seems to be a history of a lack of clarity around secondments. 

Also, does it stop them being employed by you, so there is still the dismissal issue?

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I for one would love to hear about the legacy he has left, with all the gushing going on by his former associates he was gods gift to any health trust. And that is all manx care is, just a bunch of people wit no interest in the actual treatment or care of real people. Except on more money and no comebacks, Waiting to see who's bestie gets the role this time.

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1 hour ago, Banker said:

Some good points from Wood on finance, this annual request for more money is no good for anyone 

He’s not actually saying anything new - in the past, any request for this type of thinking has just been ignored completely.

Arguably, if one is prepared to accept that DHSS/MC has been underfunded by approximately £8M since about 2003 (an argument I’ve made elsewhere in this thread), then a £5M overspend represents an effective saving of £3M - my concern is where these “efficiency savings” and “cost improvements” have come from.   I’d prefer MC to be transparent and call them what they are - cutbacks.   Is anyone happy with the direction of travel in Health over the last few years?   Bed closures, nurse shortages, etc, etc - and etc.

I sincerely hope that DHSC/IOMG are listening and actually prepared to have these conversations this time - but, being realistic, why would this year be any different?   Why would CoMin grasp the nettle of looking 15 years ahead and future-proofing our health service this particular year?   Hell, it’s only the health of the nation under consideration - after defence, isn’t this meant to be a government’s most important function to discharge?


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On 4/3/2023 at 10:53 PM, finlo said:

Just remind us all how it has worked out for all the whistle blowers to date?

Exactly it never works out for any IOMG whistleblower ever and plenty have been told (convincingly) that they will never work in the IOM again. I don’t think people generally think this sort of stuff happens until it happens to people they know and they see the impact. 

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It would be interesting to understand the cost of overtime and the hiring of recruitment of agency workers due to sickness resulting from bullying, stress, being overworked and underpaid, the fear of prosecution, the fear of speaking up and never being able to work on the Isle of Man, and so on and so on.  Mr Wood is a clever man, and maybe he is too afraid to ask the correct questions for fear of losing his position.  Manx Scare, Teresa No Cope,   

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3 hours ago, Beyond Belief said:

It would be interesting to understand the cost of overtime and the hiring of recruitment of agency workers due to sickness resulting from bullying, stress, being overworked and underpaid, the fear of prosecution, the fear of speaking up and never being able to work on the Isle of Man, and so on and so on.  Mr Wood is a clever man, and maybe he is too afraid to ask the correct questions for fear of losing his position.  Manx Scare, Teresa No Cope,   

Don’t think Nigel wood will be the least bit concerned about losing job , he’s fairly wealthy from previous business experience as far as I know. He’s also not a full time employee just on board of Manxcare 

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On 4/5/2023 at 8:20 PM, Amadeus said:

So apparently he disappeared without anyone really knowing why or being told beforehand? Something smells fishy at Manx care once more. 



On 4/5/2023 at 9:19 PM, Gladys said:



On 4/7/2023 at 9:30 AM, Dr. Grumpy said:

Another possibility being that they wanted to fire him, but were worried about another 'Ranson type' Tribunal claim and found some trust that'd take him with Manx Care still paying his salary cica 240 K?


On 4/7/2023 at 9:37 AM, Jarndyce said:

Unfortunately, that theory has the ring of plausibility about it.   And no doubt Management considered this to be acceptable use of Manx Care budget, while front line are told to make “efficiency” savings on consumables, drugs, dressings, lab tests, etc…

Why does there have to be a sinister conspiracy theory?

He has a job here. A trust in England, in a much worse state than Manx Care, want someone to head up temporarily, whilst they find someone permanently. They approach him, he feels it’ll look good on his CV and give him useful additional experience. ( which May, or May not, be good for Manx Care ).

Manx Care want to keep him long term, so they let him go, temporarily, on secondment, in the hope, vain or not, that he’ll return.

Thats the Ocam’s Razor explanation.

As for the return of Ransom, did no one read the reports of the recent hearings? Both her own, and the DHSC, psychiatrists, agreed she had a form of PTSD/mental illness following her treatment and would be unwell, and unable to work, for some considerable ( but not agreed ) time, and never be fit enough to take up such a senior/responsible role again.

The acting medical director position has been advertised internally.  I’m told that the role is being filled by Dr Marina Hudson, who previously headed Manannan Court inpatient services and then community mental health services.


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On 4/3/2023 at 10:51 PM, The Voice of Reason said:

To be fair Beyond Belief has said his/her / their partner is being bullied.

We don’t know the detail or circumstances or even the extent to which this alleged bullying  ( and it is alleged being a post on Manx Forums) occurred 

It is  bit of a  stretch to say that they will only get told  “you’ll never work on the Isle of Man again”

We do have due process here.

The inference that an individual won’t get a fair hearing  for whatever, smacks of paranoia and a desire to imply that the Isle of Man is somehow institutionally corrupt, which I don’t believe it is.


Then you are naive, the head of Industrial Relations took over from her best buddy who got dumped as Director of IOM gov HR, so now Industrial Relations in compromised as this culture is entrenched and still breeding.  Anyone who is being bullied has no recourse or support. 

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44 minutes ago, Jarndyce said:

Fair comment.   If and when he returns, we’ll know that you were correct.

And if he doesn’t it won’t confirm any of the conspiracy theories. Just that he’s moved on. There’s a fair degree of mobility for these roles.

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