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My point about reinstatement was that it was a remarkable coincidence that around the time of the recent remedies IT hearing, the post of Medical Director becomes available.   Given the track record of tactics surrounding this case, it was not beyond Ocam's Razor to think that one of the offerings would be reinstatement, however unlikely that it would be taken up.  

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19 minutes ago, Gladys said:

My point about reinstatement was that it was a remarkable coincidence that around the time of the recent remedies IT hearing, the post of Medical Director becomes available.   Given the track record of tactics surrounding this case, it was not beyond Ocam's Razor to think that one of the offerings would be reinstatement, however unlikely that it would be taken up.  

But it’s only a temporary/interim  post for 6 months, if the press release is to be believed. That’s also what is being advertised for here.

The guy who is being temporarily replaced at Derby was only made substantive in February, after a year of being interim. That’s odd. There’s an enquiry ongoing into 7 obs&gynae incidents. But I’m not sure it’s related.

The case has ended, just awaiting the decision, although the tribunal could be recalled if there’s significant new evidence. I’m not sure that a submission of “ we advertised a temporary post but she didn’t apply “ would make much difference, given the reported evidence.

The time for being so Machiavellian was before the recent hearing.

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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

And if he doesn’t it won’t confirm any of the conspiracy theories. Just that he’s moved on. There’s a fair degree of mobility for these roles.

I appreciate that - I used to work in the health service.   And it’s partly for that reason that I’m aware that Occam’s Razor isn’t always the answer.   Sadly.

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GPs work long hours and endure a lot of responsibility and pressure. Under any circumstances when the Chief Executive of Manx Care feels compelled to go public about a lack of trust between their organisation and their ‘partners’ i.e. the Island’s GPs, it is time to get out the proverbial worry beads. The implication of her ‘plea’ is that something (more likely a combination of things) is going terribly wrong - we can only conjecture about the possible causes. E.g., is it the staff shortages, is it the paperwork and the targets they have been set? Or maybe it is simply that our GPs have been raising their concerns with Manx Care and those concerns have either been ignored and/or Manx Care do not have the capacity/resources to effectively respond to them? It appears that in the past the prevailing practice in IOM Treasury was to sign off expenditures without looking too closely ‘under the hood’ of cost-benefit analysis in business cases, etc. The obvious cases in point are Douglas Prom and Liverpool ferry terminal (and possibly the ferries themselves, time will tell). But more recently, under the ‘new management’ it seems that every request for 'additional' essential spending such as healthcare is being heavily scrutinised…as if Treasury’s ‘computer’ has been programmed to say ‘No!’. Is that changed ‘financial scrutiny’ indirectly responsible for the frustrations GPs are feeling?

I know for a fact that some patients are by-passing the local health system altogether and are heading straight for private healthcare options in the UK. Whether this ‘export the problem’ stratagem is a cunning Manx Care plan to cut waiting lists is hard to say. If it is, eventually it will spectacularly backfire on the Island - because without a quality healthcare service less people will be willing to come here and more people will get fed up and leave. Having the IOMG as a largest employer is only possible if we have a vibrant and successful private sector. The IOMG must ensure that Manx Care does not undermine the attractiveness of the Island as a place to live/ work in the minds of the private sector. 

ETA: Needless to say, that it is a certainty that if GPs are struggling then patients will be suffering. If many more GPs step down and other GP surgeries close, the Island will be toast.

Edited by code99
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On 4/9/2023 at 1:01 PM, Two-lane said:


Does anyone understand the meaning of "Manx Care needs to work to gain the trust of the Island's GPs so they feel comfortable sharing when things aren't going well." ?

It is a means of answering using “positive” phrases.

After all, few are going  argue against the value of  “Trust”, “Sharing” , or further  in the interview,  “Openness and transparency’.

It deflects  focus away from why these basic principles are not already firmly established in the organisation, by promoting them  positively as laudable  aspirations.




Edited by hampsterkahn
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2 hours ago, asitis said:

I know two senior consultants personally, and neither has anything positive to say about Manx Care !

At least they will have control of the Ballasalla GP'S as they now run the practice, interesting times ahead !

Medical staff in UK are always complaining about NHS eg overworked, not enough staff , poor pay etc it just seems to be common 

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Tynwald nodded through the formation of Manx Care, a private organisation operating at arms-length from the IOMG/ DHSC, (perhaps) hoping this approach would enable them to avoid any responsibility for any future failures in healthcare services. The net result is that the IOMG including the IOM Health Minister has no direct influence over Manx Care’s performance, no matter how bad things get. They are now in the situation that all they/he/she can do is to blub out incoherent supine excuses and promises.

Once again, the GMP is bearing the brunt of Tynwald’s poor decision making and a paucity of vision. On doorsteps, prospective MHKs were only too eager to present themselves as supremely capable people who had fantastic ideas about the Island’s future. They were champions for open, transparent, and accountable government. But as soon as they got their little mitts on the leavers of political power they seemed to forget their sincere intentions, to lose a few IQ points and to start humming tunes along the lines of: ‘I am only one of many and there is nothing I can do, so I just go along with the others and what is expected of me’. Suddenly they also discover the value of bringing in highly paid smug consultants to lead the way/ tell the IOMG what to do… ‘we have consulted the real experts; we can all afford to relax because now we are in safe hands.’ This is the same strategy they used to create Manx Care – maximum outsourcing leading to minimum personal control and responsibility. This pattern of behaviours shows how pathetic and fragile our political system has become. Until the ‘system’ changes, nothing here will get fundamentally better.

My biggest concern is that some exigent event(s) will come along which changes everything in ways residents will not like and the IOMG will not be able to deal with that event(s). Draining the National Insurance Fund is not a responsible long-term solution.

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16 hours ago, Two-lane said:

Cope has been on the payroll since December 2020 - not far off 2.5 years. Not too impressive.

As long as politicians buy the 'legacy problems' excuse, there's no need to take responsibility for the current state of the hospital

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8 minutes ago, Dr. Grumpy said:

As long as politicians buy the 'legacy problems' excuse, there's no need to take responsibility for the current state of the hospital

Personally always had excellent medical care from nobles, an elderly relative had cataracts done and had nothing but praise for treatment she received & her sight is so much better.

Perhaps some would like to try getting treatment in UK especially over next 4 days & compare service!

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