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Todays shitstorm on the NPM is the discussion by ManxCare ………….. WhoCares? of the introduction of charges to visit both GPS and A&E, and charges for other services. This information has come into the public domain via a FOI request.

Be prepared to watch Hooperman squirm with embarrassment now when he is questioned. I don’t think he has the true courage of his conviction as a successor of Peter Karran, Hooperman is a yes man, which is why CM Cannan likes him. Personally I can afford charges eg £10 per visit etc, or refundable charging. Lots can’t. 

IOMG/DHSC will no doubt whinge that there are no plans to charge, but with this published by FOI request discussion document, these proposals will get put into practice. Whether they help to resolve the issues which Manx Care……….Who Cares? are experiencing is another matter? 

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Cannan is really giving Quayle a run for his money at being the most incompetent chief minister the island has ever known. Also the mhks being the biggest bunch of ass licking nodding donkeys it has been my misfortune to witness. Have any of there ground breaking schemes come to be any help to the gmp. I think not. 

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Will charges be the solution to the crisises within ManxCare ……….no. You can be guaranteed that to implement these charges, a new army legion of civil servants will be recruited to administer. Will a civil servant be on due at A&E approaching those patients for their admission charge? No money, no treatment? What about TT or motorsports provision? GPS surgeries, how will they collect the charge  - payment up front? 

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2 minutes ago, Dirty Buggane said:

Cannan is really giving Quayle a run for his money at being the most incompetent chief minister the island has ever known. Also the mhks being the biggest bunch of ass licking nodding donkeys it has been my misfortune to witness. Have any of there ground breaking schemes come to be any help to the gmp. I think not. 

I have no problem with charging for attendance at GPS with it being refunded. I have an issue with charging for A&E which is out of order. Cannan is really Quayle Lite. Both were useless, and devoid of original thought. I also expect radio silence from MHKs Sarah Maltby and Joney Faragher, both of whom nicely ensconced on the gravy train. 

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23 hours ago, code99 said:

Tynwald nodded through the formation of Manx Care, a private organisation operating at arms-length from the IOMG/ DHSC, (perhaps) hoping this approach would enable them to avoid any responsibility for any future failures in healthcare services. The net result is that the IOMG including the IOM Health Minister has no direct influence over Manx Care’s performance, no matter how bad things get. They are now in the situation that all they/he/she can do is to blub out incoherent supine excuses and promises.

Once again, the GMP is bearing the brunt of Tynwald’s poor decision making and a paucity of vision. On doorsteps, prospective MHKs were only too eager to present themselves as supremely capable people who had fantastic ideas about the Island’s future. They were champions for open, transparent, and accountable government. But as soon as they got their little mitts on the leavers of political power they seemed to forget their sincere intentions, to lose a few IQ points and to start humming tunes along the lines of: ‘I am only one of many and there is nothing I can do, so I just go along with the others and what is expected of me’. Suddenly they also discover the value of bringing in highly paid smug consultants to lead the way/ tell the IOMG what to do… ‘we have consulted the real experts; we can all afford to relax because now we are in safe hands.’ This is the same strategy they used to create Manx Care – maximum outsourcing leading to minimum personal control and responsibility. This pattern of behaviours shows how pathetic and fragile our political system has become. Until the ‘system’ changes, nothing here will get fundamentally better.

My biggest concern is that some exigent event(s) will come along which changes everything in ways residents will not like and the IOMG will not be able to deal with that event(s). Draining the National Insurance Fund is not a responsible long-term solution.

The Mandate clarifies what Manx Care should deliver.



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As profligate administrations have blown all the islands cash, this comes as no surprise. Another great advert for relocate IOM. Perhaps they should start a department advising people who are intertwined with the islands community how to extricate themselves and leave ?

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27 minutes ago, Moghrey Mie said:

The Mandate clarifies what Manx Care should deliver.



Thank you for posting the link.

I have seen something similar before. However, the point I am making is not about what Manx Care should deliver it is about what they are actually delivering, and when they don't deliver quality services - what can be done about it? My overall impression is that DHSC/ the Health Minister have no legal powers to impose any solutions/ accountability on Manx Care, especially in the short-term. IMHO, it is the Health Minister and the IOMG who should be accountable to the GMP for providing healthcare services. They, as our elected representatives, should not be shirking their responsibilities to a private organisation consisting of unelected bureaucrats.

Charging patients for GP and A&E appointments would not go down well with ordinary Manx people who are already struggling with the cost-of-living crisis. To levy charges on people with poor health and with little financial means would be completely against any historical NHS practices here or in the UK, and would also act as a significant deterrent for anyone thinking about moving here.

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14 minutes ago, code99 said:

Thank you for posting the link.

I have seen something similar before. However, the point I am making is not about what Manx Care should deliver it is about what they are actually delivering, and when they don't deliver quality services - what can be done about it? My overall impression is that DHSC/ the Health Minister have no legal powers to impose any solutions/ accountability on Manx Care, especially in the short-term. IMHO, it is the Health Minister and the IOMG who should be accountable to the GMP for providing healthcare services. They, as our elected representatives, should not be shirking their responsibilities to a private organisation consisting of unelected bureaucrats.

Charging patients for GP and A&E appointments would not go down well with ordinary Manx people who are already struggling with the cost-of-living crisis. To levy charges on people with poor health and with little financial means would be completely against any historical NHS practices here or in the UK, and would also act as a significant deterrent for anyone thinking about moving here.

Where there are medical issues as a direct result in lifestyle issues, such as dietary matters, bmi and overweight, perhaps there should be carrot and stick, education and assistance to bring the condition under control. To say we are going to charge or possibly refuse treatment is draconian. There must be other ways.

Look in the Manx newspapers, ManxCare spend a fortune on drug addiction programs, alcohol and drug dependency off island courses, which are expensive. Some fail and are repeat offenders in the criminal justice system. It’s not a good optic whereby some get treatment whilst others wait for eternity for treatment when their condition is not a result of lifestyle choices. 

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14 minutes ago, code99 said:

Thank you for posting the link.

I have seen something similar before. However, the point I am making is not about what Manx Care should deliver it is about what they are actually delivering, and when they don't deliver quality services - what can be done about it? My overall impression is that DHSC/ the Health Minister have no legal powers to impose any solutions/ accountability on Manx Care, especially in the short-term. IMHO, it is the Health Minister and the IOMG who should be accountable to the GMP for providing healthcare services. They, as our elected representatives, should not be shirking their responsibilities to a private organisation consisting of unelected bureaucrats.

Charging patients for GP and A&E appointments would not go down well with ordinary Manx people who are already struggling with the cost-of-living crisis. To levy charges on people with poor health and with little financial means would be completely against any historical NHS practices here or in the UK, and would also act as a significant deterrent for anyone thinking about moving here.

Does this mean we can stop paying the portion of tax and NI that pays for these services at the moment? Or maybe there should be an option that you only pay if you are seen by a GP within 3 working days and 3 hours in A&E?

As for charging for parking, what is it for? If it is to discourage commuter parking then impose a 4 hour limit. Better yet print a QR or barcode on the appointment letter that you can leave in the window of your car which would validate the day and date of the appointment as being current.

Or is this the usual with our Government just another cash grab as usual?

When they mentioned no ops over a BMI of 30 (bet that wouldn't apply to any MHK's or the ilk), then how about smokers, drug users, acoholics etc.

Why should A&E treat someone who overdoses for free? You could even extend it to those who participate in 'risky activities' as they said with the UK junior doctors strike.


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On MR this morning it was said that every department had been charged with stating how they could cost cut if they had to, these suggestions were put forward by Manx Care not as a prospective way they were thinking of proceeding but if things got really tough , as if they weren’t already, what they would consider to be the way forward to cost cut.     These were in no way proposals just ways to make savings if it became necessary.   This was on the news and was possibly just a soothing message before the natives became restless.   On the same bulletin Thomas is now back tracking on the 15 minute airport crap due to feedback, he says.    It just shows that making a fuss does sometimes have an impact.

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