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You would say they all need emptying, problem is the actual force behind all of these farce's is the civil service. Who are looking to distract people from the cause of all our woe's. The  actual assholes whom are really creating all the red tape and largesse of the money wasted. Show me a civil servant and I will show you a tinpot despot who's only interest is his own climb up the slippery pole by any means to greater renumeration and pension. Who will fight tooth and nail against any reforms sent his way, and don't get another civil servant from across to do reforms get a Beeching to come in and axe 63% of the head count from the top down. You can't kill a snake by cutting its tail off.

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22 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

On MR this morning it was said that every department had been charged with stating how they could cost cut if they had to, these suggestions were put forward by Manx Care not as a prospective way they were thinking of proceeding but if things got really tough , as if they weren’t already, what they would consider to be the way forward to cost cut.     These were in no way proposals just ways to make savings if it became necessary.   This was on the news and was possibly just a soothing message before the natives became restless.   On the same bulletin Thomas is now back tracking on the 15 minute airport crap due to feedback, he says.    It just shows that making a fuss does sometimes have an impact.

True. If you also float the idea and promoted regularly, whilst it can viewed as a scare tactic, then when it gets used, it won’t seem as much of a surprise. The trouble is IOMG control the agenda, the public won’t know the true extent of Department budget overspending or deficits, they tell the public very little.

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The foi requester has published the details here.  Not sure why the image quality is so poor.


Cease surgical procedures on patients with a bmi over 30?  This feels very dystopian.  How much would this save?  BMI doesn't consider muscle mass so any body builders requiring surgery would be rejected?


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28 minutes ago, cissolt said:

The foi requester has published the details here.  Not sure why the image quality is so poor.


Cease surgical procedures on patients with a bmi over 30?  This feels very dystopian.  How much would this save?  BMI doesn't consider muscle mass so any body builders requiring surgery would be rejected?


The risks for those with high BMI are much greater & dont NHS operate something similar for elective surgery?

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2 hours ago, Banker said:

Some information around budget setting has got the Facebook warriors in full cry!!


This looks like its going to be a “Yes Minister”  episode.

 The politicians want a Dept to make savings and economies and insist a reluctant Dept to come up with options.

The Dept.provides options of: 1.no change,2. minimal changes;3. change with increase in budget; and finally 4. - a hugely radical change.

The Dept. predicts that option 1. will be immediately rejected, and the resulting furore will be focused on no. 4. and  indeed after emotive speeches   from all quarters it is condemned by all politicians  as to do otherwise would amount to political suicide.

As the dust settles, a compromise between  option 2 and 3 look more attractive.



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41 minutes ago, Banker said:

The risks for those with high BMI are much greater & dont NHS operate something similar for elective surgery?

Not sure on the NHS policy.  My comment is more on using the BMI as an indicator, which doesn't take into account muscle mass v fat.

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3 hours ago, code99 said:

My overall impression is that DHSC/ the Health Minister have no legal powers to impose any solutions/ accountability on Manx Care, especially in the short-term.

Yes they do - they have the power to issue directions.  It was covered way up this thread IIRC, but I don't have time to track it down!

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2 hours ago, hissingsid said:

On MR this morning it was said that every department had been charged with stating how they could cost cut if they had to, these suggestions were put forward by Manx Care not as a prospective way they were thinking of proceeding but if things got really tough , as if they weren’t already, what they would consider to be the way forward to cost cut.     These were in no way proposals just ways to make savings if it became necessary.   This was on the news and was possibly just a soothing message before the natives became restless.   On the same bulletin Thomas is now back tracking on the 15 minute airport crap due to feedback, he says.    It just shows that making a fuss does sometimes have an impact.

We should be making a fuss about many more things. 

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50 minutes ago, cissolt said:

Not sure on the NHS policy.  My comment is more on using the BMI as an indicator, which doesn't take into account muscle mass v fat.

You're right.  However, of all the patients with a BMI of over 30 I've operated on, I can't think of a single body builder/Rugby Prop/Olympic rower.  BMI is not perfect, but it is a pretty good indicator of if someone is carrying too much weight for their height.

The average BMI of my hip replacement patients is 29 (national joint registry data).  If a 30 cutoff was introduced therefore about 45% of my patients would be ineligible.  The BMI profile of some of my colleagues' patients is even higher. In the UK the median BMI of knee replacement patients is 30.

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36 minutes ago, Banker said:

Which apart from anything else shows that he doesn't understand how FoI works.  Someone asked for a particular document, then the Treasury are supposed to divulge that document as it was, not like how the Minister would like it to appear today.  Anyway here it is:

Appendix A - Manx Care Financial Plan.pdf

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10 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:


It just goes to show that there's a major disconnect between DHSC, MC and Treasury (who are the ones driving all of these so-called cuts). 

There's been a few of these now where the Chief Execs/Ministers kick off about FOI responses being incorrect or misleading.


If you have a skim of the FOI response portal it is somewhat understandable however, the volume of FOIs is now huge (last 6 months of 2022 was ~400, around 3 a day) and across a big variety of topics looking for 'gotchas' across topics from Ranson to UFOs, all the while driving an increased number of admin bureaucrats scrambling to put these together.

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