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54 minutes ago, Petefella said:

I wouldn’t believe anything Ashie says to be honest. 

Agree totally , its either tells a few white lies or he's a lying bastard . Mmmm now which do I think he is ! Lettergate anyone ?? . Throw in the friend who had covid 4 times and you get the picture .

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Just now, Numbnuts said:

Agree titally , its either tells a few white lies or he's a lying bastard . Mmmm now which do I think he is ! Lettergate anyone ?? . Throw in the friend who had covid 4 times and you get the picture .

He was in the year below me at school. He’s always been an Inbetweeners style 40 year old briefcase w@nker. 

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I appreciate the hard work of the staff of DHSC and Manx Care, and like many other civil servants, there are many good hardworking and caring individuals as opposed to freeloading lazy self entitled idiots. 

What is troubling me is the Union Prospect that is threatening industrial action if it doesn’t get the pay rise it wants. Have Manx Care offered a pay rise or have Prospect thrown their toys out of the pram? Do Prospect represent the civil servant element of Manx Care? I always thought the medical staff were represented by the Royal College of Nursing and others, though I could be wrong.

Yes, they deserve a pay rise, but this island needs to be realistic and pay what it can afford. Remember if there is a large pay rise all round then the Manx Care budget could be reduced. 

Prospect knew full well that grandstanding and attention seeking at this time will get a few column inches and a mention on the NPM but threatening industrial action is out of order. Pay rise to nurses, frontline staff like healthcare auxiliaries and cleaners etc, but lowest pay rise to the civil servants who are well paid and work in better conditions. 

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It could get messy, look what happened with the teachers when their unions, I believe there were five of them, got involved, I am still uncertain if that is settled.    This is what unions do when they are on a membership drive they flex their muscles.   I do think front line medical staff should be paid a fair wage but surely some discussion should be had before strike action is threatened.  I have the greatest admiration for all the people involved for caring for the sick and vulnerable.


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Yes DHSC/Manx Care staff deserve a pay rise, but they and others need to be realistic. Footstomping, tantrums, grandstanding and threats get you nowhere, and riles the public/taxpayers as well. Unless Prospect and their other Union Mates and ex Union leaders think that Ashy will roll over for tummy tickles, and kerching?

There are some employed by DHSC/Manx Care who should be grateful they are still in employment. If staff are truly unhappy, they are perfectly entitled to find another job, they will be missed. Should IOMG cave in to Prospects demands, it is likely, Prospect and other unions will then start on other Departments with the same tactics and threats. If money wasn’t squandered and frittered away, then maybe IOMG would be in a position to offer more generous salaries, which take cost of living into account. 

As a side issue, on the NPM today, ex MHK John Houghton who is in charge of the Hyperbaric Chamber, was commenting that charities are having a hard time, and there is a problem with generating revenue. Lack of Donations - no donations means lack of services. I think COVID has affected everyone, including many on here who have small businesses, or are one man bands. They are surviving on nothing - perhaps Prospect members may wish to donate some of their salaries to help other sectors of Manx Society. I am sure that the Prospect Union Boss is on a nice salary with perks. 

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The BMA tend to look after the Doctors, RCN for nurses though Unison and Unite are sometimes involved.

Prospect took over the old IOM Government Officers Association (GOA) a number of years ago with the arrival of Ms Angela Moffat, Bernie Moffat's daughter. GOA was primarily the recognised Trade Union for IOM Civil Servants for T&Cs and pay negotiations. Prospect, who cover all sorts of industries in the UK including football referees, pilots, the power engineering sector etc. then, under Angela's management started on the IOM to widen its net to cover other areas of government (i.e.non-civil service) and the private sector e.g. telecoms. When Angela Moffat left for Northern Ireland a couple of years ago, Mick Hewer, formerly of Unite I recall, took up the local Prospect reins.

The issue with any union negotiations is that rarely is strike action an opening gambit. It is obviously an option, but only after exhausting all other avenues, since if undertaken, leaves unions with the problem that if the employer does not capitulate what then? There needs to be a big union pot of money to pay the staff on strike and few unions have the funds to keep subsidising action that is not progressing.

Although, Prospect's General Secretary, Mike Clancy, is a scouser, I am unaware of him being a militant and instead someone who prefers to do proper negotiations. A well-educated man (Prospect gave him a sabbatical to do his MBA), Mike Clancy I suspect will be encouraging some local 'sabre rattling' going on while talks are being held informally in order to try and reach a settlement.

A number of years ago, each 1% pay rise cost the Manx economy roughly £1.5m, so unless the magic money tree has been found, I would expect the employer is being told by Treasury to keep settlements as low as possible and why talks have stalled, thus the threat of strike action.

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1 hour ago, Galen said:

The BMA tend to look after the Doctors, RCN for nurses though Unison and Unite are sometimes involved.

Prospect took over the old IOM Government Officers Association (GOA) a number of years ago with the arrival of Ms Angela Moffat, Bernie Moffat's daughter. GOA was primarily the recognised Trade Union for IOM Civil Servants for T&Cs and pay negotiations. Prospect, who cover all sorts of industries in the UK including football referees, pilots, the power engineering sector etc. then, under Angela's management started on the IOM to widen its net to cover other areas of government (i.e.non-civil service) and the private sector e.g. telecoms. When Angela Moffat left for Northern Ireland a couple of years ago, Mick Hewer, formerly of Unite I recall, took up the local Prospect reins.

The issue with any union negotiations is that rarely is strike action an opening gambit. It is obviously an option, but only after exhausting all other avenues, since if undertaken, leaves unions with the problem that if the employer does not capitulate what then? There needs to be a big union pot of money to pay the staff on strike and few unions have the funds to keep subsidising action that is not progressing.

Although, Prospect's General Secretary, Mike Clancy, is a scouser, I am unaware of him being a militant and instead someone who prefers to do proper negotiations. A well-educated man (Prospect gave him a sabbatical to do his MBA), Mike Clancy I suspect will be encouraging some local 'sabre rattling' going on while talks are being held informally in order to try and reach a settlement.

A number of years ago, each 1% pay rise cost the Manx economy roughly £1.5m, so unless the magic money tree has been found, I would expect the employer is being told by Treasury to keep settlements as low as possible and why talks have stalled, thus the threat of strike action.

The same NPM report was on IOMNP Facebook page, needless to say all the usual suspects and Manx Trade Union, Manx ex Trade Union have all commented and given their views, another pasting for the Treasury. You maybe right about the stalling of talks, to threaten industrial action, whilst the island is affected by the pandemic, and potentially there may be no TT this year. The Unions priorities it seem is to bully and threaten as it’s negotiating tactic. Perhaps they may want to strike during TT, if Prospect think they are hard enough? Personally I think they haven’t got the guts to follow through on their threats. 

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Nurses and medics DON'T deserve a pay rise here.

They have not had to cope like they had to in the UK last year, in fact they had less to do than normal as they stopped normal work and waited for a Covid rush that never came.

Hard but true.

I say this having talked at length to a consultant in the UK who felt the pain of very nearly 1,000 patients die under his care due to Covid.

They don't know they are born here.

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I heard one instance today of someone having surgery delayed because non-urgent surgery has been cancelled.  This is after several surgeries to fix an issue, without success, but this final op is off, despite having a date in mid November.

What is going on, really, and I mean, really?

I had a regular consultant appointment a couple of weeks ago.  The majority of the time was spent in him trying to access my blood results because he was not familiar with the system.  The condition is blood related and he gave a revised treatment plan, but no time to look at the wider monitored levels or if the blood results gave other areas of concern- it can have disastrous, fatal effects on liver, heart and spleen. 

My confidence in our health care is dwindling, not because of the ability of the medics but on the framework around them to deliver.


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I agree Gladys, and I am sure the problems with Nobles started a decade ago and have been escalating ever since.    Covid has not helped but it is my belief that the root cause goes deep and successive Health Ministers have not been able to fix it.   It is a very worrying situation with no easy solution.

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8 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

I agree Gladys, and I am sure the problems with Nobles started a decade ago and have been escalating ever since.    Covid has not helped but it is my belief that the root cause goes deep and successive Health Ministers have not been able to fix it.   It is a very worrying situation with no easy solution.

My belief is most health ministers have  ignored it.  Put in the too hard pile for too long.  I have never had an issue with the medical care, but the framework around them is woeful and that will impact on the medical care. 

Not sure where that puts us in the threat of strike action. 

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