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36 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

I wonder what would happen if we got rid of the whole damn lot of them along with their 'mission statements' and the rest of the buggery bollocks invented to put more people at the top.

I trained as a nurse many years ago and, around 1973/4/5 all these changes were just stating to come in where instead of a staff sister, (number 7), matron and a hospital manager overseeing everything, more and more policies were being introduced that required more and more people at the top to oversee them.

As nurses on the wards, the first indication of this change was that, day to day, less time was allocated to the patients and more time was allocated to filling out forms. Every single one of us thought it was a bad move and most of us (including me) left, never to return because it took us away from the very job that we signed up to. There was a lot of sadness and a lot of descent at that time and the NHS lost a lot of extremely good and contentious nurses.

No one listened, it was like everyone at the top was on a mission to destroy the fundamentals of care, while at same time, writing more and more policies about that very thing and those policies and targets required more and more management to oversee them with us at the bottom spending or time filling in forms. I loved being a nurse. I felt it was my calling and I was really sad to leave but I couldn't carry on seeing patients becoming numbers rather than human beings.

Then I became a teacher and I loved that too and then Mission Statements and the National Curriculum came in and the whole thing went the same way as nursing, with a mass exodus of all the best teachers who had already been doing an excellent job that covered the national curriculum anyway without needing to fill in loads of boxes every night.

Anyway, Monday morning musings. I seem to have written a blog. I don't care.

But still - if, overnight, every single one of them disappeared - would it really be worse? 

I don't think so.

It’s the system/process now same with GPS who are always complaining of paperwork/red tape, similar in other professions etc with H&S / green requirements 

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On 4/16/2023 at 10:26 AM, wrighty said:

Manx Radio misinterpretation, or missing the space between 5 and 2.  If you add the numbers waiting, it's clear that there are 5 "two week referrals" in the list of 1819 patients.  Two week referrals are a special class of urgent referrals that have to be seen within 2 weeks as they're a suspected cancer, and the hospital is not allowed to downgrade the referral to either urgent or routine without the express consent of the referrer.

looks like they have amended it: https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/year-long-wait-to-get-ent-appointment/

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The CI’s and IOM’s difficulties with recruiting healthcare staff stem from global shortages and fierce competition for talent - worker shortages do not only apply to medical professionals, but they are also occurring in many other professions where skills are essential. Additionally, over the last 13 years, the Tories in the UK have actively undermined the NHS. The fateful decision on 23 June 2016 preordained our (the UK/IOM/CIs) current woes would get worse. European medical professionals are being put off by the UK post-Brexit visa malarkey. ‘We’ now look further afield to places like Africa, Asia and South America to find doctors and nurses - and deprive their communities of their desperately needed skills. The fact of the matter is that the UK (and by association the IOM/CIs) are contributing to worsening health conditions in some of the world’s poorest countries.

IMHO, if the IOM were to go down the same route as the CIs i.e., charging patients for basic healthcare without making major reforms to the tax system (that make the rich pay more) the current ‘cost-of-living crisis’ will deepen into a ‘poverty crisis’ and for inequality and poverty on the IOM to return to levels that have not existed for decades. The problem though is that taxing the rich will not be easy - some, especially those who consider themselves to be ‘citizens of nowhere’ will ‘cut and run’ with their dosh to Dubai, Monaco, Belize, etc, etc.

I blame the last decade of politicians – these people were the custodians of taxpayers’ money. The current cohort of politicians must stop hiding behind civil servants and step up where their predecessors have failed. Some kind of ‘Emergency Act’ like what Ireland was forced to do in the aftermath of the 2007-08 Financial Crisis may need to be considered. Spoiler Alert - if this type of legislation was passed, in the interests of ‘equity’ and ‘fair play’ MHKs’ salaries and pensions must also be whacked. 

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It’s a conundrum. The last thing I think anyone wants to see is charging for visits to the GP.

However there are those who will go to their GP at the drop of a hat, when there is nothing wrong with them. 
Most people will know some hypochondriac who swears there is something wrong with them if they ( or more usually their child) sneezes or coughs.

These people take up valuable GP’s time and as a result getting an appointment is harder than getting a ticket for the Eurovision final in Liverpool this year.

Not sure what the answer is. Would the imposition of such charges deter those hypochondriacs? ( probably not if they had enough money or were convinced their ailment was real) 

And you run the risk of those without money, but with genuine need being deterred from seeking a GP appointment. 

So reluctantly , on balance , I think we have to live with the way things are.


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These days you do not get an appointment at the drop of a hat .   If you ring up for an emergency appointment you get triaged on the phone by a receptionist and if you said you had a cold you would be directed to a pharmacist as a first call or perhaps offered a telephone appointment.    

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16 hours ago, Banker said:

Jersey now c£60 to see a GP & they’re struggling to attract doctors as well!


I'd look at my neighbours - on the sick with addiction issues, parties every night - I'd look at me, diligently going to work every day, ligament damage to my shoulder etc etc, paying my rent, paying my kids through uni, paying school dinners, paying this, paying that, no holiday pay, paying through the nose to see a doctor (I've been 3 times in 15 yrs, but you get my drift) - and think, 'why do I bother?*'


* Because I'm not a parasite is the answer, because I believe in taking responsibility.



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This drip, drip of information we are getting regarding possible steps that Manx Care is taking to make revenue…..could it be they are just hustling so the public will be shouting for them to get more funding.    I think that they should get a much bigger slice of the pie, always have done, health is so important and affects everyone.   The latest bit of news is a question in the paper, only got the headline that they were considering stopping the Meds service.   Now this would be a big mistake because it would obviously put more pressure on the A&E Dept which is currently stretched.   The reason will be given as saving money.   The other thing I was wondering about is will they charge to park in the overflow car park ?  Do they pay rent to the clubs or is it the other way around ?

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Not sure what is going on with the waiting list which I have been on for almost a year. Received a letter from the appointment waiting list validation team with a form to fill out asking if I still wanted to stay on the list! If I don't fill the form out ASAP within two weeks I will then be put on a new patient waiting list which will be reviewed in due course!! There is a phone number to ring but it is a voicemail service and someone will get back to you!!!!

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5 minutes ago, Zulu said:

Not sure what is going on with the waiting list which I have been on for almost a year. Received a letter from the appointment waiting list validation team with a form to fill out asking if I still wanted to stay on the list! If I don't fill the form out ASAP within two weeks I will then be put on a new patient waiting list which will be reviewed in due course!! There is a phone number to ring but it is a voicemail service and someone will get back to you!!!!


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1 hour ago, hissingsid said:

This drip, drip of information we are getting regarding possible steps that Manx Care is taking to make revenue…..could it be they are just hustling so the public will be shouting for them to get more funding.    I think that they should get a much bigger slice of the pie, always have done, health is so important and affects everyone.   The latest bit of news is a question in the paper, only got the headline that they were considering stopping the Meds service.   Now this would be a big mistake because it would obviously put more pressure on the A&E Dept which is currently stretched.   The reason will be given as saving money.   The other thing I was wondering about is will they charge to park in the overflow car park ?  Do they pay rent to the clubs or is it the other way around ?

As far as I know IOMG owns all the land & the clubs will pay rent, although Offshore Manc once argued it wasn’t an overflow car park even though there’s a sign saying it is. They haven’t said they’re going to charge for parking only considering it as part of fund raising/money saving.

Basically they need £40m more to do what they’re being asked to do so we need to raise NI/taxes

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