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If there is ever a sign that the civil service are out of control and the only service it is interested in is its own. I for one believe we have no option but to go cap in hand to the English Parliament and say we have a problem that we cannot solve by our selves and need someone who is impartial to Manx politics and policy's to help solve it. Can you help.

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10 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

That's an obscene amount of money...3 yrs salary plus costs or something might have been more appropriate.

But that’s what happens when you allow people to press the litigation button. It could probably have been settled under a compromise agreement for a hell of a lot less but they let it go to court under the mistaken belief that they were ‘right’ and that they would bury her in the process because they are so ‘right’. Likely based on incredibly poor and less than impartial legal advice. Then they lost and these are the sort of damages you end up paying when you spectacularly lose litigation you shouldn’t have engaged in, in the first place. 

Edited by offshoremanxman
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3 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

She was back in UK at the time of these hearings, why would she have engaged local (IoM) counsel?

One might have thought that local counsel from within the local system would have suggested to her that her attendance was mandatory? JW? 

I'm not making myself clear. I wasn't suggesting that she engaged local counsel. Perhaps that was the 'advice' given and that advice came from here. It was certainly convenient, and not just for her.

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From para 353 onwards there are some eyeball-rolling comments - this is just one:

" It is however inexcusable for a
Chief Executive such as Miss Magson to mislead both the Tribunal and Dr Ranson. The
case on liability was fought tooth and nail by the DHSC on a false basis to the
substantial detriment of Dr Ranson and at the expense of taxpayers on the Isle of Man."

Note that it was fought by the DHSC - a group of people who, presumably, are still employed and paid by the taxpayer.

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We should be sending the bill to Magson who, I note, has removed all reference to the Isle of Man from her LinkedIn.

However NHS trust management in the UK is also full of bullies, although they tend to get the General Medical Council and Health Care Professions Council to do their dirty work for them. So none of this is particular to the Isle of Man.

Edited by Ringy Rose
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5 hours ago, wrighty said:

Who should resign?

Who was in charge when the concocted documents were submitted? Lawrie signed off on the expol investigation and should resign for that attempt to obfuscate the facts from the tribunal.

Will Dan Davis also be in the firing line? Was it not him and the chief sec who overulled Dr Ranson presenting to COMIN in favour of a watered down version?

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1 hour ago, Banker said:

But can any action be taken against Magson & where is she now?

It’ll be tough.

She’s in Berkhamsted. A *very* leafy part of the world.

1 hour ago, Non-Believer said:

our "player on the global stage" Government had no way of enforcing otherwise

What are they going to do, send Mossad in to retrieve her?

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