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22 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

To add,

If there's one thing that's come out of this that may be seen as positive, it's the the AG's office have had an extremely sharp lesson in learning that they can't run roughshod over things as they once did. They seem to have this god given vision of themselves as untouchable. I think they fully expected their appeals to be upheld. That they weren't is perhaps the one bit of good news to come out of this sorry tale.


Well one of their officers ended up with the appeal named after them didn't they?

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Its about time that the whole of the civil service and government officials were subject to an external inspection. Not by some tame half pissed lord who for the right price will tell you what you want to hear. And then  throw in a couple of area's of could do better, just to muddy the waters. And this should also include any one found to be wanting facing court charges and if found guilty summary prosecution and loss of job and pension rights.

I will not hold my breath.  

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We basically spend 4 years moaning about the ineptitude of our elected officials - and then we go and elect the same shower again.   As an electorate, we don't turn out in high enough numbers to REALLY make a difference.    The prospect of having snouts pulled out of the trough may help to encourage some to work FOR the people instead of just collecting a fat salary and making the odd comment that makes them seem 'in touch'.   

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14 minutes ago, Blackajah said:

We basically spend 4 years moaning about the ineptitude of our elected officials - and then we go and elect the same shower again.   As an electorate, we don't turn out in high enough numbers to REALLY make a difference.    The prospect of having snouts pulled out of the trough may help to encourage some to work FOR the people instead of just collecting a fat salary and making the odd comment that makes them seem 'in touch'.   

the CS turn out and vote to the last man to maintain the status quo 

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Apart from the cost of the  settlement, there is another  very high hidden cost to the Island which is impossible  to put an figure on, but  real and damaging: 

There was extensive coverage in various medical publications about this case last year. These were  not “sensationalist” journalism  they were extensive, fair and factual.

They did not make very good reading.

Despite problems elsewhere in the NHS, reading such articles would be enough to make any medical professional at the very least  hesitate before applying for a job here.Many I suspect would just turn the page.

Following the settlement, it is easy to predict that in the next few days there will  be further articles, especially in the BMJ, as the BMA supported Dr Ranson and will broadcast it.

How can that reputational damage be repaired ?



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27 minutes ago, hampsterkahn said:

Apart from the cost of the  settlement, there is another  very high hidden cost to the Island which is impossible  to put an figure on, but  real and damaging: 

There was extensive coverage in various medical publications about this case last year. These were  not “sensationalist” journalism  they were extensive, fair and factual.

They did not make very good reading.

Despite problems elsewhere in the NHS, reading such articles would be enough to make any medical professional at the very least  hesitate before applying for a job here.Many I suspect would just turn the page.

Following the settlement, it is easy to predict that in the next few days there will  be further articles, especially in the BMJ, as the BMA supported Dr Ranson and will broadcast it.

How can that reputational damage be repaired ?



Good point.  Especially considering we are evidently struggling to attract medical professionals here already. 

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14 minutes ago, Two-lane said:


Whatever did we do before FOI was finally accepted.

For all the talk before of 'unless time wasting questions', without it being brought into play we would be left a lot further in the dark than we are now.

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28 minutes ago, hampsterkahn said:

Apart from the cost of the  settlement, there is another  very high hidden cost to the Island which is impossible  to put an figure on, but  real and damaging: 

There was extensive coverage in various medical publications about this case last year. These were  not “sensationalist” journalism  they were extensive, fair and factual.

They did not make very good reading.

Despite problems elsewhere in the NHS, reading such articles would be enough to make any medical professional at the very least  hesitate before applying for a job here.Many I suspect would just turn the page.

Following the settlement, it is easy to predict that in the next few days there will  be further articles, especially in the BMJ, as the BMA supported Dr Ranson and will broadcast it.

How can that reputational damage be repaired ?



Not just about this case. Remember the other one about the anaesthetists. Add to that all the other issues at Manx care (still haven’t sorted pension, higher workload here for GPs, etc, etc) and you can see the whole thing is primarily set up to keep civil servants busy and not provide efficient services. 

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29 minutes ago, hampsterkahn said:

Apart from the cost of the  settlement, there is another  very high hidden cost to the Island which is impossible  to put an figure on, but  real and damaging: 

There was extensive coverage in various medical publications about this case last year. These were  not “sensationalist” journalism  they were extensive, fair and factual.

They did not make very good reading.

Despite problems elsewhere in the NHS, reading such articles would be enough to make any medical professional at the very least  hesitate before applying for a job here.Many I suspect would just turn the page.

Following the settlement, it is easy to predict that in the next few days there will  be further articles, especially in the BMJ, as the BMA supported Dr Ranson and will broadcast it.

How can that reputational damage be repaired ?



I've often used this very thing as an 'excuse' to explain away some of government's more toxic behaviours. Our 'standing' on the world stage and how important that standing is to our ongoing economic development and why they might wish to hide many of the worst of the news to protect it.

But, there's only so much they can hide and only so many times they can do it.

You're right, this will hit us hard in a situation where it's already difficult to recruit quality staff.

The tragedy is that it's all so avoidable, 

Do you ever think that someone 'up there' would consider that things could be a lot easier of they just used the existing protocols to ensure their government colleagues just didn't fuck things up in the first place and then try to hide it afterwards  so that these cover ups wouldn't be necessary?

Naive, I know, but still...


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9 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

Not just about this case. Remember the other one about the anaesthetists. Add to that all the other issues at Manx care (still haven’t sorted pension, higher workload here for GPs, etc, etc) and you can see the whole thing is primarily set up to keep civil servants busy and not provide efficient services. 

so like DBC but on a larger scale then.

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1 hour ago, Amadeus said:

Not just about this case. Remember the other one about the anaesthetists. Add to that all the other issues at Manx care (still haven’t sorted pension, higher workload here for GPs, etc, etc) and you can see the whole thing is primarily set up to keep civil servants busy and not provide efficient services. 

Add in the Abbotswood debacle and it shows either gross incompetence or corruption at the highest levels of gov.  AG, chief sec, Ashford, Alf and Howard all involved

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8 minutes ago, cissolt said:

Add in the Abbotswood debacle and it shows either gross incompetence or corruption at the highest levels of gov.  AG, chief sec, Ashford, Alf and Howard all involved

yes, it's power trip central in the wedding cake.

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1 hour ago, offshoremanxman said:

Yes but at least you can still post about the most contentious still sub judice (there’s another court hearing in June) case the IOM has ever had despite IOM Newspapers banning comments yesterday

Good to know that the IOMG lawyer bods haven’t blocked us yet…

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