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7 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

OK,I can live with accusations of being a bad judge of character ( although I would deny it)

But the personal  nasty abuse I have received on here for putting forward an alternative view has not shown Manx Forums in a good light as being a debating chamber.


Yes there are a few like that I agree, however the debate is open to all so I guess that's sort of where we are.

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5 hours ago, Holte End said:

Don't forget Dr Allison was a member of Comin at the time too, Alf isn't the only one who remains silent. 

Allinson is another useless Minister who has been found wanting (ineffective and wishy washy, rather than string, clear and decisive and prepared to put himself on a limb). He like RR I would guess to be a member of the BMA. I can’t imagine the BMA would be impressed. 

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2 hours ago, cissolt said:

Dr Ranson made a whistle blowing complaint to Allanson.

And he did pass it on to the minister responsible as her concerns were that her opinions were not getting to Ashford, what else would you expect Allinson to do without the benefit of hindsight?

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The NPM this morning features the statement issued by RR through her union the BMA. The NPM also featured a news article regarding heritage bridges, with IOMG conceding there is no money. Hardly a surprise and it was another wish list and case of vested interests, civil servants and other bods deciding what’s more important. I’m afraid that with the RR settlement, IOMG needs to be looking at its budget, and making important decisions, sadly it’s not something that any of the current lot of politicos are prepared to make. 

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10 minutes ago, 2112 said:

The NPM this morning features the statement issued by RR through her union the BMA. The NPM also featured a news article regarding heritage bridges, with IOMG conceding there is no money. Hardly a surprise and it was another wish list and case of vested interests, civil servants and other bods deciding what’s more important. I’m afraid that with the RR settlement, IOMG needs to be looking at its budget, and making important decisions, sadly it’s not something that any of the current lot of politicos are prepared to make. 

The statement in full says: "This has been a traumatic few years. Doing my job to the best of my ability and fulfilling my professional obligations, meant that I personally paid a huge price. For me it is a tragedy that my 35-year career in medicine has come to an end through these circumstances. I was proud of my professional integrity, my resilience, and my strength to stand up for those that I protected through my work as a doctor. I had so much more to give and so much more that I wanted to achieve, but those hopes are at an end.

"My health has suffered, my reputation destroyed, my career shattered. I have lost my belief in essential human kindness because I have seen that the default position for many people was to protect their own personal interests, regardless of the consequences. When this behaviour extends to those who hold the most powerful of positions and in whom the public place their trust, then consequences must flow, action is needed, and the outcome of my Tribunal Hearing must not be the end.

"Whistleblowing has the power to stop, prevent and avoid wrongdoing, prevent harm, and save lives. These opportunities were not just lost at the time but the failures to act on all the concerns I raised have to date achieved none of these things. Wrongdoing has gone unchallenged; harm has occurred not just to me but to others and I believe that there was avoidable loss of life."

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23 minutes ago, BriT said:

"Whistleblowing has the power to stop, prevent and avoid wrongdoing, prevent harm, and save lives. These opportunities were not just lost at the time but the failures to act on all the concerns I raised have to date achieved none of these things. Wrongdoing has gone unchallenged; harm has occurred not just to me but to others and I believe that there was avoidable loss of life."

Who was Chair of the Public Service Commission at the time, they have oversight with whistleblowing. 

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9 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Returning to D Ashford whilst most on here seek to demonise him, he was part of a team that held Covid at bay, for some time. He did what he thought was right

David Ashford has only ever done what was right for David Ashford.

You are seriously misguided about his intent. If you are in any doubt about then read the report that led to his sacking,


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45 minutes ago, Banker said:

what else would you expect Allinson to do without the benefit of hindsight?

I would have expected that Allinson, with his previous experience of Health, would have recognised this as a serious report and would have done something more than to pass it on to the Minister in charge who was one of the main players in the bullying culture. Allinson knew. They all knew. He should have done better.

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30 minutes ago, BriT said:

The statement in full says: "This has been a traumatic few years. Doing my job to the best of my ability and fulfilling my professional obligations, meant that I personally paid a huge price. For me it is a tragedy that my 35-year career in medicine has come to an end through these circumstances. I was proud of my professional integrity, my resilience, and my strength to stand up for those that I protected through my work as a doctor. I had so much more to give and so much more that I wanted to achieve, but those hopes are at an end.

"My health has suffered, my reputation destroyed, my career shattered. I have lost my belief in essential human kindness because I have seen that the default position for many people was to protect their own personal interests, regardless of the consequences. When this behaviour extends to those who hold the most powerful of positions and in whom the public place their trust, then consequences must flow, action is needed, and the outcome of my Tribunal Hearing must not be the end.

"Whistleblowing has the power to stop, prevent and avoid wrongdoing, prevent harm, and save lives. These opportunities were not just lost at the time but the failures to act on all the concerns I raised have to date achieved none of these things. Wrongdoing has gone unchallenged; harm has occurred not just to me but to others and I believe that there was avoidable loss of life."

The statement Paul. M read out was 6 mins long. 

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Just now, Roxanne said:

I would have expected that Allinson, with his previous experience of Health, would have recognised this as a serious report and would have done something more than to pass it on to the Minister in charge who was one of the main players in the bullying culture. Allinson knew. They all knew. He should have done better.

Absolutely. It is extremely serious when the CMO beleives she is not being listened to. 

This all could so have been avoided if Magson has seen the conflict between  Dr E and Dr R bubblig away, stood in to get them working together and stood back to let Dr R lead the way instead of herself briefing Ministers. Step 1 in Leadership? 

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2 minutes ago, 747-400 said:

Absolutely. It is extremely serious when the CMO beleives she is not being listened to. 

This all could so have been avoided if Magson has seen the conflict between  Dr E and Dr R bubblig away, stood in to get them working together and stood back to let Dr R lead the way instead of herself briefing Ministers. Step 1 in Leadership? 

A CEO with a degree in music, a former radio presenter, a career civil servant, and a barman conspired to dismiss the medical advice of a team of experts. One of these is still employed in gov, will the axe fall?

It's a common theme, but magson aside, how many are in the lodge?


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