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6 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

I was also at that meeting. I saw that Allinson seated himself with the men in suits, and not with the people with problems. It was obvious where his allegiance lay. He spent an eternity saying nothing more than "Sorry" and "I'll get the trees pulled out of the river". I left after his speech - for me, it was just another nail in his reputational coffin.

The mood on the forum may be a bit sombre at the moment, but I have a request - if you intend to do a bit of public arse-ripping in the future, would you post a message here beforehand? I live in Ramsey where life is tedious - watching arse-ripping is pretty high on the list of things worth doing, but we don't get to see it too often.

Plenty of arse-ripping in Ramsey but I'd hesitate to recommend it...

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3 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Well apart from the fact he was Treasury Minister during the whole time Ranson was employed, an awful lot of the things being criticised, such as the pointless appeals, did happen when he was Chief Minister and he seems to have to been involved in some of those decisions. 

But even ignoring that, nearly a year ago he was making promises that there would be sweeping changes in civil service culture, when all that has actually happened is more committees and more thinking about bringing in yet more advisers.  Saying you're going to change things by going on exactly the same as before, but more so, isn't really convincing.

I think blaming the Chief Minister for this, will takeaway from the real political culprits. Any committee  finding, will need to appropriate political responsibility in this matter. If you take Mr Callisters behaviour to his then Members of Health ,It would appear this is not  just a civil servant cultural problem.

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1 minute ago, Andy Onchan said:

So COMIN didn't get a say it in? Pull the other one!

well, with my pedantic  happier diner hat on , comin may not officially have said what to do, but there is no proof they didn't unofficially  let it be known what they expected.

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2 minutes ago, Holte End said:

I think blaming the Chief Minister for this, will takeaway from the real political culprits. Any committee  finding, will need to appropriate political responsibility in this matter. If you take Mr Callisters behaviour to his then Members of Health ,It would appear this is not  just a civil servant cultural problem.

"Quis custodiet ipso custodes?"

Or, in the IOMG context, "who bullies the bullies?"

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36 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

So COMIN didn't get a say it in? Pull the other one!

If Mr Cannan didn't advise them to go ahead with the appeal,  Mr Callister appears not been copied into emails on the subject of the appeal from Mr Cannan to Manx Care, so I am guessing Mr Callister didn't , If the Minister was by passed, I can't see that they would have asked Comin for their views on the subject.. Hopefully this independent report will find out the truth, I guessing the Russians or the Chinese. 


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1 hour ago, Two-lane said:

I was also at that meeting. I saw that Allinson seated himself with the men in suits, and not with the people with problems. It was obvious where his allegiance lay. He spent an eternity saying nothing more than "Sorry" and "I'll get the trees pulled out of the river". I left after his speech - for me, it was just another nail in his reputational coffin.

It was dire. The government appointed a 'liaison officer', This officer went 'round everyone who had been affected and fed back to government what they major concerns and points were. Come the night of the meeting, everyone turned up fired up ready with their points and issues only to have Allinson in his opening speech (as heard by you) cover every single one of them, having been primed before hand. After you left, Andrew Smith got up and read from an 8 page script with a meticulous time stamp of every single same point that Allinson had previously just covered. He'd obviously spent a long time writing it and was determined to read it, no matter that all his points had just been covered. People were angsty, fed up and felt, quite rightly that Allinson had pissed on their chips.

That kind of set the scene. 



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1 hour ago, Two-lane said:


Only 26 secs. this time, but she does not say anything that is not already known and, more importantly, she does not say what she is going to do.

JPW was ‘elected’ first as a MLC and her expertise as an Employment Law specialist. Is she basing her observations purely on one tribunal case, or as others have said that bullying within the civil service is a serious issue? Is it also a case of closing the stable door after the horse has bolted. It is a shame that JPW is actually putting her ‘lawyer/politico’ hat on now, when COMIN have questions to answer. If JPW, Clare Barber, Ann Corlett and other MHKs devoted as much time to what has happened as a result of a tribunal, as they spent on other ‘pet’ issues, then maybe some action and a legacy will arise from the ashes of this tribunal. Personally i think vested interests will come into play.

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Why on earth didn't they just say who it was who took responsibility for giving the appeal the go ahead. This has now been going on for weeks. Surely they know that by fudging it, speculation is only going to build?

We know it wasn't AC. We know I wasn't RC. We know it wasn't the AG.

So who?

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