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8 minutes ago, interestedman said:

I think the issue here has been far more serious..Its the Medical director who has been silenced by management/ government.

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Doctors and nurses belong , ie are registered with, their  professional bodies, the GMC and the GNC respectively.

One form of bullying  is for management to threaten to report someone to their professional body if they do not basically toe the line or do as they are told, for instance being to change where / how they work - to accept unacceptable.This lever has been used  - on this Island.

This is a heavy blunt instrument as both the GMC and GNC will respond, perhaps even being rather trigger happy;there is  professional shame, reputational  damage and even  being reported can have negative career implications.

If there  is a suspension, they become effectively unemployable - anywhere.

The employer can say they are not firing them, they can conveniently say that “regrettably “ they can now no longer employ them…

Unfortunately it would appear  there is no registration system or professional body for management.

It would appear from recent experience, that they can leave a disaster behind then them, refuse to even attend a tribunal and take up a new post elsewhere or return to from where  they were seconded and only trouble to delete  mention of the appointment from their Linked in profile.

Edited by hampsterkahn
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It's the potential damage to health services on the Island that will have to be addressed. A lot of people in the profession who might have been interested in working here may not be so interested now after this little lot. This will obviously knock on to what is available to the population.

Best recruit some more civil servants to investigate and keep the population figure up...



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18 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

It's the potential damage to health services on the Island that will have to be addressed. A lot of people in the profession who might have been interested in working here may not be so interested now after this little lot. This will obviously knock on to what is available to the population.

Best recruit some more civil servants to investigate and keep the population figure up...



Sadly I feel thats the most likely thing they will do. Lets face it thats the only way they think they have when anything crops up. Probably job descriptions being drawn up as we speak… Funny that they never seem to monitor the management they have and a time and motion study would show interesting results I feel. Coal face workers in the main have so much respect for but above that….too many lazy unproductive staff and it seems a total inability to encompass any extra responsibility. 

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Is there any proof people died because she was ignored ?    The Government were frantically trying to get Islanders home before they closed the borders a lot of them students, it was a very scary time and giving them another week to let people return to the Island was a difficult one.    Was it the right one….who knows ?   

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25 minutes ago, asitis said:

Time for Tynwald to show some teeth if the powers exist for them to do so. The damage this has done and is doing to this island is unforgivable ! Worse we pay heavily for this shower of shit to achieve this.

And who writes the laws or draws up new ones. Our Tynwald members are totally in the AG’s and CS management’s pocket as tbh most in Tynwald haven’t the skill sets to even challenge policy’s never mind dream them up. Yes we pay heavily through salaries and pensions and on top of that multiple Consultants to bale them out. I always believed that managers and senior staff , CEO’s and the likes received there remuneration to make important decision’s but it seems clearly not… Some big decisions to be made in the short term but not convinced they will make the right ones. 

Edited by Numbnuts
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From the press conference video:

"at what level that happened it's difficult to say. you won't know unless you have a public inquiry and that
inquiry probably needs to be organized from off the island because you know independent inquiries are not always as
independent as they would would seem and you need to have a genuine exploration as to exactly what happened"

The proposal by Christian for a Select Committee of Tynwald members is just not acceptable. The Professor is right - it has to be done by an off-island committee.

Not to mention the probability that this malaise is not restricted to the health service part of Government.

That video has such a strong message that the Chief Minster, in fact every MHK, should comment on it. Unlikely.

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32 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

Is there any proof people died because she was ignored ?    The Government were frantically trying to get Islanders home before they closed the borders a lot of them students, it was a very scary time and giving them another week to let people return to the Island was a difficult one.    Was it the right one….who knows ?   

Two to three week delay, while govt was on radio silence.  Remember the COVID triage trailer that appeared?

No quarantine or testing on return, imagine if it had been ebola like?  Civil servants overruling a panel of medical professionals during a pandemic is inexcusable.  We had enough warnings from Italy for God sake.

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To sum up what the guy from  the BMA said-

"it is shocking that people died unnecessarily because of her being ignored"

Or more correctly, they took advice from someone off island with no input from the islands GPs which VERY important part in this sad state of events has been mostly missed in a lot of this.

(The top Dr in Ramsey was thanked by Dr Ranson in her most recent press statement)

The Islands GPs told "Her" - Dr Ranson, what might happen, but they were ignored by gov. 

She was putting forward the "coal face of medical opinion", not remote CEO's or specialist consultants at Nobles with a Casio. 



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The whole nub of the Ranson-Magson case was that Magson insisted we follow the U.K. Govt's line and NOT close the borders when we could/should have done. She was a U.K. civil servant and that's all she knew. There was also an element of professional ass covering. She had no knowledge of the Island and the possibility that we could be proactive and ahead of the U.K. She wasn't even here throughout the whole pandemic period. With proper testing at our ports and quarantine for returners, we could've got everyone home too. This would've been the sensible policy, and I think it's what Ranson was recommending we do. But it wasn't what the U.K. was doing and that's where the conflict started.

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