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8 minutes ago, 2112 said:

... especially if you consider that healthcare is one of the major factors of people, when the decide to relocate anywhere. 

Very true.

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42 minutes ago, 2112 said:

The NPM has a nice report of the visit to the island of the Chairman of the British Medical Association. He has described the island as ‘corrupt’ and his calling for a public inquiry. He also says that Manx doctors are working in a culture of fear, said to be amongst the worst in the British Isles. 

What a sad indictment of the Isle of Man under the CM Cannan’ regime/junta. For someone who’s sole policy was to flood the island with everyone and anyone, but not invest in the basics required, really speaks volumes. It’s proving to be a wonderful piece of publicity which doesn’t put the island in a glowing light, especially if you consider that healthcare is one of the major factors of people, when the decide to relocate anywhere. 

Also happens frequently in Uk 


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5 minutes ago, Banker said:

Also happens frequently in Uk 


It may happen frequently in the UK, but the IOM likes to portray itself as being different, iproviding a better standard of healthcare, education and ‘world beating’ public services. That’s very debatable, some would argue that some third world countries provide better services. 

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It matters not that there are examples of the same behaviour in the UK. What does matter is that we really address the culture here.  It also should be noted that the BMA will use this case as a means to batter the point home in the UK, both with the NHS and the MoJ so it is not going to "blow over" anytime soon. 

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36 minutes ago, 2112 said:

It may happen frequently in the UK, but the IOM likes to portray itself as being different, iproviding a better standard of healthcare, education and ‘world beating’ public services. That’s very debatable, some would argue that some third world countries provide better services. 

Do they , where’s that stated?

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43 minutes ago, Banker said:

Also happens frequently in Uk 


" Dr Gilby alleges the problems began when a new chairman, Ian Haythornthwaite, was appointed in late 2021.

She claims that soon after joining the trust, Mr Haythornthwaite - a former BBC accountant - sought to "intervene and influence, and ultimately to control, many operational matters" beyond the scope of his job."

A former BBC accountant.... This is another example of the idea that a manager does not need to know anything about the business - a manager can manage anything (so long as they get paid enough).

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2 hours ago, ian rush said:

In the same way a brewery doesn’t necessarily have to be run by the brewer, the medics didn’t have the final say. And wasn’t Dr Ewart a medic? 

She has a doctorate in philosophy and a masters in history.


We knew it wasn't mild from the various news reports showing bodies pilling up in China and Italy.

Why did she over rule Ranson and follow public health England? In my view, it was the easy option and meant we could copy and paste the UK policy.  Dr Ranson wanted a Manx solution.

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35 minutes ago, cissolt said:

She has a doctorate in philosophy and a masters in history.


We knew it wasn't mild from the various news reports showing bodies pilling up in China and Italy.

Why did she over rule Ranson and follow public health England? In my view, it was the easy option and meant we could copy and paste the UK policy.  Dr Ranson wanted a Manx solution.

Dr Ewart showed us who she was during those briefings. Patronising, sarcastic, sneering, defensive… and more. 

When someone shows you who they are, believe them. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that those qualities she displayed on camera were repeated behind the scenes to the detriment of everyone involved in covid response. 

She seemed to get on very well with Ashford tho. 


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14 hours ago, Two-lane said:

My assumption had been that this was endemic throughout all IoM gov departments - the common factor being an out-of-control Civil Service and weak MHKs.

But if this is endemic throughout the NHS, what is the common factor that allowed this to happen?

The common factor is what you might call the rise of the professional manager.  People who believe that running all organisations is essentially the same and there is no need for any expertise in what the particular organisation does.  So the necessary skills are seen as essentially to do with words, even financial information is about how it is presented rather than what it means.

Paradoxically these people don't even have to be good at managing people, at least those working for them, the effort is always directed towards pleasing those above them in the structure.  Bullying of those below is always going to happen as, not really understanding what the organisation does, they can't make any constructive suggestions.  Ends are demanded without knowing the means to achieve them. 

For similar reasons, progress in such structure tends to be based on who you are and know, rather than what you can do or have done.  And rather than encouraging people to work together, both within and across the organisational structure, everything has to be processed through the hierarchy because maintaining control is the main priority, rather than using that control to do things.

This all doesn't only apply to public organisations of course, it's probably worse in private ones, but we see the effects more in the former. 

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3 hours ago, Dirty Buggane said:

Yeah a crap one, but not to worry if you have loverly eye's.

Unfortunately, my Google skills are not what they used to be. Could someone give me a link to the press meeting video where Ewart gave the "lovely smile/eyes" quote?


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Not a good sign for attracting new Docs and this is the reason that surgeries are shutting down as the Partners/Docs just can't be bothered fighting the system anymore.  A depressingly common story regarding any Govt involvement in anything nowadays. 

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6 minutes ago, The Phantom said:


Not a good sign for attracting new Docs and this is the reason that surgeries are shutting down as the Partners/Docs just can't be bothered fighting the system anymore.  A depressingly common story regarding any Govt involvement in anything nowadays. 

It’s not just the leader of the BMA, it’s other aspects of government, where bullying and tinpot civil servants have been allowed freedom to flourish. Of. course IOMG and its cheerleaders have their work cut out, preventing all this unwelcome negative publicity, the Guardian, BBC news etc, and not forgetting IOMTV. 

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