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24 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

So they are ignoring the behaviour of the IOMG and its Civil Service except for the conduct of the actual tribunal proceedings and nothing at all connected to the behaviour and culture before that tribunal or now.

You could not make up such staggering arrogance. Can they sink any lower?

It is simply a distracting action and spin, spin and spin to avoid confronting the real IOM situation. And the real truth.  

 It would do Putinland proud.

Edited by Cassie2
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14 minutes ago, Cassie2 said:

the conduct of the actual tribunal proceedings and nothing at all connected to the behaviour and culture before that tribunal or now.

Yup. i.e. They are not at all concerned with the behaviour that resulted in the tribunal being necessary. Now let's see which MHKs are prepared to stick their heads above the parapet and make that comment.

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Breaking news.

CM and his pals to make pointless press releases for the next umpteen weeks stating nothing really, but just to make noise that they are, indeed yet again, taking action while really just moving the deckchairs about, as the boat still fills with water, and is heading for the depths of the ocean.

Meanwhile, other MHKs reach for the tub of previously used ideas in an attempt to get themselves noticed should the CM need a load of people to replace ones who have left 'for family reasons' (or what ever the Manx equiv. is).



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So, to date the only utterances from our "benches" politicians on this matter have been a tweet from Wannenburgh criticising Alf Cannan's "apology" in Tynwald; Claire Christian has been fairly unequivocal in appearing with Moulton and Robertshaw on IoMTV and voicing criticism to her credit; and Julie Edge now appearing to be on the defensive in respect of politicians.

That's 3 out of 30+ who have made any sort of public statement on this matter. Where are the rest?

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2 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Where are the rest?

Without wishing to appear glib or apologetic but if the culture of fear in public service is endemic would otherwise be too much to wonder if the same culture is endemic in the House? 

Is it possible they are keeping they’re heads down for a very good reason? 

But yes, it’s a poor show. 

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2 hours ago, Two-lane said:

I would suggest one angle this is not really looking at is limiting IOMG exposure to potentially big claims. It seems either their counsel did not provide sufficient advice and/or an aggrieved Department felt the need to ignore the potential exposure and take the claim the full way in the hope of exonerating themselves (even after the house had been cleared).

This is the difference between a £500k payout and a £5m+ public bill, and that's not including all the reputational damage caused by letting the tribunal play out and the poor optics of challenging Ranson on every last point.

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I had a conversation with someone today, whom I had not seen for a while. During the conversation, he/she commented that a friend who is working in the health service here is going to leave the job and find employment in another industry. The reason is not because that person does not have the mental fortitude to endure the bullying that is continually going on, but because that person does not *have* to endure it, and life would be much pleasanter elsewhere.

It is still going on.

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9 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

I had a conversation with someone today, whom I had not seen for a while. During the conversation, he/she commented that a friend who is working in the health service here is going to leave the job and find employment in another industry. The reason is not because that person does not have the mental fortitude to endure the bullying that is continually going on, but because that person does not *have* to endure it, and life would be much pleasanter elsewhere.

It is still going on.

Gov and Manx care have done absolutely nothing to address any cultural issues.

It was only last year this leaked: 


And don't forget the feral doctors.



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44 minutes ago, cissolt said:

Gov and Manx care have done absolutely nothing to address any cultural issues.

[...] And don't forget the feral doctors.


Of course we only had the ED report published because someone leaked a copy to IOM Newspapers.  But if you look at the CQC assessment timeline:

Adult Social Care – 24 April to 12 August 2022

  • 43 x Adult Care Homes, Adult LD Care Homes & other Social Care Services

Dental Surgeries – 4 to 15 July and 29 November 2022

  • 13 x Dental Surgeries

General Practice Surgeries – 26 July to 8 November 2022

  • 13 GP Surgeries

Hospice End of Life Care – 31 October to 4 November 2022

Integrated Mental Health – 1 to 4 August 2022 and 31 January to 1 February 2023

Acute (Hospital) and Community Services

  • Comprehensive 3 to 6 October 2022
  • Manx Care Well-led 24 to 28 October 2022

While they've been keen to publish reports on all the services provided by outsiders (care home, dentists, GPs, Hospice) we've heard nothing about what the CQC thought about how Manx Care is operating.

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it appears its not only Manx Care and DHS where bullying has been taking place  a number of departments are coming under scrutiny at present , and the biggest culprit seems to be the DOI  where many good men and women have left because of the dreadful culture that exists , just ask yourself why have all their construction tradesmen left what was once a happy working environment , 

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10 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Acute (Hospital) and Community Services


  • Comprehensive 3 to 6 October 2022
  • Manx Care Well-led 24 to 28 October 2022

While they've been keen to publish reports on all the services provided by outsiders (care home, dentists, GPs, Hospice) we've heard nothing about what the CQC thought about how Manx Care is operating.

I was told by a political member of DHSC about a month ago that the CQC report on the hospital was promised to be published by the end of March, but that Manx Care are holding up the approval of it and subsequent release. The reason given was that there were supposedly errors in the conclusions / statistics about maternity care (where it states certain important statistics are worse than Pakistan, which is currently ranked bottom). The suggestion was that the CQC had done their analysis wrong, but I would guess it's far more likely they were given poor information at the Manx end. The political member thought DHSC would release the report before the end of April, but that has not happened. Wish someone would ask Hooper where it's got to.

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