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4 hours ago, Steve_Christian said:

I don’t agree with your view. I believe he’s acting with integrity. However change is difficult and perhaps staying within a department may be the best way to effect change. But that’s just my opinion. Right now it’s difficult for any politician to do anything right as trust has been eroded. 

he must be aware of whats happening  at the airport which is his delegated responsibility  same with ports  both areas a shambles , taken an opportunity to bail out  , someone with a backbone and some principles would have stayed in there rolled their sleeves up and sorted it  out ,  I think the electorate are being let down badly £70 K for sitting any your arse on the back benches   

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3 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:

He’s another shallow granny farmer with no backbone and he’s just seen his exit route from any accountability for the absolute embarrassing shit show he currently sits in at the DOI. Will he be handling any of his £70k salary back in consideration for his future risk-free status? No thought not. 

You can’t have it both ways. The additional pay for departments was removed so this was no longer an incentive to join and stay in a department - so you can’t then expect an MHK to take a reduction if they leave a department. As with most things in government - damned if you do. Damned if you don’t (as highlighted by those on forums and social media). 

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3 minutes ago, Omobono said:

he must be aware of whats happening  at the airport which is his delegated responsibility  same with ports  both areas a shambles , taken an opportunity to bail out  , someone with a backbone and some principles would have stayed in there rolled their sleeves up and sorted it  out ,  I think the electorate are being let down badly £70 K for sitting any your arse on the back benches   

As we don’t have a party system I feel the back benchers should act as the essential ‘opposition’ holding the government and departments to account. Some do this better than others of course. But then there’s the opposing view that you can establish change and better policy by being part of a department/COMIN. Again. No good answer. Damned if you’re a member of COMIN or a department, criticised for being ‘just a back bencher’. Impossible to win. 

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4 minutes ago, Steve_Christian said:

As we don’t have a party system I feel the back benchers should act as the essential ‘opposition’ holding the government and departments to account. Some do this better than others of course. But then there’s the opposing view that you can establish change and better policy by being part of a department/COMIN. Again. No good answer. Damned if you’re a member of COMIN or a department, criticised for being ‘just a back bencher’. Impossible to win. 

Can someone tell me what LegCo does these days?

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I assume that Glover's resignation from being a department member is something along the lines of a vote of no confidence - but not quite. Does Tynwald have the right to a vote of no confidence in the Chief Minister? If so, why has there not been one?

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15 minutes ago, Steve_Christian said:

You can’t have it both ways. The additional pay for departments was removed so this was no longer an incentive to join and stay in a department - so you can’t then expect an MHK to take a reduction if they leave a department. As with most things in government - damned if you do. Damned if you don’t (as highlighted by those on forums and social media). 

I don’t expect them to take a reduction I’m simply pointing out that none applies so he has basically moved himself out of the firing line and it has made absolutely zero impact on him other than getting the same money for taking much less responsibility. A bit like going to a shareholder and saying I don’t want to be a director of this company anymore but I’d like to keep the same Director level salary and benefits package please despite having much less responsibility for anything that goes on. Those sort of conversations usually end in someone laughing. 

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I've never met Glover so don't know him, but he sounded very genuine in his speech to Tynwald this morning, and was clearly emotional. At least he had the bottle to stand up and be counted. It was ironic that the Chief Minister in his peroration tried to bully and intimidate Glover. You really couldn't make this stuff up.  

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6 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

Those sort of conversations usually end in someone laughing. 

Those laughing will be in the civil service. Whilst our elected deny, resign, utter platitudes argue amongst themselves and wring hands, the cs are off the hook and scot-free. Who is being/has been brought to account?

The integrity and reputation of the IoM government has been badly damaged and everybody is being distracted by infighting in the haste to avoid any responsibility.

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I can't believe  Mr Callister  first question to Mr Hooper today, " when he was the Health Minister, officers acted under  delegated powers, how were these delegated powers  given and where it is   recorded",  Mr Hooper answer "The delegated powers in question were signed by Mr Callister on 22nd December and the document is a public document".     https://www.tynwald.org.im/search?ContentType=e50ee5c6-e2ca-4d3e-989a-9d13c23a6a38&querytext=&StartMonth=05&StartYear=2023&EndMonth=05&EndYear=2023&Chamber=Tynwald

19.55 in.

Edited by Holte End
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Hooper, as the current Minister of the DHSC, did the best he could muster to 'justify' why the Department completely side-stepped the previous Minister Rob Callister over the tribunal second appeal decision. It was entirely unconvincing and wholly cynical. If I was Rob Callister I might even have been tempted to stick one on him. 

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