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From my experience of IOM gov departments, albeit about 10 years ago, the worst CS to deal with are either the CEO'S who are short, as in not very tall and then the middle "management" type CS which have got to that position by virtue of working there since they got their CSE's

10 years ago the CS was full of half wits and unless there has been a big change since I was there, it is likely the same and it really sounds like it has got worse due to the massive increase in wages for the lot of them so they think they are good at what they "do" due to the size of their pay checks................

Edited by Blade Runner
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Mannin Branch Celtic League
Talking to Phil Gawne on ‘Perspective’ about the Ranson affair I used the analogy of Alf as a centre forward for PeeL AFC in the 1930s. Tuning In to IOM TV I find the game has moved on to Wembley.
Chris Robertshaw opens by saying that the matter is now being raised by the British Medical Association not just with their global membership but with the UK government. What was a local dispute in the corridors of Markwell House cold turn into a real ‘biggie’ - a constitutional crisis,
Moulton and Robertshaw analyse the Tynwald performance of CM Cannan, Minister Hooper and associated members.
Robertshaw is a former Minister and MHK who served a fair bit of time on the benches and Tynwald Committee. He’s measured as you would expect. mildly impressed by Cannan’s scripted performance he believes (to use his words) Cannan went ‘off piste’ in criticism of members. It raises the tantalising possibility that Cannan can read an autocue but once the paper is gone he becomes Donald Trump.
Robertshaw also takes a political chainsaw to Hooper, Hooper had suggested he met Dr Ranson it turns out the meeting was just the fact they were in the same building. In the union we used to refer to these sorts of things as ‘corridor discussions’ ; they usually took place when things were critical, not as part of a rapprochement. In any case it seems Callister (Rob) set up the meeting, however Rob is gagged (apparently) I start to think I’m living in North Korea. Robertshaw suggests Hooper may have misled Tynwald so where is Skelly on this?
Robertshaw is not a hair shirt so he doesn’t throw abuse about but you get the feeling that he wants to write ‘bum’ on the wall when they get round to talking about David Ashford. Ashford doesn’t get it avers Robertshaw, I would put it more bluntly Ashford is living in another galaxy conducting his own version of ‘the Philadelphia Experiment’.
Robertshaw marks the homework of the rest of the Tynwald class and while Glover, Wannenburgh and Christian get gold stars most of the rest are marked absent.
To paraphrase Tynwald ‘doesn't grasp that this is a big issue that is going to get bigger and be hugely damaging’. 
For once I find myself agreeing with Robertshaw - now things really are serious.

Bernard Moffatt

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Mannin Branch Celtic League
1 h
It’s the silly season! On the same day the new Chief Constable (another useless import) says he’s going to do a few days' work Tynwald members complain they are tired out!
Tynwald members have dropped the half term holiday proposal although the analogy with primary school remains. My late wife who was a reception teacher said the infants loved the dressing up box on a Friday. It seems that Skelly, Watterson and some of the ‘beadles’ are in it all the time.
Listening to Hooper going on about the exhaustive nature of the work made me laugh.
Eight hours with a pick and shovel wasn’t much fun nor come to that was loading or unloading barrel boats and salting herring. Things improved for me I have to confess when I moved to the Union as when there wasn’t a dispute I could just put in a eight hour day provided that was I came back in the evening to attend the Branch(s) or District or Trades Council meetings
Politicians really  are a load of self important overrated silly-billys and when you hear prattle like that today and more pertinently see the likes of Skelly in action you realise why this place is rapidly going down the drain.
Tynwald needs to  get rid of the pageantry, the outdated use of terminology and most of all the stupid wigs and Victorian costumes. As for the members some of them need to start doing a full week- 37 hours will do for a start!

Edited by Cassie2
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11 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Callister had to be scapegoated by the Report, because otherwise it would be clear that Cannan had acted incorrectly in sacking him and there would have to be apologies (at least) the other way.  As usual with the Isle of Man and outside consultants, it would have been clear what result was expected for our money.  Similarly Haywood had to be let off lightly. 

In a functioning organisation the clash between Callister and the DMs (which seems in part to have been caused by him being expected to defend a decision he didn't make) would have been sorted out with a few quiet words from Cannan, but as we saw yesterday, Cannan is quick to react angrily to anything he sees as a challenge to his authority and is more interested in defending that than making things work.  It's classic weak leadership.

Obviously it's then foolish to try to pin the blame on Callister for the appeal because there's too much public evidence that he had little to do with it.  That's doesn't seem to be stopping them, though, presumably the main motivation is spite.

Stinks that the culture or targeting and discrediting anyone who questions things is still flowing through the ranks.  It’s obvious the 3 ladies wanted Hooper back as he is on their wavelength 

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3 minutes ago, buncha wankas said:

Stinks that the culture or targeting and discrediting anyone who questions things is still flowing through the ranks.  It’s obvious the 3 ladies wanted Hooper back as he is on their wavelength 

That’s an interesting comment. I actually think that no matter how horrible the last six months have probably been for him Callister has emerged as a much better and punchier politician as a result and it’s probably given him another 5 years. The report into his departure from the DHSC is the typical OHR smoke and mirrors trick about breach of procedural things with no real substance behind them. Resulting in the outcome that if you tell someone that they should maybe be worried about their job that’s bullying. But if you tell someone to fuck off to their face that isn’t. Slightly concerning is the updated whistle blowing process which superficially looks quite independent. But who does most of the investigating work. Yes that’s right, it’s the very same IOMG OHR department who made a total hash of the DHSC situation to the point that the head was binned off. 

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9 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

I actually think that no matter how horrible the last six months have probably been for him Callister has emerged as a much better and punchier politician as a result and it’s probably given him another 5 years. 

Absolutely not - his level of incompetence hasn’t changed.

Its essentially a re-ranking of the level of incompetency.

Little Bobby Onchan has certainly not done anything to look good or appear better- just others are considerably more shit than him this week. (Could change next week though)

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1 minute ago, Mr Helmut Fromage said:

Absolutely not - his level of incompetence hasn’t changed.

Sort of my point. His competence hasn’t changed but his credibility has shifted quite a bit. Potentially we’ve witnessed a complete idiot outclass many highly paid professional idiots. 

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11 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Callister had to be scapegoated by the Report, because otherwise it would be clear that Cannan had acted incorrectly in sacking him and there would have to be apologies (at least) the other way.  As usual with the Isle of Man and outside consultants, it would have been clear what result was expected for our money.  Similarly Haywood had to be let off lightly. 

In a functioning organisation the clash between Callister and the DMs (which seems in part to have been caused by him being expected to defend a decision he didn't make) would have been sorted out with a few quiet words from Cannan, but as we saw yesterday, Cannan is quick to react angrily to anything he sees as a challenge to his authority and is more interested in defending that than making things work.  It's classic weak leadership.

Obviously it's then foolish to try to pin the blame on Callister for What a terrible the appeal because there's too much public evidence that he had little to do with it.  That's doesn't seem to be stopping them, though, presumably the main motivation is spite.

Well that's a rather sad indictment of IoMG and Tynwald then.  Apart from those who voted against the "bullying" report.

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38 minutes ago, buncha wankas said:

Stinks that the culture or targeting and discrediting anyone who questions things is still flowing through the ranks.  It’s obvious the 3 ladies wanted Hooper back as he is on their wavelength 


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3 hours ago, Thomas Dalby said:

The people making the claim

But after the final whistle has gone (in this case the tribunal's decision on liability) there's no point in playing on, is there?

Or maybe Dr Ranson and her legal team felt that after the DHSC and its two chief witnesses had buggered up their own case (by trying to defend it in the first place  😆) that pursuing it any further would have looked like gratuitous bullying.  Which would have been ironic in the circumstances.

Or maybe she'd simply had enough

I don't think that however many straws you grasp at that you'll persuade many people that Dr Ranson was the one at fault in this farce...

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9 hours ago, Cassie2 said:

As for your role in this, ''Professor'' Ashford, thanks for all you did - or didn't do - and for all your hyper energetic media and other efforts ever since to refuse to accept even the slightest blame for your inexplicably shocking behaviour. We can but hope that the consequences will be coming home to roost for you when the current inquiries are completed. 

I didn’t get the chance to listen to Tuesday’s sitting until this evening - Mr David Ashford truly is the most self-serving, oleaginous and deeply unpleasant character it has ever been my misfortune to hear attempting to wriggle off the hook.   I felt like I needed a shower afterwards.

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