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Apparently, Kathryn Magson ex DHSC has a trustee role for a hospice charity in the UK. Needless to say, the Facebook warriors are foaming at the mouth, and firing off missives to the hospice, telling them about her role within the DHSC. I’m not overkeen on this person, who has quite frankly caused no end of aggravation for the island. The same people who are jumping up and down spitting blood should aim their ire at Professor Ashford, and the other politicos, within the DHSC, and those who recruited Kathryn Magson. There has been much anger over her CV (LinkedIn), which omitted her IOM role. Do employers rely solely on LinkedIn as a definitive account or online CV? Wouldn’t a professional person have a decent hard copy CV or online version to attach with a job application? 

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7 minutes ago, 2112 said:

Apparently, Kathryn Magson ex DHSC has a trustee role for a hospice charity in the UK. Needless to say, the Facebook warriors are foaming at the mouth, and firing off missives to the hospice, telling them about her role within the DHSC. I’m not overkeen on this person, who has quite frankly caused no end of aggravation for the island. The same people who are jumping up and down spitting blood should aim their ire at Professor Ashford, and the other politicos, within the DHSC, and those who recruited Kathryn Magson. There has been much anger over her CV (LinkedIn), which omitted her IOM role. Do employers rely solely on LinkedIn as a definitive account or online CV? Wouldn’t a professional person have a decent hard copy CV or online version to attach with a job application? 

I saw some of the posts. You could say it was bordering on harassment and bullying. The Facebook warriors don't do irony

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7 hours ago, thommo2010 said:

I saw some of the posts. You could say it was bordering on harassment and bullying. The Facebook warriors don't do irony

They don’t. However IOMG by its appointment of Kathryn Magson created this mess. I hope answers are provided at the proposed inquiry.  Why did they enter into this ‘secondment’ arrangement? How will affect other ‘secondment’ arrangements in the future, particularly as in this case Kathryn Magson was a central character in this tribunal, and was heavily criticised. As someone on a fixed term contract, unlike permanent, there is nothing that IOMG can do. In effect, she walked away without any disciplinary etc. What also concerns me are those given the opportunity to remote work. If you are a senior IOMG employee, temporary or permanent, limited term contract, you should be based here. 

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8 hours ago, thommo2010 said:

I saw some of the posts. You could say it was bordering on harassment and bullying. The Facebook warriors don't do irony

Indeed not.  But at least they're not being paid by the Isle of Man Government to do harassment and bullying. Or if they are they're doing it against different people.

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I suppose it's rather appropriate that Tynwald are moving on to biblical matters with the apparent concern that the Bishop should suffer a ‘late Easter’ and be turfed out of the place. I’m sure that ‘his Grace’ will not be a great loss if he is suddenly sent back to the manse however before leaving he may want to address his colleagues in Tynwald on the words in Daniel 5.27: “thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting”.
Certainly in relation to the Dr Ranson episode they mostly all meet the substance of that text. With the exceptions of Messrs, Christian, Wannenburgh and Glover most Tynwald members have maintained a distance and aloofness of staggering proportions as one of the major scandals of the century in public life played out. There is the odd exception like David Ashford who is busy composing a complete narrative of his making that casts him in a good light.
People like Cannan are busying themselves talking about inquiries whereas in actual fact he should probably get himself round to the Ranson household and say. “I’ve just come to tell you that no one on the Isle of Man believes you were treated fairly”.
Meanwhile back in Tynwald some of the members who will face re-election to the Keys must be realising that members of the public and their electorate with any wit will say to themselves: “If my MHK did nothing over this, how on earth could I believe that if the chips were down for me I could count on them”.
For the most part when it comes to Ranson, Tynwald members (with three notable exceptions) lost their humanity!
Bernard Moffatt
Edited by Cassie2
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The CQC reports on Nobles/Manx Care is leading on the NPM. Whilst a major issue is staff recruitment amongst other major issues, it’s rather damning of successive Health Ministers handwringing, and procrastinating whilst issues are ignored. Professor Ashford, CM Quayle and Hooperman have made a complete mess of things of which it will take years to fix. Can Hooperman fix things, I doubt it. 

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Hooper needs to get out of there. He's hopelessly compromised and ruined as a politician. Before he got embroiled in the DHSC he was a decent MHK but now he's in a deep hole. He was warned on here before he got into this mess but he didn't heed the advice. He's not the first to be destroyed by corrupt Manx politics.

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3 hours ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Hooper needs to get out of there. He's hopelessly compromised and ruined as a politician. Before he got embroiled in the DHSC he was a decent MHK but now he's in a deep hole. He was warned on here before he got into this mess but he didn't heed the advice. He's not the first to be destroyed by corrupt Manx politics.

Who would you like in there then?

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5 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Is that view specifically of IOMBresidents or a general statement about all people living at our kind of latitude? 

General statement about people living at our latitude.  We have evolved our pale skins to allow us absorb sufficient UV rays to synthesize sufficient Vitamin D to live. 

Thinking about it, I wonder if the recent obsession with sunscreen would hinder this process?

Or eat a bit of Polar Bear liver.... 

But anyway, get outside. 

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48 minutes ago, The Phantom said:

It's a classic case of what passes for public health advice in Britain.  At least Ewart was aware that such statements ought to be based on some sort of data.  The current guy seems to pick his out of thin air, for no better reason than to wag his finger at us and remind us he's there (and being paid loads).  You'd be as well off and reliably informed reading the Daily Mail (ie not at all).

I thought I'd see what this 'advice' might relate to.  There's actually some interesting stuff in a BMJ paper published early 2021 based on a large longitudinal group, though only from older age groups (40-69):

Results Asian (n=4297/8000, 53.7%) and black (n=2459/7046, 34.9%) participants had a higher proportion of vitamin D deficiency than white participants (n=50 920/422 907, 12%). During spring and winter, the proportion of vitamin D deficiency was higher across the UK and higher in the north than in the south. Male sex, abnormal body mass index, non-white ethnic backgrounds, smoking and being more socioeconomically deprived were associated with higher odds of vitamin D deficiency. Increasing age, taking vitamin D supplements and drinking alcohol were associated with lower odds of deficiency.

Now given that most people on the Island are white (95%) and only 12% of those had vitamin D deficiency, it's clearly untrue that most people on the Island will have it.  Even the 12% may be an over-estimate as you would expect younger people under 40  to be more active and outdoors.  Those with darker skin might be advised to take supplements or get outdoors more though (or apparently go down the pub).

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