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BMA vs IOMG latest round: The Ministers covering all the relevant years are Hooper and Ashford who continue to remain unwilling to own up to the full and true facts and their major parts in them. As a result they will now surely find the headlights shining ever more on them. 

Isle of Man Newspapers today: https://www.iomtoday.co.im/news/british-medical-association-calls-for-a-uk-public-inquiry-into-dr-ranson-affair-616917?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook#Echobox=1685114119    

"The British Medical Association is calling for a UK-led public inquiry into the way in which the Isle of Man’s Government and Health Service handled the case of Rosalind Ranson...................... ..................................last week, the Health Minister, Lawrie Hooper, wrote to Professor Banfield expressing ‘concern’ at the issues he raised during the visit and that in media interviews, Professor Banfield painted a picture in relation to culture on the island that, ‘is at odds with the outcomes from the recent independent inspections undertaken by the CQC and contained within their reports’.

Mr Hooper asked why the BMA had not raised concerns directly with the island’s government.

He also talked about the Isle of Man Examiner about the issue, which was reported on the front page of this week’s paper.

Now in a letter to the minister, Professor Banfield says that the BMA’s concerns about the handling of the case and feedback from doctors in Manx Healthcare, will be raised with the UK’s Minister responsible for Crown Dependencies.

Professor Banfield said: ‘Given the litany of serious failings of the DHSC and the wider Manx government, why would the island’s health minister not want these issues considered by the minister with overall responsibility?

‘The BMA understands that a process has been set up by Tynwald to investigate some of these failings, however our concern is the scope and independence of this process and the provisions available to it.

‘As it stands the committee cannot compel witnesses to give evidence, an extraordinary omission given the seriousness of the allegations.

‘In my view, the only possible way forward is a UK-led public inquiry, with powers commensurate to the significance of the situation to the people of the Isle of Man, able to independently hold those responsible to account and consider the wider systemic factors.’

The letter to Mr Hooper goes on to say that the recently-published CQC reports state staff do not always feel confident in raising concerns and that the minister’s conclusions are at odds with the experiences of many of those dedicated medical professionals who care for the patients on the island.

It says that the results of the Culture of Care Barometer survey developed by King’s College and NHS England point to issues with the work culture, and the treatment of four anaesthetists charged with gross negligence manslaughter outside of due process, with all charges now dropped, again points to a culture which is anything but open and inclusive.

Professor Banfield is planning to return to the Isle of Man in the coming weeks and will be seeking a meeting with senior members of the government and further meetings with health professionals."

Edited by Cassie2
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Not sure how true this is but I heard last night and I have no reason not to believe the person who told me. That Manx Care are going to issue an apology to the pharmacist in Castletown for sending out incorrect information! 

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1 minute ago, Zulu said:

Not sure how true this is but I heard last night and I have no reason not to believe the person who told me. That Manx Care are going to issue an apology to the pharmacist in Castletown for sending out incorrect information! 

If that is the case he should sue them. 
As advised I had moved to a different chemist for my repeat prescription. 

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28 minutes ago, Cassie2 said:

sle of Man Newspapers today:    "The British Medical Association is calling for a UK-led public inquiry into the way in which the Isle of Man’s Government and Health Service handled the case of Rosalind Ranson."

Here is the link:


and here is the good bit:

"‘The BMA understands that a process has been set up by Tynwald to investigate some of these failings, however our concern is the scope and independence of this process and the provisions available to it.

‘As it stands the committee cannot compel witnesses to give evidence, an extraordinary omission given the seriousness of the allegations.

‘In my view, the only possible way forward is a UK-led public inquiry, with powers commensurate to the significance of the situation to the people of the Isle of Man, able to independently hold those responsible to account and consider the wider systemic factors.’"

It seems he isn't too keen on the IoM gov.'s independent inquiry.

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34 minutes ago, Zulu said:

Not sure how true this is but I heard last night and I have no reason not to believe the person who told me. That Manx Care are going to issue an apology to the pharmacist in Castletown for sending out incorrect information! 

What wrong information?

He’s still shown as suspended from the UK Pharmacy Register.

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5 minutes ago, John Wright said:

What wrong information?

He’s still shown as suspended from the UK Pharmacy Register.

They said that "Castle Pharmacy (Castletown) will cease providing pharmacy services on 19 May 2023".  But it still seems to be operating, presumably they've still got a locum in and are running it that way or selling the business on.

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Sounds like some people in the IOMG have a loose sphincter over what the BMA may do next – a toothless ‘independent inquiry’ into Dr Ranson’s case would be a betrayal of public trust, which has already been severely tested.

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1 hour ago, Two-lane said:

Here is the link:


and here is the good bit:

"‘The BMA understands that a process has been set up by Tynwald to investigate some of these failings, however our concern is the scope and independence of this process and the provisions available to it.

‘As it stands the committee cannot compel witnesses to give evidence, an extraordinary omission given the seriousness of the allegations.

‘In my view, the only possible way forward is a UK-led public inquiry, with powers commensurate to the significance of the situation to the people of the Isle of Man, able to independently hold those responsible to account and consider the wider systemic factors.’"

It seems he isn't too keen on the IoM gov.'s independent inquiry.

The scope of the investigation is into the handling of the tribunal by IOMG, not the circumstances which led to it.  That is a major flaw and will not throw up issues in the culture within the health service delivery (by whoever DHSC or Manx Care). 

As has been observed by others, the absence of any of the main (only 3!) MHK dissenters from the committee overseeing the investigation has missed a chance to affirm the intended independence of the process. 

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2 hours ago, Gladys said:

The scope of the investigation is into the handling of the tribunal by IOMG, not the circumstances which led to it.  That is a major flaw and will not throw up issues in the culture within the health service delivery (by whoever DHSC or Manx Care)......

Which is clearly the most aggravating factor underpinning the BMA's latest release and its crystal clear intentions and actions.

You are totally correct about the ultra ridiculous limitation to only the IOMGs conduct of the Tribunal and nothing at all is permitted about how there came to be a Tribunal.

It treats all the people of the Isle of Man as complete idiots and it's a total insult to them.

There is obviously no real Inquiry let alone a properly independent one. It is merely "A Review". And only of the 'Conduct of the Tribunal''. 

The staffing will presumably be from the IOM Civil Service. If so, that too is another total farce.

And as you suggest, the choice of a so-called ''Oversight Committee'' of three MHKs none of whom is actually independent at all is yet another sick joke too.

The BMA are rightly apoplectic. Totally furious.

Either there is a genuine proper independent UK led and staffed Inquiry covering the before, during and after of the Tribunal or once again the gangsters who have wrecked what Health Service we had will get away with it.

If Ashford and Hooper had done their jobs properly instead of grandstanding and trying every way to wriggle out, none of this need have happened. 

We have a far more broken Health Service now than ever before. And now nobody sane except the really desperate wants to come and work in it here now. 

Thanks very much Ashford and Hooper for all you have and have not done to bring that state of affairs about. 

Edited by Cassie2
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2 minutes ago, Cassie2 said:

Which is clearly the most aggravating factor underpinning the BMA's latest release and it's intentions. Either there is a genuine independent UK led inquiry covering the before, during and after of the Tribunal or once again the gangsters who have wrecked what Health Service we had will get away with it. If Ashford and Hooper had done their jobs instead of grandstanding and wriggling out, none of this would have happened. 

But Ashford would argue that not only was it not his job, but beyond his powers to get involved.  That may not stand up to scrutiny, the department is the minister and vice versa and whilst authority has to be delegated to the civil servants for the department to function, it is an underlying principle of delegation that you can delegate authority but not responsibility.

More to the point, is there a BMA representative in place somewhere in Manx Care or locally available to its members?  If not, would it not be a good idea for one to be?  Would that be a way of embedding the cultural changes?  Perhaps as a board member, or invited participants, who has an office (with a functioning chair) and presence here? The BMA have invested a great deal in this, and not just the headline legal costs, they are not going to let it go. 

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7 minutes ago, Gladys said:

More to the point, is there a BMA representative in place somewhere in Manx Care or locally available to its members?  If not, would it not be a good idea for one to be?  Would that be a way of embedding the cultural changes?  Perhaps as a board member, or invited participants, who has an office (with a functioning chair) and presence here? The BMA have invested a great deal in this, and not just the headline legal costs, they are not going to let it go. 

There are local BMA Representatives who try to do their best to support the members, but perhaps they are treading carefully just now?

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1 minute ago, Babydoc said:

There are local BMA Representatives who try to do their best to support the members, but perhaps they are treading carefully just now?

Are they otherwise employed by Manx Care? I.e., if they 'make waves' do they feel vulnerable?

I am thinking someone from the BMA who does not have their employment dependent on their relationship with Manx Care. 

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2 hours ago, Gladys said:

But Ashford would argue..... ...

He can argue all he wants to (and has done exactly that constantly for a very long time) but people are not as stupid as he hopes they are. They know he could and should have acted far better. And none of what subsequently happened need have happened. 

Ashford lost any semblance of deserving any confidence let alone any respect when he announced as Magson was appointed that there was absolutely no need for her to live here. Really? As Head of Manx Care and therefore all of the IOM's crucially important health services how come he could dogmatically believe and certainly said loud and clear that the job could be easily done from anywhere and did not need to be here in the Isle of Man. Perhaps even from Outer Mongolia? 

This from a man who must know more than most about the Digital Economy - supposedly being a Coder and all. As well as a shredding expert.

What a shining example of what the island needs from any MHK let alone from its long serving Health Minister. 

Edited by Cassie2
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30 minutes ago, Gladys said:

The scope of the investigation is into the handling of the tribunal by IOMG, not the circumstances which led to it.  That is a major flaw and will not throw up issues in the culture within the health service delivery (by whoever DHSC or Manx Care). 

As has been observed by others, the absence of any of the main (only 3!) MHK dissenters from the committee overseeing the investigation has missed a chance to affirm the intended independence of the process. 

But wasn’t the tribunal a pretty thorough investigation of all of that? And IOM Gov have acknowledged the findings.  What if - and I’m really not saying this is at all likely - but what if an independent enquiry uncovered some wrongdoing on the part of Dr Ranson that might have contributed? It just feels like raking over everything that has already been subject to a thorough enquiry could undermine the tribunal? 

Having said that, I would be interested to know if an independent enquiry would have teeth as far as Magson goes, given IOM had no jurisdiction to pursue her. 

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