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3 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Frankly the UK has more than enough similar problems in its own health service.  A number of recent cases have been quoted, here's another one from last week:

Police investigate dozens of deaths at hospital in Brighton

where whistleblowing surgeons were sacked.  They need to put their own house in order first.  That's before you realise that that the current UK government's 'solution' for the NHS is to buy everything at twice the price from their mates (and the opposition only differ by having a slightly different set of mates).  Intervention from the UK would probably just mean they flogged the Manx NHS to Michelle Mone for a  couple of quid and we end up paying three times what we do for no service at all.

This is a Manx problem caused by Manx politicians' neglect, cowardice and laziness.  We have to pressurise them to fix it.

The dispiriting fact is, there is nowhere or nobody to turn to.

Edit - certainly not Moeen Ali

Edited by Hoops
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16 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

It's first and foremost a governance issue, then a health service issue.

Exactly.  IMHO the UK body that should run any investigation should be the Ministry of Justice.  The issues raised are not really to do with our health service, although they have implications for it, but the governance throughout government.  We were promised over a year ago that the CM would grasp the nettle.  He hasn't. 

I do understand that a UK appointed inquiry may have limited powers, but there must be ways around that, such as giving the panel a  temporary commission from Tynwald with the necessary powers to require evidence and attendance? 

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1 minute ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Hooper needs to wind his neck in; he's becoming an embarrassment. Alf should never have appointed Rob Callister as Health Minister in the first place. At a time when the DHSC was in the middle of a crisis, he was way out of his depth, and that's no slur on him. 

Hooper is an embarrassment, on Twitter he can't resist digging himself ever deeper. Quite honestly whoever thought one or more of Ashford, Hooper and Callister were ministerial material is off their heads. If we don't get better candidates at the next GE we are truly doomed leaving people like this in charge of our destiny !

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35 minutes ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:

Rob's reply. Still not sure why the Standards Committee didn't publish all the evidence or why Rob apologised. He's created a rod for his own back. If he's right about those dates could we see yet another new DHSC minister; and a new interim CEO of DHSC? 


Chris Robertshaw alluded to something like this in one of his videos with Paul Moulton.  It seems like they decided to go around Rob to push the appeal through, was he unwilling or unable to make a decision?

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1 hour ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Hooper needs to wind his neck in; he's becoming an embarrassment. 

They should all wind their necks in. There's an enquiry taking place and they will have an opportunity to submit their evidence there and then and a decision will be made about the truth of the matter.

Mortgages are up 6%, cost of living continues to rise, fuel prices, energy prices, food prices also. Our health service is in a mess, the police can't cope, mental health services can't cope, addition services can't cope. We're heading toward recession and these IDIOTS who are supposed to be professional members of government are scrapping on social media in a tit for tat fashion. There energies are being diverted into point scoring when instead, their energies should be going toward sorting out our many problems. Working together not creating divisions. One of them is lying for sure, and it probably doesn't stop with Callister or Hooper. This nonsense has to stop.

The only one who should be saying something right now is the Chief Minister and right now he needs to be taking control, managing the situation and telling them both to pack it in and to get on with the jobs that they are paid to do on OUR and our Island's behalf.


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Callister was appointed as Minister on 20 September 2022. He was given the document to "sign-on" as Minister on 7 November 2022.

And in the meantime:

"That day Minister Hooper advised Tynwald Court that the decision to file the Skeleton Argument relating to the Dr. Ranson legal case was undertaken by the officers in the Department using powers properly delegated to officers from the Minister under the Government Departments Act 1987, due to the fact that I as the Minister was absent. "

Who were the as yet unnamed " officers in the Department" ?

And Callister says he was not absent, as Elvis had definitely not left the building.

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1 hour ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:

I've observed that when Hooper gets an idea stuck in his head, whether right or wrong, he goes balls deep in it and can't help telling everyone all about it.

hooper balls deep won't be that far in then.

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5 hours ago, Roxanne said:

The only one who should be saying something right now is the Chief Minister and right now he needs to be taking control, managing the situation and telling them both to pack it in and to get on with the jobs

I agree with you but it's got nothing to do with the Chief Minister as Rob isn't in Government. It's more the Speaker, President or the Members Standards Committee (not that the Committee silenced Rob the last time).

Ultimately the only people able to properly silence them are the voters of Onchan and Ramsey at the next election.

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