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1 hour ago, Roger Mexico said:

Only Tynwald can change laws and this may even need to go through the primary legislation route, so there will be more scrutiny.  What they certainly can't do is change the law via a press release, which is what they seem to be trying.

You say more scrutiny but, even with the minuscule amounts of legislation going through the branches of Tynwald, they barely debate anything. Ministers could probably get away with legalising murder such is the lack of scrutiny. 

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5 minutes ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:

You say more scrutiny but, even with the minuscule amounts of legislation going through the branches of Tynwald, they barely debate anything. Ministers could probably get away with legalising murder such is the lack of scrutiny. 

That's true, but at least with primary legislation they have to barely debate it about six times, rather than just once as with secondary.

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I am afraid I value Andrew Coles credibility and track record much more than I value  Hooper and August Hanson's , fact is the truth hurts  and there is no point in having these committee's   if there just going to be Nodding Dogs , 

Sorry Hooper just isn't up to the job   and at times like this you realise what a bunch of tossers  we have elected to run the isle of Man .

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It would be interesting to hear exactly what the "factual errors" and so on that Hooper objects to are exactly.  Rather than him just jumping up and down screaming "'Snot true!  'Snot true!".  Because the HSCC's Annual Reports (available going back to 2017) are very measured, weighty documents full of charts and tables and written in management-speak - presumably because that's the only language that the DHSC officials it is aimed at understand.  The people on the Committee are experienced professional, many with a public service background.  So you would expect them to be careful.

On the other hand the DHSC hasn't exactly shown itself to be the most truthful Department recently, has it?

It's worth stating that, as so often, the problems identified aren't just with the DHSC and Manx Care.  Cabinet Office and Treasury are involved as usual.  For example, in the introduction it says:

Recruitment and retention of healthcare staff remains an international challenge. Manx Care’s People Committee has attempted to make the Manx Care OHR function as visible as it can in the absence of a dedicated OHR function. At the same time, we have observed that OHR as a panGovernment service has hindered rather than helped; key people have been lost from both organisations with slow recruitment processes resulting in missed opportunities to fill vacancies, often for reasons that remain opaque. The Chief Minister’s review of OHR commenced in May 2022, coinciding with the resignation of the service lead. The HSCC has seen neither the result of this review nor any impact on OHR service improvement despite repeatedly raising this concern in its monthly commentary to DHSC.

In other words HR is a disaster and despite Cannan's promises of reform has only got worse in the last year.

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9 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

It would be interesting to hear exactly what the "factual errors" and so on that Hooper objects to are exactly.  Rather than him just jumping up and down screaming "'Snot true!  'Snot true!".  Because the HSCC's Annual Reports (available going back to 2017) are very measured, weighty documents full of charts and tables and written in management-speak - presumably because that's the only language that the DHSC officials it is aimed at understand.  The people on the Committee are experienced professional, many with a public service background.  So you would expect them to be careful.

On the other hand the DHSC hasn't exactly shown itself to be the most truthful Department recently, has it?

It's worth stating that, as so often, the problems identified aren't just with the DHSC and Manx Care.  Cabinet Office and Treasury are involved as usual.  For example, in the introduction it says:

Recruitment and retention of healthcare staff remains an international challenge. Manx Care’s People Committee has attempted to make the Manx Care OHR function as visible as it can in the absence of a dedicated OHR function. At the same time, we have observed that OHR as a panGovernment service has hindered rather than helped; key people have been lost from both organisations with slow recruitment processes resulting in missed opportunities to fill vacancies, often for reasons that remain opaque. The Chief Minister’s review of OHR commenced in May 2022, coinciding with the resignation of the service lead. The HSCC has seen neither the result of this review nor any impact on OHR service improvement despite repeatedly raising this concern in its monthly commentary to DHSC.

In other words HR is a disaster and despite Cannan's promises of reform has only got worse in the last year.

HR is so corrupt it’s even headed up by a secondment of Manx Industrial Relations head so as to ensure that they don’t have to change their bully culture.  Paul Moulton should do investigative journalism on that farce and he will see how corruption is safeguarded.  Our island is run by civil servants and the weak idiots like Hooper let them. 
you gotta wonder

if HSCC are independently checking Manx Care adhere and perform the mandate, what the hell is the newly formed DHSC which costs us 10 million actually doing as the double up on Manx care senior management roles. 

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14 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Given that Moulton specifically invites Hooper on for an interview in that piece (twice), playing the misunderstood martyr isn't very convincing is it?  Never did a man more need his spade taking away from him.

PM also says he has sent LH two emails yesterday. 

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