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I assume the above quote is from Jason Moorhouse. I think he is being excessively polite, and also restricted in his comment.

Anyone who has even something as minor as a blood test will be aware that there will be checklist of things to do or not do - e.g. no alcohol for x hours before.

I would think that Manx Care would have a system where such a checklist would be attached to any relevant email. Not only does it seem not, but having been told by Synaptik about this case they have still done nothing.

A while ago Cope made an announcement that people should not be shouting at the staff. In this case I think it understandable that some people would go a bit ballistic about Manx Care's behaviour.

I wonder if Cope will be reading out Moorhouse's message at the next board meeting.

And what the Minister will have to say in his next message to the people.

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It's a shambles, speaking to a consultant friend of mine he says openly it's a shambles !

Waiting lists are dealt with thus ....

Not a man in the pub story, me. A long wait to be seen for a first ophthalmic appointment, received a letter saying in their opinion I didn't need to be seen, and to refer back to the person who thought I did and referred me !

Got the list down, I don't mind TBH, but how one makes a clinical decision that a patient doesn't need to be seen, when a further medical professional thinks I do, makes me think that they are prepared to stick their necks out just to reduce the figures !


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2 hours ago, Zulu said:

Communication doesn't seem to be working as far as Manx Care are concerned. Just seen this warning from one MHK!

Good Morning,
This might be too late for some local people, but I thought it was worth sharing.
I have contacted Manx Care and the Minister to ask whether the issue can be resolved ASAP:
This is the message which I have just received:
I had my Synaptik appointment this week at Nobles . They’re a very efficient organisation there and very nice people to deal with .
Manx Care however let me down , in their appt letter to me they failed to tell me that I mustn’t wear my contact lenses for at least a week prior to that appointment. Doing so means that the optometrists can’t accurately take measurements of my eye .
I now have to hope that this can be done in January when they return immediately before my operation or if not I’ll need to wait till March .
Synaptik nurses were frustrated by this as I I was too . They have been telling Manx Care to put that advice in appointment letters for at least two years and it has yet to be done . So I’m delighted to be on the operating list now but frustrated by what may well be needless delay to getting accurate measurements to prepare for the operation. Such a simple thing to put right you’d think.
If you are aware of somebody who is about to have this procedure please let them know.

It seems that the appointment system is one of the biggest causes of discontent with Noble's.  The text reminder system is hit and miss, at best.  Sending letters out months or more in advance of an appointment,  insufficient information to enable the consultation and late despatch of cancellation letters, all impact on the quality of service delivery.  Surely these are easy fixes, would not cost a fortune and would improve the service immeasurably?  

Is there an underlying reason, not apparent to us, that is preventing a reliable, useful and timely appointment system? 

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2 minutes ago, Gladys said:

It seems that the appointment system is one of the biggest causes of discontent with Noble's.  The text reminder system is hit and miss, at best.  Sending letters out months or more in advance of an appointment,  insufficient information to enable the consultation and late despatch of cancellation letters, all impact on the quality of service delivery.  Surely these are easy fixes, would not cost a fortune and would improve the service immeasurably?  

Is there an underlying reason, not apparent to us, that is preventing a reliable, useful and timely appointment system? 

Agreed. Albeit a start, it would make for an immediate and obvious improvement. How difficult can it be to fix.

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8 minutes ago, SuffolkNGoode said:

Agreed. Albeit a start, it would make for an immediate and obvious improvement. How difficult can it be to fix.

I spoke to MCALS  a few months ago about the appointment reminder system and asked to speak to a manager.  I politely explained that the system was hit and miss and could well be contributing to the 'no shows'.  The manager took all on board, took my name and number, even though it was a general complaint, not specifically about the missed reminder for my appointment,  but never reverted.  I don't know if the reminder system has been improved as I have fewer appointments now.

I am also aware of people who are patients with several consultants/clinics each with a separate record, so do not have a 'joined up' process.  So, say, they may be sent appointments for the same time with different consultants, or be required to have separate appointments for blood tests for different consultants, rather than roll all the tests needed into one appointment. 

Not only are these inefficiencies irritating to the patient, they must have an impact on costs. 

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33 minutes ago, Gladys said:

I spoke to MCALS  a few months ago about the appointment reminder system and asked to speak to a manager.  I politely explained that the system was hit and miss and could well be contributing to the 'no shows'.  The manager took all on board, took my name and number, even though it was a general complaint, not specifically about the missed reminder for my appointment,  but never reverted.  I don't know if the reminder system has been improved as I have fewer appointments now.

I am also aware of people who are patients with several consultants/clinics each with a separate record, so do not have a 'joined up' process.  So, say, they may be sent appointments for the same time with different consultants, or be required to have separate appointments for blood tests for different consultants, rather than roll all the tests needed into one appointment. 

Not only are these inefficiencies irritating to the patient, they must have an impact on costs. 

No the system hasn't been improved, I received a DNA letter for an appointment in the future.  How would they know that I didn't attend an appointment three months in the future?

A huge % of these DNAs are due to the appointment system, manx care gaslighting the public instead of fixing their own systems is typical govt attitude.

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On 2/2/2023 at 7:15 PM, asitis said:

In the services it's called the butterfly syndrome, flit from department to department never achieving anything or learning anything, and move on before any tough decisions or change management need to happen. Usually of course with a glowing report so the department concerned can breathe a collective sigh of relief ! Of course posting regularly on linkeldin to fluff up the CV.


Talking of the butterdly syndrom, I am informed that Derby & Burton NHS Trust now has another interim Executive Medical Director from September 2023 (obviously Dr Andole left them then). Dr Andole has not returned to Manx Care and Dr. Hudson remains as interim Exec Medical Director. Something smells fishy to me and I think there's a story here. If only we had some investigative journalists! Where's Sreeman Andole?

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after listening to the Sunday opinion programme I am disgusted at the way people who give their time and experience to serve on consultative committees  are treated by certain politicians , it was embarrassing   to hear a certain minister belittle and ridicule a group specifically appointed  to cast  an overview of the operation of Manx care ,ironically had the report have said everything in the garden is Rosey, there would not have been a peep out of the minister who obviously can to tolerate constructive criticism  of any kind   defeats the object of the committee really 

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On 11/20/2023 at 5:06 PM, Dr. Grumpy said:

Talking of the butterdly syndrom, I am informed that Derby & Burton NHS Trust now has another interim Executive Medical Director from September 2023 (obviously Dr Andole left them then). Dr Andole has not returned to Manx Care and Dr. Hudson remains as interim Exec Medical Director. Something smells fishy to me and I think there's a story here. If only we had some investigative journalists! Where's Sreeman Andole?

Anyone seen 'im?

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On 11/21/2023 at 12:25 AM, Fred the shred said:

I did not know you were not supposed to drink alcohol for 24 hours before a blood test and I have to have them regularly.    No one has ever mentioned it to me and I don’t think I am the only one who is unaware of this.   Well you learn something everyday.

I so didn’t know either. It’s never been mentioned to me in the countless times been sent for them. 

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