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Today’s nonsense brought to you by the NPM this morning, is a request via a FOI over the costs of leaflets printed and distributed to households, from ManxCare. The leaflet informs citizens of the healthcare options available. 

Needless to say the FoI was refused, on the grounds of commercial confidentiality. ManxCare does say each leaflet costs 0.19p. I wonder how many printing firms on the island would be affected by commercial confidentiality? Are the actually producing them on island or they printed off island? Considering IOMG and its Arms Lengths are obsessed with the environment, I wonder how many miles those leaflets have arisen? Also most IOMG propaganda goes straight in the bin. 

How much would it have cost to deliver each leaflet, using either the newspaper delivery or the post office? It’s ironic really if the use the Courier, as I’ve never had a Courier for ages, and I’ve seen the Courier littering the streets. 

Edited by 2112
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2 hours ago, 2112 said:

Today’s nonsense brought to you by the NPM this morning, is a request via a FOI over the costs of leaflets printed and distributed to households, from ManxCare. The leaflet informs citizens of the healthcare options available. 

Needless to say the FoI was refused, on the grounds of commercial confidentiality. ManxCare does say each leaflet costs 0.19p. I wonder how many printing firms on the island would be affected by commercial confidentiality? Are the actually producing them on island or they printed off island? Considering IOMG and its Arms Lengths are obsessed with the environment, I wonder how many miles those leaflets have arisen? Also most IOMG propaganda goes straight in the bin. 

How much would it have cost to deliver each leaflet, using either the newspaper delivery or the post office? It’s ironic really if the use the Courier, as I’ve never had a Courier for ages, and I’ve seen the Courier littering the streets. 

Thing is, it would probably cost more to process and produce the FOI than the leaflets cost in the first place. FOI is a Complete waste of money.

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The most delicious irony is that Manx Radio submitted the FoI request in the first place. If anyone were to submit an FoI request regarding Manx Radio, I wonder if the reply commercial confidentiality would be cited? 

In a normal situation I don’t think anyone would bat an eyelid of the use of leafleting to get a message across. Unfortunately times have changed and so has the harsh economic reality, so belt tightening needs to be adopted and funds not squandered, to provide business for printers and business for either the post office or newspapers. Perhaps the local radio could do this public information?

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"Manx Radio requested an internal review of Manx Care's decision in January 2023 - the outcome of this review was received in December 2023."

There must have been some seriously long lunch-breaks involved in that review.


I thought I would look up a copy of this document on the Manx Care website - the document may be still valid, and they are one of these independent arms-length organisations so they must have a website.

They have a LinkedIn account which points to www.manxcare.im. But that just diverts to the gov. website - and that page is a bit of a mess.




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6 hours ago, 2112 said:

The most delicious irony is that Manx Radio submitted the FoI request in the first place. If anyone were to submit an FoI request regarding Manx Radio, I wonder if the reply commercial confidentiality would be cited? 

No, it's even better than that.  When Manx Radio were asked, a bit over a year ago, an FoI about such basic information as how many people they employed and so on, they refused on the grounds that "the information requested relates directly to Manx Radio's journalistic and creative activities".  There is an exemption under the Act for information held covering "journalism, art or literature", so they do have an extra opt-out, but it's not meant to cover the sort of financial basics that were asked about.

The Information Commissioner agreed that this was nonsense and issued a notice telling them this:


which has the full details of the above.  But not the actual information that was asked for because those great communicators Manx Radio don't seem to have anywhere where they publish the results of FoI requests.

But that's not to say that there are at least some people at Manx Radio trying to do journalism (even if the management don't want to tell us how many).  So one did put in an FoI request and the most extraordinary thing about all this is stated here:

Manx Radio requested an internal review of Manx Care's decision in January 2023 - the outcome of this review was received in December 2023.

Now looking through the guidelines, while FoI requests are normally supposed to be answered withing 20 working days, there's no official limit for a subsequent review.  But as the review to some extent replicates the decision process, you'd think that 20 days would be a maximum, not over 200.  Authorities are supposed to reply to the Commissioner within 10 working days when there's a complaint to him for example.

It doesn't show Manx Radio is a good light that they've been so slow in following up the request, but the sheer tardiness and arrogance of Manx Care in not conducting the review for nearly a year shows them in a very bad light.

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12 hours ago, 2112 said:

Today’s nonsense brought to you by the NPM this morning, is a request via a FOI over the costs of leaflets printed and distributed to households, from ManxCare. The leaflet informs citizens of the healthcare options available. 


it won't be a very big leaflet then , they should throw in a list of undertakers too 

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2 hours ago, Two-lane said:

"Manx Radio requested an internal review of Manx Care's decision in January 2023 - the outcome of this review was received in December 2023."

There must have been some seriously long lunch-breaks involved in that review.


I thought I would look up a copy of this document on the Manx Care website - the document may be still valid, and they are one of these independent arms-length organisations so they must have a website.

They have a LinkedIn account which points to www.manxcare.im. But that just diverts to the gov. website - and that page is a bit of a mess.




This is website version of the leaflet issued to all homes last year.


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The CEO of Manx Care Mother Theresa has been on the NPM today, saying there are no plans for Manx Care to buy a helicopter, to use to transfer patients to UK hospitals. She says that Manx Care, Who Cares, haven’t got the money. Maybe this topic has been discussed at top level, and especially with Minister Hooperman? It tells you of the priorities of Manx Care, to even think of discussing purchasing a helicopter, when in all honesty all their energies should be devoted to sorting out the healthcare system, and reducing the waiting lists. It seems that our healthcare provider and its bosses, want toys to play with. No doubt CM Cannan would approve, he could use it to ferry him and other politicos to big important meetings, so he can pretend to be a statesman. 

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1 hour ago, 2112 said:

The CEO of Manx Care Mother Theresa has been on the NPM today, saying there are no plans for Manx Care to buy a helicopter, to use to transfer patients to UK hospitals. She says that Manx Care, Who Cares, haven’t got the money. Maybe this topic has been discussed at top level, and especially with Minister Hooperman? It tells you of the priorities of Manx Care, to even think of discussing purchasing a helicopter, when in all honesty all their energies should be devoted to sorting out the healthcare system, and reducing the waiting lists. It seems that our healthcare provider and its bosses, want toys to play with. No doubt CM Cannan would approve, he could use it to ferry him and other politicos to big important meetings, so he can pretend to be a statesman. 


FFS they can't even run A&E properly and they've been considering buying and maintaining a medivac helicopter? Especially when we have access to the Great North Air Ambulance already? Where do we get these clowns from? Get the basics right (like keeping A&E open) and get it in on budget, that would be an ambition worthy of time and energy.


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2 hours ago, 2112 said:

The CEO of Manx Care Mother Theresa has been on the NPM today, saying there are no plans for Manx Care to buy a helicopter, to use to transfer patients to UK hospitals. She says that Manx Care, Who Cares, haven’t got the money. Maybe this topic has been discussed at top level, and especially with Minister Hooperman? It tells you of the priorities of Manx Care, to even think of discussing purchasing a helicopter, when in all honesty all their energies should be devoted to sorting out the healthcare system, and reducing the waiting lists. It seems that our healthcare provider and its bosses, want toys to play with. No doubt CM Cannan would approve, he could use it to ferry him and other politicos to big important meetings, so he can pretend to be a statesman. 

Someone asked them the question and she responded, FFS calm down!!

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