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5 hours ago, english zloty said:

It's really depressing to read that as a new facility is being made ready for use they are thinking how it will be run. 😢 also the casual way in which can't cope states, at this juncture, I need more money to run it. Where is the forward planning. It's mad! 

Two likely outcomes. It stands empty, the service provider provides value for money compared to the layers of DHSC and MC management can't cope is thinking of, but doesn't provide value for money for the taxpayer in relative terms. Plus it'll now need a team of regulators. 


Would the running of the care home by DHSC at the time, not have been factored in to future budget requirements?  Departments have to plan ahead, was it missed off the budget when Manx care took over?

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The local airwaves this morning has a feature on the new nursing home being completed in Port Erin, and how they need to recruit new staff. Unless these organisations offer fantastic wages, or terms and conditions, I can only see foreign imported staff. Sadly IOMG, the DHSC and Manx Care and the like could have encouraged local people to work within these sectors like Social Care, with better wages, and investment in their staff to make working in healthcare/nursing a rewarding vocation. IOMG have encouraged school pupils to work in finance, legal and corporate professions at the detriment of other professions. 

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the sad thing about this it looks like DHSC run establishments are being run down and Phased out , only to be replaced by privately run homes , for most clients and their families there is a cost of around £1200 a week , but those who are deemed  not to be able to afford the cost are paid for by the DHSC ,

you have to ask is the DHSC getting value for money  by abrogating their responsibility  for the elderly to private homes , and would it not be more cost effective for them to continue their own DHSC homes, instead of pushing the cost of care for the elderly  through the roof , at the end of the day who determines weather or not we are getting value for money ?

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The man really is one onerous little dick. The sooner he has gone the better. If you are wondering who I am talking about that would be mhk Hooper(was going to write right honorable mhk, but could not bring myself to do it as this would be an affront to honorable people around the  world.)

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1 hour ago, Andy Onchan said:

Manx Care overspend due to predicted increasing demand, says Health Minister


Well, if it was predicted why weren't the funds made available to meet that increased demand?


Does the overspend include the Ranson costs and appeal?

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Just now, Andy Onchan said:

I assumed the word demand = more patients, as opposed to additional non-care costs.

He's hiding behind the Jonathan Michaels report which stated the health service would need more money every year.  I thought Hooper was an accountant?

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5 minutes ago, cissolt said:

He's hiding behind the Jonathan Michaels report which stated the health service would need more money every year.  I thought Hooper was an accountant?

I doubt if even Michaels thought it would need an extra £30M in a year.

It would be interesting to see a forensic breakdown of exactly where this money has been spent. One thing is for sure, we won't get it from Hooper. 

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27 minutes ago, cissolt said:

He's hiding behind the Jonathan Michaels report which stated the health service would need more money every year.  I thought Hooper was an accountant?

I thought he was a dick, turns out he is, who would of guessed I'd be right (not me for one)

21 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

I doubt if even Michaels thought it would need an extra £30M in a year.

It would be interesting to see a forensic breakdown of exactly where this money has been spent. One thing is for sure, we won't get it from Hooper. 

My money is on admin and the other bunch of freeloaders that is manxcare, wonder how long  before they realise it was a bad idea and how much it will cost us. 

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7 hours ago, 2112 said:

Unless these organisations offer fantastic wages, or terms and conditions, I can only see foreign imported staff.

Island care staff and facilities are better paid and provided for than the English equivalents. Still difficulties in getting staff though!

Heard some glowing praise for Southlands compared to some English places. It does seem to be a better facility than I imagined.

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3 minutes ago, Kopek said:

Island care staff and facilities are better paid and provided for than the English equivalents. Still difficulties in getting staff though!

Heard some glowing praise for Southlands compared to some English places. It does seem to be a better facility than I imagined.

I know a couple of ladies who are very near retirement age, but they have struggled to get other work.  Some now work for Care agencies; they seem to enjoy the work and flexibility of the hours.  One was a tutor in her previous life; she also does cleaning work.  She is always happy and smiling.

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4 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

Well, if it was predicted why weren't the funds made available to meet that increased demand?

Funds have NEVER been made available to meet a predicted demand before - why would it happen now?   Clearly not the IOMG way - apparently, they prefer DHSS/DHSC/MC to overspend every year and come cap-in-hand to cover the shortfall.

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