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55 minutes ago, dreamon said:

Ham's paragraph was lifted from that report which does not say what Offshoremanxman said.  Nit picky, I grant you, but he has quoted something which wasn't reported, even if it amounts to the same.

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4 minutes ago, Boo Gay'n said:

PS - re. Tinwell, which is the other recent tribunal that I think Peake is referring to, I don't think the judgement has been published yet.

There won't be judgment published because there wasn't a judgment.  We know from an FoI request last October which I mercifully copied onto here[1] about costs incurred and contains the following:

Your Question – Part 2:

The case has disappeared off the employment tribunal listings. I ask the Attorney Generals Chambers has the case with Dr Tinwell been settled out of court. In respect of this I do not ask for the settlement figures just confirmation that the case has been settled out of court for an undisclosed sum. As it is tax payers money openness and transparency should rightfully be shown, so I can see no reason for not disclosing what has been asked for

Our Response – Part 2:

For this part of your question, the Attorney General’s Chambers can confirm that prior to the proceedings before the Tribunal being determined, the parties disposed of matters relating to the dispute on what they both agreed were strictly confidential terms.


[1]  Mercifully not just because of the the usual servlet problem which makes linking impossible, but because you can't actually access any FoI replies at the moment for some reason.

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They allude very clearly to the culture inside Government where the power of the executive is dominant. The executive determines how things are done, what is done and how outcomes are presented. When things do go wrong, or when decisions that are made which have negative outcomes, individuals in senior positions are able to manipulate the truth to suit their own ends, without any effective system of checks or investigation. I have seen this first hand and the organised deceit that goes with it. Even more depressingly, I see no prospect of this changing whilst the existing political organisation and structure within Tynwald persists.

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1 hour ago, Roger Mexico said:

There won't be judgment published because there wasn't a judgment.

Nevertheless, there are bits and pieces around (although I assume people who are interested have already found them):


http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=56552&headline=Deemster rejects DHSC's appeal&sectionIs=NEWS&searchyear=2020

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