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Posted (edited)
19 hours ago, Banker said:

Just been covered above by Wrighty!

And your point is?

My point was there seems to be a never ending cycle of taxes, more taxes and then charity for basic essential services while money is spaffed away on layers of adminsitration and managament that only seems to be there to justify it's own existence because they cannot make the tough calls and of course the ministers pet vanity projects.

For example, why not wait until the UK resolves the assisted suicide issue and, as we are already beholden to them for the NHS anyway, rather than re-invent the wheel and then find it is conflict with the UK system anyway? 

Or getting rid of the bishops vote, allegedly on the gorunds that she is unelected, so why not put her in the ring with all the other unelected candidates for the next LegCo election? After all she is over 21 and resident on the island.

That would legitimise the Bishops vote the same as everyone else. If she doesn't get in then Hooperman gets what he wanted and if she does then she has a 4 year term like the rest.

But they have to leave a legacy like this because what they'll leave behind in their real job i.e. Treasury and Healthcare is a mess for someone else to sort out.


Edited by CallMeCurious
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Manx Care are putting the frighteners on tourists/bikers advising them they will take legal action against those with unpaid medical costs. So they aren’t getting money up front like they do in other countries? It would be interesting to see statistics as to how many haven’t paid, and how many have had legal action? Perhaps Manx Care needs to be a little bit more proactive in getting the message across, maybe working in conjunction with the Steam Packet, emailing visitors etc. Also the message could be promoted in the motorcycling media? 






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What other countries try to discourage tourists by threatening them in this way ?  Totally ridiculous, anyone with half a brain takes out travel insurance.    How would you react if the country you were visiting on holiday asked for a deposit in case you fell ill or had an accident?     The riders themselves are well insured that is mandatory.    

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24 minutes ago, Fred the shred said:

What other countries try to discourage tourists by threatening them in this way ?  Totally ridiculous, anyone with half a brain takes out travel insurance.    How would you react if the country you were visiting on holiday asked for a deposit in case you fell ill or had an accident?     The riders themselves are well insured that is mandatory.    

You'd be surprised how many visitors don't take out travel insurance. Even if they do there's varying levels of cover which may not include repatriation, for example.

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The manxcare waiting list figures make for interesting reading.

1.5 million for support services? Who did that go to?

They have failed to hit the targets in the business case but have managed to spend all the money?


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22 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

You'd be surprised how many visitors don't take out travel insurance. Even if they do there's varying levels of cover which may not include repatriation, for example.

True, but instead of IOMG/Manx Care bleating and putting out threats, perhaps it should be pro active before TT, especially in Europe. They could hammer home the message of travel insurance at Bike Shows, the BSB events, British Moto GP etc. it seems to me that there must be more than one person who hasn’t got insurance, or the right kind of insurance, for Manx Care to have made that statement. 

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55 minutes ago, Fred the shred said:

What other countries try to discourage tourists by threatening them in this way ?  Totally ridiculous, anyone with half a brain takes out travel insurance.    How would you react if the country you were visiting on holiday asked for a deposit in case you fell ill or had an accident?     The riders themselves are well insured that is mandatory.    

I have an annual worldwide travel insurance policy.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Fred the shred said:

What other countries try to discourage tourists by threatening them in this way ?  Totally ridiculous, anyone with half a brain takes out travel insurance.    How would you react if the country you were visiting on holiday asked for a deposit in case you fell ill or had an accident?     The riders themselves are well insured that is mandatory.    

if i was living in the british isles and travelled to another part of the british isles for a holiday  i wouldn't think i needed to take out travel insurance to cover medical bills.

Edited by WTF
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10 minutes ago, 2112 said:

I have an annual worldwide travel insurance policy.

Lots of people do, including myself. However, as sophisticated as mine is (and I have claimed on it in the past) it does not include repatriation from UK to IOM. I had to take out a separate policy for that. 

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You'd think one of the local insurers would quickly get in on this - advertising on TT radio with a ready made package - they'd make a fortune surely? The buggers here are already swimming in money, so maybe just can't be arsed.

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1 hour ago, 2112 said:

True, but instead of IOMG/Manx Care bleating and putting out threats, perhaps it should be pro active before TT, especially in Europe. They could hammer home the message of travel insurance at Bike Shows, the BSB events, British Moto GP etc. it seems to me that there must be more than one person who hasn’t got insurance, or the right kind of insurance, for Manx Care to have made that statement. 

Indeed but don't forget this applies to all visitors not just TT, even family in the UK and beyond.

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Just now, Andy Onchan said:

Indeed but don't forget this applies to all visitors not just TT, even family in the UK and beyond.

Perhaps then it should also involve VisitIOM who should be mentioning this at all the trade shows they attend?

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"medical treatment which is needed by a resident of England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Island whilst visiting the Island is provided by the IOM NHS on the same basis as services provided to local residents"

Foreigners visiting will no doubt have health insurance.  UK visitors do not need it. The only thing that is missing is repatriation.

Repatriation from Tierra del Fuego would cost a bit, but getting back to England just means staggering down to Douglas and getting on the boat. Can't walk? Get a mate with a van and stick you in the back.


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2 hours ago, Albert Tatlock said:

You'd think one of the local insurers would quickly get in on this - advertising on TT radio with a ready made package - they'd make a fortune surely? 

going by wrightys doom and gloom TT scenario they should lose a fortune

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