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1 hour ago, Banker said:

Not my line, stolen from the BMJ -


"For years everyone's been promised an all you can eat buffet of lobster and caviar. Unfortunately we're only funded to provide supermarket own brand beans and sliced white bread"

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10 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

Are there any comparative figures? Which countries have a better health care system, and what is the total cost to run the system, and what does an individual pay - either by tax or directly?

Probably available via Google but eg Nordic countries pay very high taxes but healthcare, pensions etc top class with quick access for operations etc. SNP have promised more funds for healthcare c£1bn but taxes will go up to fund, income tax I think 48% over £75k mentioned.

So basically pay more in taxes or charges or have same services with lower taxes & free . No countries can finance increased demands without having higher taxes or private insurance like USA.

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Julie Edge made some interesting comments in Tynwald yesterday about the recent changes at the top of manxcare and alluded to some murkiness involved.  Any idea who she was referring to?  I got the impression she was talking about the medical director who has been poking round in the UK for years while we pay someone else do to his work 

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3 hours ago, cissolt said:

Julie Edge made some interesting comments in Tynwald yesterday about the recent changes at the top of manxcare and alluded to some murkiness involved.  Any idea who she was referring to?  I got the impression she was talking about the medical director who has been poking round in the UK for years while we pay someone else do to his work 

Hasn't he left ?.. I heard that he has either left or is leaving  soon ..

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1 hour ago, mad_manx said:

Hasn't he left ?.. I heard that he has either left or is leaving  soon ..

Apparently not. I'll try and find the audio from Julie Edge.  Seems to be lots of people leaving the upper echelons of manx care

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1 hour ago, cissolt said:

Apparently not. I'll try and find the audio from Julie Edge.  Seems to be lots of people leaving the upper echelons of manx care

I am sure wrighty will be able to confirm this . I think someone had posted this on this thread as well..  

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1 hour ago, cissolt said:

Apparently not. I'll try and find the audio from Julie Edge.  Seems to be lots of people leaving the upper echelons of manx care

Here you go:


There seem to be a lot going and no one permanently appointed in their place.  Hooper was snooty and snide even by his standards and demanded that no one ever be able to discuss anything about public servants ever, no matter how vaguely and Skelly was of course happy to agree.

But the most shocking thing was that Smith asked a (supplementary) question. 

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5 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Here you go:


There seem to be a lot going and no one permanently appointed in their place.  Hooper was snooty and snide even by his standards and demanded that no one ever be able to discuss anything about public servants ever, no matter how vaguely and Skelly was of course happy to agree.

But the most shocking thing was that Smith asked a (supplementary) question. 


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8 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Here you go:


There seem to be a lot going and no one permanently appointed in their place.  Hooper was snooty and snide even by his standards and demanded that no one ever be able to discuss anything about public servants ever, no matter how vaguely and Skelly was of course happy to agree.

But the most shocking thing was that Smith asked a (supplementary) question. 

OK.  So Dr Andol is leaving  at the end of the month .

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18 hours ago, wrighty said:

Not my line, stolen from the BMJ -


"For years everyone's been promised an all you can eat buffet of lobster and caviar. Unfortunately we're only funded to provide supermarket own brand beans and sliced white bread"

I have to say you all do a good job of hiding it! I’ve had a couple of appointments in the past month (for various children - mine, not just ones I grabbed off the street) and the service has been outstanding. Nobles, Kensington Group Practice and West View dentists, highly commendable NHS (or part NHS in the case of the dentist but they’re still bloody good!) operations.

We are very lucky and yeah yeah you hear the horror stories, but you get that with mechanics too - all health care workers are is fancy mechanics and we are poorly made cars. Have a great day.

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16 hours ago, cissolt said:

Julie Edge made some interesting comments in Tynwald yesterday about the recent changes at the top of manxcare and alluded to some murkiness involved.  Any idea who she was referring to?  I got the impression she was talking about the medical director who has been poking round in the UK for years while we pay someone else do to his work 

Didn't it refer to an earlier question on how many medical directors are on Manx Care payroll, where Hooper stated that there was only one, when it appears he has mislead Tynwald as there were two.  

Edited by Holte End
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1 hour ago, Holte End said:

Didn't it refer to an earlier question on how many medical directors are on Manx Care payroll, where Hooper stated that there was only one, when it appears he has mislead Tynwald as there were two.  

Yes, and he's technically correct.  We are paying for the MD to work in the UK whilst also paying Marina Hudson to act up as medical director. He was hiding behind 'substantive' and claiming it was the questions fault.


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