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3 minutes ago, Jarndyce said:

This.   Manx Care was set up to fail by Tynwald - on the very day that they voted it into existence.

Most MHKs were demonstrable failures in their previous occupations, as we already know, so not an entirely unexpected outcome.

You'd expect better from the people who advise them, though.

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27 minutes ago, Sheldon said:

Most MHKs were demonstrable failures in their previous occupations, as we already know, so not an entirely unexpected outcome.

You'd expect better from the people who advise them, though.

Some senior people left just before the Tynwald debate and vote.  Could be linked?

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1 hour ago, cissolt said:

I don't understand how the overspend is allowed, they get a set  budget and go over it every month.  Who in government is approving the overspends?

Who else has looked at the Jonathan Michaels figures to confirm they are economically viable and necessary?

Tynwald approved Manx Care but treasury never approved the budget suggested by Michael’s so there’s always going to be a shortfall unless something is cut, services, staff etc or introduction of charges like the Channel Islands 

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19 minutes ago, Banker said:

Tynwald approved Manx Care but treasury never approved the budget suggested by Michael’s so there’s always going to be a shortfall unless something is cut, services, staff etc or introduction of charges like the Channel Islands 

The Michaels report was based on an annual population increase of 337 people per year up to 2035.

The budget increase proposed, per year, is 8.2 million per year.  Or an extra £24,362 for every new resident per year.

Lots of assumptions in the report, it's not set in stone, unless of course you are asking treasury for money.

The final report states that they didn't even have the data for spending comparisons.



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I challenge Alf Cannan, Lawrie Hooper and Teresa Cope to make a public statement to say that bullying by management within Manx care has stopped. Manx Care continue to reward bad behaviour and promote within.  Like an Irishman once said to me "Hungry Pigs".  Qualified individuals are leaving the service in droves partly because of the bullying, which results in agency staff being recruited and this has an impact on the budget.  Have they not learnt from the Dr Ranson case.  No.  Why, because individuals were not held accountant, just like this current administration, and therefore the bullying continues and failures, despite reassurances from Alf Cannon that it would stop. 

As we aware bullying in the workplace, often referred to as workplace bullying, involves repeated, intentional harmful behaviours directed at an individual or group of employees. It can take various forms, including verbal abuse, intimidation, humiliation, sabotage, and exclusion. Such behaviours can create a toxic work environment, negatively impacting employee morale, productivity, and overall job satisfaction.

Effects of Workplace Bullying:

  • Emotional Impact: Anxiety, depression, and decreased self-esteem.

  • Physical Health: Stress-related illnesses, absenteeism, and burnout.

  • Job Performance: Reduced productivity, creativity, and engagement.

  • Work Environment: Decreased morale and increased turnover rates



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7 hours ago, Boo Gay'n said:

As an aside, and augmenting what Roger Mexico said in another thread, Jonny Michael was appointed by Alf Cannan when he was Treasury Minister - without a competitive competition and on the basis of an introduction by a government insider who used to work with him.  Michael sold us a diet version of the 2012 Lansley "reforms" from across, and Tynwald (to loud hurrahs) accepted it hook, line and sinker.

Look at what Lord Darzi said in his letter to the government last week when sending his report on the NHS -
"The Health and Social Care Act of 2012 was a calamity without international precedent. It proved disastrous."

Nobody in the current Council of Ministers or Tynwald has a clue what they signed up for.  Is it a surprise that things feel worse than they did five years ago?

Excellent post. Unless you were JM , Robin O'Conner & his consultancy, Gemserve , KPMG or any of the number of other 'consultants' involved in the review , report and now presumably adrift implementaion of the report, this whole process has been a dsaster.  History will judge this as a debacle unusual in its scale and cost even by the lowly standards of the Manx Government.

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On 9/16/2024 at 2:27 PM, Boo Gay'n said:

As an aside, and augmenting what Roger Mexico said in another thread, Jonny Michael was appointed by Alf Cannan when he was Treasury Minister - without a competitive competition and on the basis of an introduction by a government insider who used to work with him.  Michael sold us a diet version of the 2012 Lansley "reforms" from across, and Tynwald (to loud hurrahs) accepted it hook, line and sinker.

Look at what Lord Darzi said in his letter to the government last week when sending his report on the NHS -
"The Health and Social Care Act of 2012 was a calamity without international precedent. It proved disastrous."

Nobody in the current Council of Ministers or Tynwald has a clue what they signed up for.  Is it a surprise that things feel worse than they did five years ago?

The Darzi report itself is flawed. He does get most things right, but them makes some completely non-evidence-based statements and recommendations such as managers have kept the show on the road and the solution is defund secondary & tertiary care to invest in primary care

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4 hours ago, Babydoc said:

The Darzi report itself is flawed. He does get most things right, but them makes some completely non-evidence-based statements and recommendations such as managers have kept the show on the road and the solution is defund secondary & tertiary care to invest in primary care

I doubt that any review and report delivered in nine weeks can be perfect, and suspect that you are instantly criticising a few points based on your own position and experience.  I get a sense of an Aunt Sally argument.  That cannot - in my view at least - detract from the overall 'diagnosis'.  Sadly, Darzi was not able, because of the terms of engagement, to offer policy options: and others, without reading what he said, have criticised him for that.

On managers, his covering letter said:

"The NHS is the essential public service and so managers have focused on “keeping the show on the road”. Some fantasise about an imaginary alternative world where heroic NHS managers were able to defy the odds and deliver great performance in a system that had been broken. Better management decisions might have been taken along the way, but I am convinced that they would have only made a marginal difference to the state that the NHS is in today."

In the context of other observations about a bloated superstructure and confused responsibilities, I infer that Darzi is saying that the system and human factors lead managers to fail, no matter how good they are.

There is a lot, although not all, in the Darzi report that has relevance in the Isle of Man and I hope that relevant politicians and policy advisers take it into account if they are courageous enough to reconsider the waste of time and money that our 2019 reforms led to.

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Following on from the petition calling for the removal of the head of Manx Care, Manx Care via IOMGs mouthpiece is reminding its staff of social media policy. 

I wonder if senior management/civil servants spend their time monitoring social media for petitions and or any signs of dissent? 

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39 minutes ago, Boo Gay'n said:

I hope that relevant politicians and policy advisers take it into account if they are courageous enough to reconsider the waste of time and money that our 2019 reforms led to.

They are NOT courageous enough - so they WON’T reconsider…

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