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19 minutes ago, Banker said:

Well let’s see what he’s got to say first 

Yes fair enough. Then he can tell us what he's going to do about it.

Hopefully more than he's done following his own very public criticism of another Govt Dept, the DOI whose failings still await Mr Cannan's address after 5 months have passed.

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2 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

The assessment of his reliability as a witness is ... ambiguous:

80. Mr Segal [Ranson's QC] summarised the evidence of the Minister as “practised and diplomatic seemingly guided by the principle of deniability of anything potentially inconvenient unless/until objective evidence was available to the contrary.” Mr Segal’s written submissions provided examples supporting his observations.

81. In general the approach of the Tribunal was to consider the evidence of the Minister as reflecting his best recollections, albeit not always consistent or easy to support. Because of Miss Magson’s determination to apply the rigid command structure (see further below), the Tribunal considered him to have been over-reliant on Miss Magson for his information. In consequence, he may have been misinformed.

All we are seeing here is a court basically affirming what most people could already see in the daily COVID-19 briefings and the Rachel Glover affair. Which was that we had a fantasist Health Minister who was well outside his basic competency zone being told what to do by some fairly deranged public servants behind the scenes who were only interested in self preservation not the public good. Worryingly though we now have an economic recovery headed by fantasist Treasury Minister who is well outside his comfort zone who is being told what to do by some fairly deranged public servants behind the scenes who are only interested in self preservation not the public good. 

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41 minutes ago, Banker said:

Well, one would hope that Ashford resigns to "spend more time with his family" and triggers a Douglas North by-election? That's what politicians with the tiniest shred of integrity do in this situation..

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Would it be over-dramatic to say this is an affront to every man, woman and child on this island?  Not only to treat RR the way she was treated, but to have such little regard for the law of the island and,  yes you've guessed it, the basic principles of conduct in public life.

I really feel so personally insulted by the lack of respect for the island by these people, lack of respect for the position of public trust they hold and a lack of respect for the institutions intended to assure us of certain protections and rights as a civilised jurisdiction.

I feel an email in the strongest terms  to my MHK is warranted.  Add this to the catalogue of mismanagement and squander that we have seen over recent years, perhaps it is time to call in the UK government. 

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4 minutes ago, Wavey Davey said:

All we are seeing here is a court basically affirming what most people could already see in the daily COVID-19 briefings and the Rachel Glover affair. Which was that we had a fantasist Health Minister who was well outside his basic competency zone being told what to do by some fairly deranged public servants

But a lot of Douglas old biddies thought he was a lovely, lovely man because he saved them all from the ‘rona and they voted him back in. Wartime government propaganda clearly still works. 

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4 minutes ago, forestboy said:

So what’s your solution?

Frankly, call in the UK.  

Look at the list of debacles, some could be attributed to incompetence, but this is another level and we have to wait a week before an official response from the CM?  Really? 

Edited by Gladys
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15 minutes ago, Fysseree said:

Well, one would hope that Ashford resigns to "spend more time with his family" and triggers a Douglas North by-election? That's what politicians with the tiniest shred of integrity do in this situation..

I see what you did there....

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15 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Would it be over-dramatic to say this is an affront to every man, woman and child on this island?  Not only to treat RR the way she was treated, but to have such little regard for the law of the island and,  yes you've guessed it, the basic principles of conduct in public life.

If the Tribunal is correct in its description of the various doctored/forged evidence submitted, and there's no reason to think it isn't, then some actual jail time ought to be on the table for the perpetrators.

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29 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Any Ashford fans still on these fora...? One or two posters were slavishly devoted to him (and Quayle) on these boards in the recent past during the Covid crisis...?

There's an amusing sidelight on Ashford's attitude to Quayle in the Report when he replies to a email from Magson who is trying to stop Ranson going to a meeting: “I do worry with the state of mind she’s in. We can’t have a presentation where officers are contradicting each other the CM would finally be a cardiac case.”

The idea that he thinks Quayle was unable to cope with a situation where he actually has to weigh up conflicting evidence is very revealing.  Though probably true.

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8 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Frankly, call in the UK.  

Look at the list of debacles, some could be attributed to incompetence, but this is another level and we have to wait a week before an official response from the CM?  Really? 

They're not much better

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