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13 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

Indeed. And oh boy how many posts did they make? Every single day, day in, day out. All saying the same thing.

And yet, here we are  


The shredder story in my view had zero credibility and it was clear he was in a corner and took this  route out. Which with the magnitude of said letter theres no way any sane person in authority would have disposed of it. It never existed of that I'm sure . Tarnishing RG over this matter dishonestly is unforgivable .

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Sorry to hear of DA's disappointment; contrition would have been more appropriate.  

He felt able to comment as a Minister on employment matters in the past (RG's unclear employment status, RR not being dismissed, being the first to spring to mind).

He is also wisely keeping his counsel as the matter is sub judice.  Is it? I thought the publication of the Tribunal decision meant it was no longer sub judice, the settlement may still be.  But no one is really expecting him to comment on that, rather on the major failings (and that is putting it kindly) in the department of which he was Minister. Do the sub judice rules apply in this case anyway?  No doubt he has taken the advice of the same party that advised him on GDPR in respect to "the letter". 

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9 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

The shredder story in my view had zero credibility and it was clear he was in a corner and took this  route out. Which with the magnitude of said letter theres no way any sane person in authority would have disposed of it. It never existed of that I'm sure . Tarnishing RG over this matter dishonestly is unforgivable .

So I've just listened to this again he received a letter from a member of "DHSC staff" from the "wider team" (emphasis on wider). Which is interesting wording and emphasis. Everyone took this to be someone from the lab because Ashford added that in with his thanks at the end but with this tribunal it has made me think that perhaps it could be someone senior in DHSC rather than at the hospital?

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17 hours ago, Itsmeee said:

I also seem to remember him commenting in public about Dr Glover’s employment status (whether or not she was employed by IOMG and if so in what capacity). 

Yes, it was over multiple comments and press releases. Google finds them for you. 

Additionally, he was keen to tell me on email how much I wasn't an employee. So much so that I resigned within minutes. Except he didn't actually check whether I was really an employee until the next day, the day after I resigned. Thankfully I have the emails. There were so many more damning emails - not just regarding Mr. Ashford - that will likely become part of the future inquiry.

Edited by rachomics
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4 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Sorry to hear of DA's disappointment; contrition would have been more appropriate.  

He felt able to comment as a Minister on employment matters in the past (RG's unclear employment status, RR not being dismissed, being the first to spring to mind).

He is also wisely keeping his counsel as the matter is sub judice.  Is it? I thought the publication of the Tribunal decision meant it was no longer sub judice, the settlement may still be.  But no one is really expecting him to comment on that, rather on the major failings (and that is putting it kindly) in the department of which he was Minister. Do the sub judice rules apply in this case anyway?  No doubt he has taken the advice of the same party that advised him on GDPR in respect to "the letter". 

There's still matters for the tribunal to consider (the mystery of the concocted evidence). 

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2 minutes ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:

So I've just listened to this again he received a letter from a member of "DHSC staff" from the "wider team" (emphasis on wider). Which is interesting wording and emphasis. Everyone took this to be someone from the lab because Ashford added that in with his thanks at the end but with this tribunal it has made me think that perhaps it could be someone senior in DHSC rather than at the hospital?

It could never have been anyone from the lab. I have unsolicited emails from all the lab staff who actually worked with me for 7 months confirming that in the week I resigned. It's funny how, when questioned at Dr. Ranson's employment tribunal regarding this letter - under oath - he still wasn't prepared to tell anyone who had written it. Strange that. 

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2 minutes ago, rachomics said:

Additionally, he was keen to tell me on email how much I wasn't an employee. So much so that I resigned within minutes. Except he didn't actually check whether I was really an employee until the next day, the day after I resigned. 

How did he deal with you resigning from a job he was told that you didn’t have? 

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1 hour ago, Roxanne said:

I’ve just read the last twenty pages or so of this thread.

Its weird to think that MF gets a pretty bad press out there in the real world, but the truth is, that apart from a few exceptions (all but a few now departed), many of us were calling all this out from the very beginning. It felt like David against Goliath at times. But here we are, judgement has been passed and all has come to light and it was very much as we thought.

There’s no gloating here. People’s lives and reputations were attempted to be ruined. Many of them are still living with the fallout.

I like to think that eventually, the truth will always out, even without those who were targeted having to do a single thing toward bringing the real perpetrators to justice. The truth is now out  Clear as day for anyone to see  

In a fair and just society, heads would and should roll for this. At one time, public decency would insist upon it but I fear we are so used to this absolute gaslighting shit show that we no longer expect that anything meaningful will result from this - and the perpetrators know this - in fact they are counting on it.


It's indicative of a couple of things IMHO.

Firstly, of the level of arrogance that some of these people possess in believing that they can continue to do this time after time without being found out.

Secondly, of the level of indifference and/or ignorance of the Manx electorate that allows them to do it.

But then again, it's such a lucrative, relatively short-term career. If you can spin the bullshit for long enough you can push your wheelbarrow away with no accountability for what you've actually done or been part of whatsoever.

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8 minutes ago, Steady Eddie said:

How did he deal with you resigning from a job he was told that you didn’t have? 

By reading out a letter at a briefing when asked a question about my resignation by the press. Literally had the "letter" in his pocket in anticipation of a question in a briefing that had been delayed by 24h to Friday 4pm because I had announced my resignation publicly on twitter at 12 noon on the Thursday thinking I could get on with my life by 6pm that day.  How wrong I was, given we're now 18 months later. 

Edited by rachomics
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4 hours ago, Itsmeee said:

I bet you’re not the only one either. I hope you’re ok and you get the support and justice you need. 

No I am not the only one , to my knowledge there are at least two others. I have evidence of lies and some senior managers colluding with each other. A absolute travesty when as a professional all you want is to do your best for the children and families here on the Island. Disgraceful 

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1 hour ago, Numbnuts said:

The shredder story in my view had zero credibility and it was clear he was in a corner and took this  route out. Which with the magnitude of said letter theres no way any sane person in authority would have disposed of it. It never existed of that I'm sure . Tarnishing RG over this matter dishonestly is unforgivable .

I could never figure out why, if you were clutching the silver bullet which supported your position you would shred it ! Cos that's what you do with important evidence which supports you isn't it !

Hogwash !!!!

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Just now, asitis said:

I could never figure out why, if you were clutching the silver bullet which supported your position you would shred it ! Cos that's what you do with important evidence which supports you isn't it !

Hogwash !!!!

+1 agree totally. With all that was happening and 'if' you had something to support your stance no way would you dispose of it. In fact I would have put it somewhere so safe ! . Trouble is lots believed his story. Probably still do. 

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Maleficence through and through!

The chiding by Segal of Ashfords evidence reveals the typical Govt response to any criticism, deny, spend a week sorting it, announce they were already onto the problem and addressing it! Nothing to see here folks.

I would hope that many MHKs and the MLP are already considering their response?

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