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19 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Personally, I doubt if he will. The moral standard has dropped so low in far too much of public service now (with examples everywhere) that, like so many before him, he'll try and ignore stuff and just blissfully carry on. Water off a duck's back, so's to speak.

I must be psychic....not.

But CS misleading their Minister....now where have we heard this before?

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40 minutes ago, Hoops said:

The current Health Minister is being very quiet about this, as he was the anaethetists. 

I wonder if these items are deemed to be only at the 'bronze' level stage of importance, by those who feed him information?

He's normally pretty cocky on twitter too, but nothing.

There's a pretty long thread on there from a couple of months back where Hooper was very positive about having an off island head of DHSC, which we all knew was a mistake and should never be repeated.

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HRH Dr Professor Ashford MBE, took information solely from Magson to advise his response to the pandemic but during all his press briefings he told us repeatedly he was being informed by the "medical professionals". Magson is not a medical professional so he was deluding himself and lying to us ! Which begs the question, who is he taking advice from now that he's in treasury? I've got no faith in him whatsoever. He lied to us during those press briefings he's made fools of us all.

His best defence would be to admit he was duped by Magson.

And why didn't he do something about that useless cow Ewart? she went on a two week holiday when the pandemic was really starting to ramp up on Island and when she returned she wouldn't answer calls or texts at the weekend, for f***s sake! the very moment when the island needed steering through choppy waters the director of public health goes on holiday!? You couldn't make it up. I was pleased to read that the tribunal recognised how diabolical her attitude was.


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50 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

David Ashford has to go, no question. He rightly put himself front and centre of the DHSC when he was minister and was on the bridge the whole time. It's only right then that the buck stopped with him. Until heads roll nothing will change.

He has been shown to be a clueless as many people always said he was. It’s clear he had very little to do with actually running his department and that much of what was going on was not escalated to him. The letter shredding affair is equally proof that the people below him used him as some sort of public puppet to pursue their personal vendettas through. With the benefit of hindsight go onto YouTube and watch those clips of the ridiculous covid Howie & Ashy shows again. The man is a fantasist with the ability to have unswerving belief in his own ability no matter how detached from reality that view is.

What we can categorically see here is that during the biggest public health crisis we’ve had in a century Tynwald was lied to and kept in the dark and decisions were made not based on 100% factual information passed up from people at the coalface. And that politicians were used as pawns in the institutional bullying of people trying to provide a better reality filter. 

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7 minutes ago, Manxman2000 said:

You have to be thrown from the gravy train, nobody would ever jump.  Must think he’s Boris 

Ashie will hold on for dear life. He won’t resign, has no shred of decency or morality whatsoever. I pity the Douglas North constituency. They would be better served by a chewing gum removal machine. 

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15 minutes ago, Johnny F said:

HRH Dr Professor Ashford MBE, took information solely from Magson to advise his response to the pandemic but during all his press briefings he told us repeatedly he was being informed by the "medical professionals".

He probably thought he was. He was a nominal Health Minister. Just as he is a nominal Treasury Minister. In fact I’d wager he got the Treasury job purely on the basis that he’s a clueless empty suit who has little grasp of anything that is going on. 

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3 minutes ago, Steady Eddie said:

He probably thought he was. He was a nominal Health Minister. Just as he is a nominal Treasury Minister. In fact I’d wager he got the Treasury job purely on the basis that he’s a clueless empty suit who has little grasp of anything that is going on. 

I really hope so and I hope Alf Cannan is keeping an eye on him.  

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What DA fails to understand is that the concerns are not relating to the personnel matter as such, that has been dealt with by the Tribunal.  It is more about the fitness for purpose of the government and management structures and people in place.

The fact he cannot grasp that reiterates the calibre of the man. 

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Just now, Steady Eddie said:

Alf put him in the role purely because he knows that he’s just a clueless stooge who will do whatever he is told. 

Alf in that case should tell him to resign, if Alf wants to retain any credibility as CM !

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