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15 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Yep, I saw that too.   But she is a 360 Leadership Academy Facilitator!

And yet strangely the 360 Feedback rather differed with her in their opinions of Dr Ranson:

607. Because of what Miss Magson said about Dr Ranson when misleading Mrs Cope and Mr Foster in October / November 2020, the Tribunal considered it appropriate to summarise how out of step was her viewpoint compared with those who had contributed to this 360 -Colleague Feedback Summary of March-June 2021. The anonymous responses were from:  One GP.  Six Hospital Doctors.  Three nurses.  One Manager.  Two “other clinical” and  Three non-clinical.

608. Dr Ranson’s highest score was 98%. The lowest was 72%. As to Peer Average involving ten categories of abilities for assessment, five results were over 80% with two over 90%. The few de minimis adverse comments were noted by the Tribunal but lost in the endless list of favourable observations. It would be disproportionate to recite the several pages of praise but here is a cross-section of comments summarising what Manx Care lost because of the message delivered by Miss Magson:

a) The best Medical Director I have ever seen.

b) Excellent understanding of change management.

c) Dr Ranson has exercised great integrity in very difficult circumstances. A less resilient person may have crumbled but she has remained a very credible clinician and accountable Medical Director.

d) Has worked above and beyond during Covid-19.

e) Despite facing many intensely difficult, if not overtly hostile situations over the past year, she has been able to maintain a good work/life balance and to delegate tasks when appropriate.

f) Very professional hard worker, respectful, malleable and easy-going.

g) In addition to excellent clinical skills, Dr Ranson has excellent management skills.

and so on all the way through z) to aa).  Of course we discovered recently that the latest staff survey of doctors had a rather different opinion of the current management.   

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1 hour ago, cissolt said:

Good find Roger!  Although I am surprised that these issues have not been solved by Mrs Copes door being always open.

Well as I said above Cope does have some questions to answer, but it's also true that it takes time to eradicate such a deep-seated and long-standing culture.  How bad it was you can see from this in the Decision:

736. On 31st December 2021, almost 12 months later, Dr Ranson wrote to Mrs Cope hoping to get her to testify on her behalf in the Tribunal. At page Z426, Dr Ranson reminded Mrs Cope by email of a prior conversation early in 2021 and it made a number of pertinent points including this one regarding Ms Murray:

“You told me that you had never encountered behaviour as you witnessed for yourself from Angela Murray and you told me that you had 11 members of staff come and tell you about their treatment at the hands of Angela Murray and that was why you summarily dismissed her. There is a culture at Noble’s – which Kathryn was fully aware of – of bullying and threatening.”

Cope doesn't seem to have disputed any of this.  Of course it's made worse by other part of Manx government enabling it.  The way HR conspired with Magson to undermine Ranson was truly shocking and shows the whole department needs reform (even ignoring all their other incompetencies).

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1 hour ago, Roger Mexico said:

And yet strangely the 360 Feedback rather differed with her in their opinions of Dr Ranson:

607. Because of what Miss Magson said about Dr Ranson when misleading Mrs Cope and Mr Foster in October / November 2020, the Tribunal considered it appropriate to summarise how out of step was her viewpoint compared with those who had contributed to this 360 -Colleague Feedback Summary of March-June 2021. The anonymous responses were from:  One GP.  Six Hospital Doctors.  Three nurses.  One Manager.  Two “other clinical” and  Three non-clinical.

608. Dr Ranson’s highest score was 98%. The lowest was 72%. As to Peer Average involving ten categories of abilities for assessment, five results were over 80% with two over 90%. The few de minimis adverse comments were noted by the Tribunal but lost in the endless list of favourable observations. It would be disproportionate to recite the several pages of praise but here is a cross-section of comments summarising what Manx Care lost because of the message delivered by Miss Magson:

a) The best Medical Director I have ever seen.

b) Excellent understanding of change management.

c) Dr Ranson has exercised great integrity in very difficult circumstances. A less resilient person may have crumbled but she has remained a very credible clinician and accountable Medical Director.

d) Has worked above and beyond during Covid-19.

e) Despite facing many intensely difficult, if not overtly hostile situations over the past year, she has been able to maintain a good work/life balance and to delegate tasks when appropriate.

f) Very professional hard worker, respectful, malleable and easy-going.

g) In addition to excellent clinical skills, Dr Ranson has excellent management skills.

and so on all the way through z) to aa).  Of course we discovered recently that the latest staff survey of doctors had a rather different opinion of the current management.   

As I said on the other thread about MHKs needing to take action, it's ironic that somebody from off-island who is actually good at her job, competent and well-liked and respected by colleagues, is the one who gets binned!

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13 minutes ago, quilp said:

Gef provides a startling narrative of unmitigated arrogance and deceit...





Reading through that, it's not Dr Ranson's  state of mind that needed worrying about...

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15 hours ago, rachomics said:

That's a bloody good observation. We all know the civil servants and MHKs read this forum, so I hope this gets some attention. 

Thanks @rachomics

You have huge visibility and following on twitter, so please ask this on there

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22 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

That is truly unbelievable.

You know that old saying about how you can tell a lot about a person from how they treat the waiter?

Her whole demeanour throughout those cringeworthy pantomimes of the daily briefings was one of distain and looking down her nose at anyone who dared to ask a simple question.

I dread to think how she has treated others in the profession. In fact, I wouldn’t be at all surprised to learn that she was behind much of the mud slinging toward @rachomics at its zenith.

The way you think and live shows itself on the outside - and her face says it all before she even opened her mouth. 

It is more than unbelievable, it is shameful and appalling that one person should treat anyone in that way, let alone a fellow professional.

She (and Howie) became increasingly snippy with PM during the briefings.  IMO,  a word was had that she/they weren't coming across very well which resulted in the infamous "lovely smile" comment.


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2 hours ago, 0bserver said:

Cannan, KLB, and JPW seen going into Legislative Buildings this morning. Crisis meeting? 

I would say that’s a good logical observation. I would be very surprised if the other COMIN weren’t there. Mind you if there was a meeting, I doubt that there will be any real outcome. CM Cannan has shown himself unable to adapt to change. Like with ex CM Quayle, he only enacts change when the GMP is thoroughly pissed off and it’s the butt of widespread criticism. 




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