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58 minutes ago, 2112 said:

Just as an aside, CM Cannan has made a song and dance of work being done behind the scenes for an IOMG reception at Government House for the FCIOM. Lots of noise on the NPM. Nothing on the DHSC fiasco. It seems that Moorehouse asks a question and the question is a godsend to the CM, to deflect from the embarrassment of embarrassments, and to buy some time. 

He’s making a statement to Tynwald next week as already mentioned so he’s obviously not going to give interviews etc in the interim 

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1 minute ago, Banker said:

He’s making a statement to Tynwald next week as already mentioned so he’s obviously not going to give interviews etc in the interim 

Yes, we get that, but why a week after the decision was published?  Why not call an emergency Tynwald? Did the parties get an advance copy of the decision to start considering their response? 

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21 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

And yet strangely the 360 Feedback rather differed with her in their opinions of Dr Ranson:

607. Because of what Miss Magson said about Dr Ranson when misleading Mrs Cope and Mr Foster in October / November 2020, the Tribunal considered it appropriate to summarise how out of step was her viewpoint compared with those who had contributed to this 360 -Colleague Feedback Summary of March-June 2021. The anonymous responses were from:  One GP.  Six Hospital Doctors.  Three nurses.  One Manager.  Two “other clinical” and  Three non-clinical.

608. Dr Ranson’s highest score was 98%. The lowest was 72%. As to Peer Average involving ten categories of abilities for assessment, five results were over 80% with two over 90%. The few de minimis adverse comments were noted by the Tribunal but lost in the endless list of favourable observations. It would be disproportionate to recite the several pages of praise but here is a cross-section of comments summarising what Manx Care lost because of the message delivered by Miss Magson:

a) The best Medical Director I have ever seen.

b) Excellent understanding of change management.

c) Dr Ranson has exercised great integrity in very difficult circumstances. A less resilient person may have crumbled but she has remained a very credible clinician and accountable Medical Director.

d) Has worked above and beyond during Covid-19.

e) Despite facing many intensely difficult, if not overtly hostile situations over the past year, she has been able to maintain a good work/life balance and to delegate tasks when appropriate.

f) Very professional hard worker, respectful, malleable and easy-going.

g) In addition to excellent clinical skills, Dr Ranson has excellent management skills.

and so on all the way through z) to aa).  Of course we discovered recently that the latest staff survey of doctors had a rather different opinion of the current management.   

Just to add the Tribunal's damning conclusion:

Based on these answers, the Tribunal considered that Miss Magson’s allegation of the need for performance management seemed (and was) ludicrous and unjustifiable. Based on these impartial assessments, the injustice of what Miss Magson did to Dr Ranson in the Grantham Meetings can be seen in stark relief.

That's about as conclusive a view on someone's judgment as it is possible to get.

Edited by Augustus
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1 minute ago, Gladys said:

Yes, we get that, but why a week after the decision was published?  Why not call an emergency Tynwald? Did the parties get an advance copy of the decision to start considering their response? 


I stayed up 'til about 2am this morning reading the judgment.  To be honest, the govt didn't need any advance notice of the decision as it must have been obvious to anybody who attended the hearing what the result would end up being.  

That judgment is about as critical as I'd have thought it was possible to be of the DHSC, Govt and Mrs Magson.  I can't see that anybody who sat through the hearing described in the judgment would not have realised that the final verdict would be very damning.  You'd have to be deluded to think otherwise.

And yes - why wait a week?

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1 minute ago, Ghost Ship said:


I stayed up 'til about 2am this morning reading the judgment.  To be honest, the govt didn't need any advance notice of the decision as it must have been obvious to anybody who attended the hearing what the result would end up being.  

That judgment is about as critical as I'd have thought it was possible to be of the DHSC, Govt and Mrs Magson.  I can't see that anybody who sat through the hearing described in the judgment would not have realised that the final verdict would be very damning.  You'd have to be deluded to think otherwise.

And yes - why wait a week?

Well, yes, but DA called it disappointing, so perhaps they really thought their actions were fair and reasonable.  If that is the case, it is even more worrying. 

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2 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Well, yes, but DA called it disappointing, so perhaps they really thought their actions were fair and reasonable.  If that is the case, it is even more worrying. 

Even more worrying is that the executive believed they were acting correctly as did the Attorney Generals Office in fighting this case.

We the public are left yet again paying huge sums of money to pay for the incompetent  bullying management of our Health Service 

All must be brought to task about their public duty and responsibilities in representing the public and how they deal with the public purse 👛


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14 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Well, yes, but DA called it disappointing, so perhaps they really thought their actions were fair and reasonable.  If that is the case, it is even more worrying. 


I couldn't believe what I was reading about the way Dr Ranson was treated.  It was appalling.  And the way she was treated when they took her office away demonstrated puerile and barbaric behaviour.  It was a pathetic action by management.

Anybody who thought that her treatment all round was fair and reasonable treatment must be deluded...

And what about Dr Ewart?   ☹️!!!!

Anybody who thought the govt could defend this claim needs their head examining.

Then they need to be sacked...

[Coincidentally I have spent all this week following an employment tribunal discrimination case in London.  It's a claim by the barrister Allison Bailey against her own chambers and Stonewall for discrimination because of her gender critical beliefs.  I thought she'd been treated quite badly until I read the Dr Ranson decision.  Then I realised what being treated badly by your employer really meant...]

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29 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Would be better schmoozing the electorate at the moment. 

I totally agree with you in that. If a jolly to London was required, perhaps they should have sought a meeting with the BMA and other relevant health care members professions. After all, I am sure that their membership here aren’t happy with both the DHSC and Manx Care, and I would say that some bridge building and making amends, may help. This island the way it’s going is going to find itself blacklisted as a decent place to work.

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1 hour ago, Gladys said:

Yes, we get that, but why a week after the decision was published?  Why not call an emergency Tynwald? Did the parties get an advance copy of the decision to start considering their response? 

Both parties would have received the judgment at the same, except CM Cannan, Ashie and DHSC etc probably wanted to control the news agenda which was why the news came out via the BMA. Usually IOMG can’t wait to rush out a press release to Manx Radio, Gef, Facebook etc. If IOMG had won its case, then they would be singing from the rooftops of Government Offices. Ashie would have been smugger than smug.

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4 minutes ago, 2112 said:

I totally agree with you in that. If a jolly to London was required, perhaps they should have sought a meeting with the BMA and other relevant health care members professions. After all, I am sure that their membership here aren’t happy with both the DHSC and Manx Care, and I would say that some bridge building and making amends, may help. This island the way it’s going is going to find itself blacklisted as a decent place to work.

I often 75% agree with your posts, but on this it is 100%.  

The lack of a fast damage limitation exercise is woeful. 

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There is outrage on this forum because of this case, but I do not think that you should view this as an isolated, extreme, occurrence. There have been many other comments here and in the press about bullying and harassment in government but none have generated this level of response, not because the incidents were less severe but because they were not so unambiguously and publicly documented.

A while ago I made this post about an brief encounter I had with Malcolm Couch:

"A couple of years ago at the endoscopy public meeting in Ramsey, after the meeting was over I attempted to engage Couch in polite conversation. For a few minutes he just stared at me with a blank face, until eventually, without saying a single word, he turned his back on me and walked away.
In have never come across such a pig-ignorant person. I was astounded that someone like that could have been given such a job - because he did not get like that overnight, and I doubt that behaviour was reserved for just me."

I have the opinion that this attitude is prevalent throughout government, and that include the MHKs. They are all people who feel they are superior to others.

The attitude of the MHKs who refuse to comment on this case - quoting some irrelevancy - are adopting the same attitude as Couch. They are turning their back on you and walking away. You are irrelevant. Their behaviour is insulting.


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