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Manx Gas


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38 minutes ago, CallMeCurious said:

Anyone want to bet that our new government will negotiate a better gas deal with Manx gas right as the price peaks. Sure MG will love that.


As it’s based on return on capital invested the cost of the raw product is irrelevant. The new deal is only just completed. It won’t be reviewed.

Yes, we face higher prices, but so does everywhere.

I got my minuscule regulatory credit, £12.15, back on the most recent bill. Smallest bill ever. Usage was £20 less than same period last year.

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11 minutes ago, John Wright said:

And that will affect the world wholesale price of gas, how?

It won't, clearly.

You'd like to think if it was our gas, a mechanism and terms could be secured by IOMG as a condition of extraction  by which domestic supply needs could be purchased on a long term contract at a heavily discounted price to the prevalent world wholesale price.

Thus cheaper energy over the longer term for IOM.

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7 minutes ago, b4mbi said:

It won't, clearly.

You'd like to think if it was our gas, a mechanism and terms could be secured by IOMG as a condition of extraction  by which domestic supply needs could be purchased on a long term contract at a heavily discounted price to the prevalent world wholesale price.

Thus cheaper energy over the longer term for IOM.

If..... the volume is there, and 

If..... Crogga (or whoever) can get into full field production sooner rather than later

then I hope to God that IOMG will ensure that the Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) is negotiated by a competent legal and commercial team, ie not Manx CS!

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In the past when natural gas prices fell they didn't pass on the lower prices to us.  And from what I remember we were told that it's because they buy in advance so that prices remain stable. So they couldn't pass on the lower prices.


Let's see what happens now after  natural gas prices have increased  .. :rolleyes:

Edited by mad_manx
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The obvious problem is speculation and futures trading, all that completely made up stuff to make certain people rich. We should totally licence a well or two, let the company sell it for whatever they want if they supply the whole island with gas for nothing. We're a tiny place, it shouldn't be too hard.

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According to the Manx Independent, Electricity prices on the island could rise, and Manx Gas are in emergency talks with the Government. No doubt if they are up shit creek, us taxpayers will be bailing them out - probably out of the £400 million that was borrowed. This has been in the news for days, and as ever, our National Government has its fingers on the button - Last minute panic more like. I’ll bet there will be a nice little debate for the new idiots to hand wring and emote, but prices will rise and all will suffer, and the green lobby will be happy.

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This Island is fast becoming a very expensive place to reside. Many factors are outwith its control, such as gas, just now.

Others are not and are born of failed Govt policies and/or present and past incompetence. Regardless, the buck stops with the man in the street who is ever harder pressed to match the demands. It does nothing towards making the place an attractive place to live.

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I can see Manx Gas running rings around our Government, and it’s Civil Service. If MG are in financial straits, and they fold, how are our IOMG going to provide gas to its residents? I foresee bailout galore, bills increasing, people freezing and a toasty warm House of Keys and Tynpotwald Chamber. 

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