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Election Results Thread


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1 hour ago, Declan said:

But he was getting told very clearly he was not that. He’s a man for whom status matters and his diminishing in front of him. I can’t blame him for getting out of there. 

I suppose I can't blame him either, and I suppose he was looking for a rock to crawl under or the world to swallow him up.

A leader of men would have took it on the chin, congratulated the successful candidates with a shit eating grin, as did others, who to be fair, I have respect for. Cregie was gutted but stayed for the inevitable interview. And Baker just talked bollox, but didn't slope off, I'll give him his due there.

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3 minutes ago, Barlow said:

I think that was more Chris Thomas trying to cover up his shock and having his nose put out by not topping the poll. Or indeed that Ann Corlett got in at all. It was a daft remark and it also sounded like a veiled sarcasm too.

Chris Thomas will be hurting each time he sits in the Key/Tynwald having to seat behind Ann Corlett, on teh backbench. I suppose a bit like Chris Robertshaw having to sit behind then newbie Clare Barber last time. 

Maybe, I thought it was a mildly self-depreciating joke. But I'm not as quick to look for offence as some. 

So topped the pole with Ministerial experience which leaves - Ashford, Watterson and Cannon.

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1 hour ago, Zarley said:

No, but I weighed up which of the two instructions were more important; folding it in two or folding it and placing it in the envelope in such a way that the ballot paper number was visible in envelope A's window. Obviously the latter was the important one. 

I assumed some idiot CS ordered and printed the wrong size envelope A and never thought to amend the instructions to "fold ballot paper in thirds". 

It wasn't rocket surgery. 

That’s what I did, but i did wonder if it would invalidate my vote if I didn’t follow the instructions. 

Pretty poor they can’t get simple things right. 

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2 minutes ago, Declan said:


Maybe, I thought it was a mildly self-depreciating joke. But I'm not as quick to look for offence as some. 

So topped the pole with Ministerial experience which leaves - Ashford, Watterson and Cannon.


I accept that. I can't deny that CT is one of the good guys. Still, it must have been a bit of a shock for him.

Anyway, I think 'topping the poll', shouldn't be a prerequisite for CM.


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6 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

It just substantiated how poorly qualified he was to be elected in the first place. His gender has bugger all to do with it. And ever single candidate was knackered so that is also a poor excuse. 

Spot on.

The 'leader of men' thing I used as an idiom and I was toying with the idea of qualifying it, but meh. The female of the species done good last night and i hope that the age-honoured tradition of the boys club in Tynwald is evaporating.

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1 hour ago, SleepyJoe said:

Much like Mr Cannan, he has no Agenda For Change that I'm aware of - its going to be a struggle for the centre right to shine when the public mandate is clearly for beefed up [sorry] climate change response & much improved digital economy 

Don't forget that Baker's hoofing is also a mandate for more respect for the taxpayer's wonga and less waste; ideally leading to static or at best, lower charges IMHO - not that it's likely to happen. 

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4 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Don't forget that Baker's hoofing is also a mandate for more respect for the taxpayer's wonga and less waste; ideally leading to static or at best, lower charges IMHO - not that it's likely to happen. 

Both Baker and Harmer's rejection by the electorate was a mandate against a lack of respect for the taxpayer's money, mainly due to the Douglas Prom being a glaring, can't-miss, in-your-face example. 

Just hope the current crop take heed, but I won't hold my breath. 

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1 hour ago, SleepyJoe said:

& much improved digital economy 

Sorry if this sounds rude, but you have demonstrated previously that you have no realistic or practical sense of what you would actually mean by that.

The last time I asked you pointed me to a helping of buzzword-soup on a WordPrss site from a firm of essentially amateur consultants. And then started on with some nonsense about green-hosting.

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8 minutes ago, pongo said:

It's shocking people being elected to proper grown-up full-time salaries and pensions on such a tiny number of votes. Some with fewer than 1000 votes.

The IOM has far too many MHKs.

How do you propose a properly democratic house if you reduce the number of seats?

I am not suggesting what we have now is perfect, but reduce down too much and you basically get a group like comin who can do whatever they want.  Get a handful of mates in there and they could take total control of the island.

Less people is not the answer in my opinion, and those who are in there should be paid twice what they are now so you attract real quality.

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4 hours ago, wrighty said:

According to what he said at the Manx Radio question time thing the other night, he is no longer eligible for the position - he was quite clear that there could only be 12 candidates, those that won their seats.  That's obviously not the case, but if he believes that it's difficult for him to now put himself forward as CM in my view.

That’s what he says today, but who knows what he will say tomorrow... “He’s only politician after all don’t put your blame on him…”

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