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Election Results Thread


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2 hours ago, 2112 said:

Perhaps some of the re-elected members which include women like Clare Barber and Julie Edge will show that they are not colour or religion ignorant. It’s on record when the last MLC election was carried out a person of BAME status was proposed and seconded, but received no votes. Maybe they would have received votes if they were BAME, Manx, Disabled and were of a different sexual orientation. Probably not, as Team HOK even with the new intake will probably act identically as the previous regime. They all talk a good game.

The last time there was a LegCo election, the way one candidate who got no votes, even from her proposers, rather implies she had withdrawn but it was too late to do so formally[1].  There were no proposing speeches or any opportunity to make an announcement and MHKs have to vote against they can't abstain in these votes.

Nut she wasn't the only person of colour standing and the other, Mr Miah (who I seem to remember is also Muslim), was actually the runner-up with 11 votes.  Now I don't think he was a good candidate[2], but you can't deny he had support.


[1]  She was a biological scientist and this was at the start of the pandemic, I wondered if it was related to that.

[2]  I'm uneasy with serving civil servants who are in daily contact with MHKs professionally standing - it's different with public servants (such as teachers or nurses) who don't have that advantage and are less involved in policy making and delivery.  Also he claimed the agreement with Manx Gas as part of his CV, which might not be the recommendation he thinks it is.

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9 hours ago, 2112 said:

I don’t know if anyone has seen the Mannin Branch Celtic League Facebook page today? A picture of all 10 female MHKs outside Tynpotwald building with the title SPARE RIB, not really sure what he Barmy Bernie message is trying to convey. 

I don’t know what the 10 female MHKs are trying to achieve either by their photograph publicity stunt. Stupid Gimmick and personally I think it’s rather devisive and creates division instead of harmony, and a spirit of inclusion. If these people want to introduce legislation, even a private members bill, then don’t be  antagonistic with your sisterhood and feminist agenda.

Is it a take on gammon? The caption is referring to Peters.

The female MHKs were asked by the media to.pose for this photo. BBC did a story on the amount of successful women candidates.

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On 9/24/2021 at 12:58 PM, code99 said:

A lot of my wishes came true yesterday, but sadly not all of them. Elated that Baker/ Boot/ Cregeen/ Harmer and Perkins all got their marching orders. Superb results for MLP, but gutted for Gareth Young. Also gutted for Keiran Hannifin, who I really hoped would get in. Disappointed for Andrew Langan-Newton, but Michelle Haywood seems pretty solid alternative, in my opinion at least. My biggest dismay of the evening was the return of Ashford – Errrrrrrrrrrrr!

Now for some speculations about who will get the role of CM. Conscious that Thomas (to my great incredulity) came second to the enigmatic Ann Corlett, this less inspiring performance might mean that he is no longer be one of the favourites to get the top job. With him out of the race, that would proably leave a 3-horse race consisting of: Alf C (eek!), Alex A and I sincerely hope Daphne C. In my opinion Daphne’s stakes have gone up strongly because there are now two like-minded MLP MHKs, who I assume would support her nomination, and there are also more female MHKs.

Both Jane Poole-Wilson and Kate Lord-Brennan could also be reasonable choices, but to my mind it is a bit too hasty to become the CM after being in the HoKs for just a week or so. Perhaps their turn will come next time.

it was a jaw-dropping moment when HQ became CM. If his election proved anything it proved that things that noone anticipated are possible. As much as it might seem like a completely insane idea, could Jason Moorhouse be everyone’s ‘compromise’ candidate for CM? At least he is nice, and he is definitely NOT an idiot.    

Was going to say JW might be a good compromise candidate.  Allow him to dress up in wig and gown if it makes him happy. 

But the island doesn’t need a safe pair of hands now, it needs someone with drive and vision, someone not afraid to tackle the big issues and someone who can inspire and take the house along with them. 

I can only see Claire Christian able to do this.


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Electoral politics changes very little on the IOM and this new lot will be no different to their predecessors. Too many entrenched and established interests who will simply stonewall and contain any attempt to change anything. It's nice to see more women in the Keys, and long overdue, but I don't hold any hope of them achieving very much. Will they be able to tackle the Public Sector ? Overspending Departments ? Greedy developers and the Housing problem ? Rate Reform ? Pensions Crisis ? Health Care ? The DOI ? The Steam Packet ? The list is long...   

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1 hour ago, code99 said:

As a group they give the impression of being a formidable team, who are ready to take on the Boys Club. Good on them!

Personally I am getting a bit fed up of talk of the boys club. Gender really shouldn’t come into it and these women now seem to be forming some sort of coalition for women’s rights and as a group have significant voting power.  Should someone’s elected candidate be seen to be favouring other candidates as allies simply because of their sex?

Also and this won’t be popular there are a minority there who are examples to the population of how you live a fit and healthy lifestyle and don’t become a burden on the health system.  IMO this should apply to all representatives of the people who should be acting as examples to the people on how to live.  

There, I said it. It’s not sexist as I feel exactly the same about David and Howard standing on the podium preaching to us about staying safe and personal responsibility when both clearly voluntarily putting themselves at increased risk of COVID and all manner of other conditions.

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23 hours ago, Declan said:

Only if the male members are shallow, insecure sexists living in a 1950’s comedy about the battle of the sexes. 

That brings to mind the slightly later comedy "Carry on Cabby" (1963).

The women proved quite powerful in that. Perhaps they will be in the Keys now.

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3 hours ago, Ramseyboi said:

Personally I am getting a bit fed up of talk of the boys club. Gender really shouldn’t come into it and these women now seem to be forming some sort of coalition for women’s rights and as a group have significant voting power.  

For heaven's sake!  They (well 8 out of 10) do a photoshoot because the BBC asks them to and you're complaining about the Monstrous Regiment of Women.  And women have long had significant voting power, what with being half the population.  The fact that they now make up 42% of those elected merely highlights what an odd situation it was before.

As for the 'boys club' that was something was noticed by nearly everyone about the previous administration - particularly the way Quayle behaved.  It's obvious the electorate thought so to as most of the members of the club decided not to stand again or were voted out.

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Thank you for responding, Roger. I've made several attempts at a response since he posted that paranoid diatribe, but had to stop each time lest I get myself banned. 

And some men wonder why women continue to be pissed off about the situation. 

Some reading for perspective...


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3 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

For heaven's sake!  They (well 8 out of 10) do a photoshoot because the BBC asks them to and you're complaining about the Monstrous Regiment of Women.  And women have long had significant voting power, what with being half the population.  The fact that they now make up 42% of those elected merely highlights what an odd situation it was before.

As for the 'boys club' that was something was noticed by nearly everyone about the previous administration - particularly the way Quayle behaved.  It's obvious the electorate thought so to as most of the members of the club decided not to stand again or were voted out.

In Icelandic Althing women now have a majority


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22 minutes ago, SleepyJoe said:


There is absolutely no negative to that - unless they all start joining together and doing photo opportunities and pushing policy through purely on the basis they are women. That is what I find uncomfortable about the emphasis on women in keys and the photo opportunity that (most of them) took.

It doesn’t matter if there are more men, more women, more trans people.  It matters when they start grouping together to try and carry more influence than they should have.

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1 hour ago, SleepyJoe said:

Wrong link as that's two elections ago, but our Icelandic cousins did indeed have their general election yesterday with 33 women returned to the Althing out of 63.

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