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31 minutes ago, Lost Login said:

I get the impression that CT does not want to be a Minister and that he would rather appear to being "clever" rather than "practical" from the side lines. It is for that reason I have long viewed him as a person who is far better suited to fill the role of MLC rather than MHK 

You have hit the nail on the head. 

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21 minutes ago, Lost Login said:

Depends how you define "clever money". If it is purely focusing on making yourself look good so you get re-elected in 5 years times then I agree.  However we only have 24MHK's, one of whom is the speaker, so in my view they should all be prepared to get involved and get their hands dirty whether or not it affects their re-election chances.


We have come to a point on this island where in 5 years time the politicos will be judged on their actions today, rather than what could happen in say 18 months from now. Perhaps CT is better as an MLC, then take his chance of re-election as an MLC in 2023. Unless he has upset his fellow MHKs and they may not vote him back in?

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19 minutes ago, Yibble said:

Do we though? Or is it more of a lefty-righty split? (acceping that's an oversimplification). I'm not sure that many of Allinson's backers would be strong supporters of such necessary reforms as cutting back CS headcount, pension entitlement and such. 

The left-leaning do have an arrogant tendency to label themselves as reformers or (ironically) "progressives", but they don't have a great history of reforming over-government and public sector deadweight.

You’re confusing reforming and progressive with left wing. The far left is just as hide bound, conservative, committed to maintaining the status quo as the right. They may be different status quo’s. But the clue is to maintain their grip on whatever power they have, no matter what, rather than opening up to the needs of the majority.

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2 minutes ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:

That's because you can't be progressive if you seek to maintain / conserve the status quo. It's literally in the name of the Conservative  party what their type of politics is.

Not really. That's more of a historical thing. There can now be a big difference between 'Big C' and 'Small c' conservatives. Margaret Thatcher or Keith Joseph were not exactly unafraid to challenge the status quo. One can be centre-right leaning and still want reform, especially when the reform is cutting back on over-government and government waste. Likewise being of leftish persuasion doesn't mean one is predisposed to push for such reforms.

Maybe it would be fairer to label those with any sort of socialist tendencies as 'regressives', given their affection for failed idealogies of the 20th Century. 😈

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4 minutes ago, John Wright said:

You’re confusing reforming and progressive with left wing. 

Not really. I was (politely I hope) questioning whether you were. 🙂 Your response below suggests you were not.


5 minutes ago, John Wright said:

The far left is just as hide bound, conservative, committed to maintaining the status quo as the right. They may be different status quo’s. But the clue is to maintain their grip on whatever power they have, no matter what, rather than opening up to the needs of the majority.

Well put. Is the CM vote split along those lines though? I'm not sure it is.

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Let's see if Alf Cannan can now use his new status to make good on his rhetoric as TM about ripping up the Departmental credit cards and getting a grip of Govt spending.

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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

The real power is Treasury, although CM sets the tone. That’s the one to watch for.

I'm not sure that Treasury is the power it was.  We're not back in the days of J B Boulton where its power was decisive.  And of course if we were than Cannan should be taking responsibility for the last five years, not Quayle.

In practice the massive expansion and centralisation of the Cabinet Office has meant that has taken over much of the control functions of Treasury which seems to have been reduced to the doting parent who pays up for all the misdemeanours of the family, tutting occasionally.

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25 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

1. I'm not sure that Treasury is the power it was.  We're not back in the days of J B Boulton where its power was decisive.  And of course if we were than Cannan should be taking responsibility for the last five years, not Quayle.

2. In practice the massive expansion and centralisation of the Cabinet Office has meant that has taken over much of the control functions of Treasury which seems to have been reduced to the doting parent who pays up for all the misdemeanours of the family, tutting occasionally.

1. Perhaps that has been Alf’s skill for the last 5 years. Letting Howard take the photo ops.

2. yes, and no. But at the end of the day it’s Treasury who determine how much can be raised in tax, borrowed or spent.

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1 minute ago, John Wright said:

1. Perhaps that has been Alf’s skill for the last 5 years. Letting Howard take the photo ops.

2. yes, and no. But at the end of the day it’s Treasury who determine how much can be raised in tax, borrowed or spent.

Let's not forget that budgeting process is secret to almost everyone. Needlessly so.

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1 minute ago, b4mbi said:

Now for the next fun game, who will Alf pick to be the Minister of..








Cabinet Office


I reckon he is going to struggle to get enough people wanting to be a minister or department member.

There are a few that will jump at anything offered (Caine, Christian etc) but it will be a brave soul who takes on the DOI.

Would like to seen Allinson stay at DESC and finish what he has started personally.

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