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Great posts everyone. I jotted down some of the fundamental questions that seem to have emerged from this discussion so far, as I understand them. Apologies if they do not reflect other MF members’ perspectives.

  • Is the CM role just a figure head, because all of the critical decisions made in Westminster?
  • What is the best approach for electing the CM? E.g., by popular public vote in a separate election in parallel to the GE, by the MHKs, by Tynwald, etc?
  • Should there be specific criteria/ restrictions applied to the prospective candidates for the CM role? E.g., must they top the poll in their own constituencies, must they have MHK experience at being a minister? Would being an MLC be sufficient? Are gender equality/ preferences important too?
  • Should the CM have limited power or almost ‘absolute power’ e.g., be able to ‘hire and fire’ ministers? Or should MHKs be given power to appoint and sack individual ministers?
  • What would be the main responsibility/ accountability by which to assess the CM’s performance? E.g., the successful implementation of the ‘Programme for Government’, etc?
  • Should the ‘Programme for Government’ supersede individual manifestos, including the CM’s, and should this document be put to a public vote, the collective of MHKs for a vote, etc?
  • In the absence of a formal party-based political structure, should there be ‘official opposition committees’ to scrutinise the performance of the CM and the ministers, and what actual powers would these ‘opposition’ members have?
  • What would constitute a sufficiently serious ‘failure’ to have the CM removed (and also individual ministers) and what would be the process for removing and electing a new CM? E.g., by simple majority in the HoK, by public vote, etc?

The social media is a microcosm where the diversity of opinions in the wider community are discussed. If members of MF can’t agree on what the best options and solutions should be, then clearly the general public is just as divided. Over the years there have been clumsy attempts to foster reforms, but there has never been any real momentum to make any significant changes. IMHO, the reason is that whilst some of the Island’s inhabitants want ‘change’, others are happy with the ‘status quo’. The Island has very old political traditions and I believe everyone respects that, but perhaps there is also a willingness to bring our political system into the 21C, as some of these ‘traditions’ are becoming obsolete/ retrograde and need to be given less importance.

I think that at some point the IOM will have to grasp the nettle and hold a comprehensive ‘once in a lifetime’ referendum to find consensus answers to some of these questions. The huge challenge of course is to make sure that this referendum will not degenerate into a bitter dispute that would polarise people like Brexit or the Scottish Independence did and continue to do.

Edited by code99
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The fact that the electorate have no say in what goes into the programme for government is the vital issue, & the major reason for low public approval of the institution of Tynwald + low electoral turnouts on the Isle of Man

Should candidates for the role of first minister be openly canvassing public opinion now on the best way forward for the Isle of Man?

Edited by SleepyJoe
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33 minutes ago, SleepyJoe said:

As a professional journalist & the best political communicator in Tynwald, Mrs Caine would be ideal as First Minister

She really wouldn't. 


1 minute ago, SleepyJoe said:


I like Daphne but no. She is not chief minister material probably wouldn't want it anyway. She would suit education which she is passionate about.

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4 hours ago, Will Halsall said:

It abso-feckin-lutely does matter who the CM is, and the same applies to CoMin!

We have some challenging times ahead, and the previous recent incumbents have imho not had the best interests of the island at heart. They have been more interested in their own vanity and having friends in CoMin who are in many instances not fit for the job, Boot, Baker Harmer, Cregeen for example. We need a truly honourable hard nosed intelligent individual (male or female), full of integrity, who will select the right candidates with the right qualities for ministerial positions, and not simply the old guard who voted them in.

I agree with Declan about JW, but I can’t help feel he would be a good Treasury Minister.

But no matter who the cm is the liklihood taxes will go up, ni contributions go up, pension contributions going up 

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1 hour ago, thommo2010 said:

But no matter who the cm is the liklihood taxes will go up, ni contributions go up, pension contributions going up 

So will the Civil Service Head Count. 

So will the Salaries of the Civil Servants.

We will be paying for all the Afghan and Syrian Refugees.

There will be a huge money wasting exercise as well, with the islands developers and contractors enjoying the taxpayers largesse.

Even though the £400m borrowed to refinance the IOM debts, green projects and the new Boat, is taxpayers will be forever paying off the debt. 

Edited by 2112
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1 hour ago, thommo2010 said:

But no matter who the cm is the liklihood taxes will go up, ni contributions go up, pension contributions going up 

If so, I hope its done in a way to lessen the impact on business here, or we really are in a downward spiral !

One of the first things that should be acknowledged is, we simply cannot go on spending and wasting in the manner we have been, we cannot tax enough to support these levels of expenditure. So a CM with a level of realism is the first requisite imo. Empire builders and dreamers need not apply !

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1 hour ago, 2112 said:

So will the Civil Service Head Count. 

So will the Salaries of the Civil Servants.

We will be paying for all the Afghan and Syrian Refugees.

There will be a huge money wasting exercise as well, with the islands developers and contractors enjoying the taxpayers largesse.

Even though the £400m borrowed to refinance the IOM debts, green projects and the new Boat, is taxpayers will be forever paying off the debt. 

But at least we can look in the bright side

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If choosing a female CM I would go for Claire Christian. Has Spoken up and addressed some of the difficult topics.  Vocal and constructive. Knowledgeable and does a lot of research. Achieved quite a lot in a short time. 

And I believe she would be prepared to address and progress solutions to the more difficult topics. 

Edited by 747-400
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2 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

And she’d ROCK the suits!

Best publicity/tourist/world market opportunity ever.

Has she got it tho? Who’s heard her speak? Does she hold command? 

No, not really. She has asked a few questions but has yet to make any meaningful contribution. BUT she was only there a year so no doubt she will make an impact over the next five years.

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