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Congratulations Stu Peters

Max Power

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6 minutes ago, joebean said:

There is really no point in debating with someone who contradicts themselves between one post and another and adopts a pious and unwarranted intellectual position. I am perfectly happy for you to continue with your tik-tok analysis of social issues and the opinions of those that take a different view. I’ll just pass on it. 

There is also no point in you continuing to debate when you are outclassed and caught out.  I made no contradictory statements - feel free to point out where you disagree.  Otherwise I'll be happy so stop seeing your ill-informed opinions

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I'm glad Stu got in.

I hope he continues in the same vein as he did when he had the Mannin line. 

The use of 'diplomatic' and 'parliamentary acceptable' language has been used far too much to obscure the reality of many situations that politicians would rather the public were not made aware of.

I hope he can cut through some of the cr*p. Go Stu.

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2 minutes ago, Someone Who Cares said:

Are you sure you are visiting the right site?  Home - Black Lives Matter - There is nothing on this site calling for Kill Whitey.  Are you trying to use lies to stir up racial hatred?



6 minutes ago, Someone Who Cares said:

Are you sure you are visiting the right site?  Home - Black Lives Matter - There is nothing on this site calling for Kill Whitey.  Are you trying to use lies to stir up racial hatred?


I'm sure you have seen some of the rhetoric which has been espoused on TV by leading supporters of BLM such as Sasha Johnson, Sophie Duker etc?




Why would I be lying to stir up racial hatred, I don't support BLM but I have no hatred of any race. You are displaying your own prejudices by suggesting that I am.

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20 minutes ago, Someone Who Cares said:

I only question your ability to read and understand.  I did not mention Christianity.  I do not identify as Christian.  Perhaps it is you who draws prejudiced assumptions.  As I said, I think it is necessary to stand up for those that need it.  I would never put forward a view that autistic children should not be allowed in restaurants, and I will definitely not support someone with such self-centred views, 

Yes, you did. It's right there in your post. I put the sentence in bold text so it's easy to see.

1 hour ago, Someone Who Cares said:

Some interesting posts here.  Here is my contribution.  I will keep it civil.  I am disappointed with the election of Stu Peters.  Someone found to have made insensitive comments on air should have the good grace to apologise, not to double down and call it a victory for free speech.  To get elected saying free speech needs to be defended seems disingenuous.  It's not like the local prison has anyone inside convicted of any hate crime.  It can't happen here as we have not followed the UK and introduced the necessary legislation over here to protect people of colour or people with disabilities for example.  As a society I believe we should stand up for those that need it.  It is the Christian and the right thing to do.  I therefore support BLM, do what i can to undo the very real impacts of white privilege (which does exist) and I am happy to eat in a restaurant even if an autistic child is having a breakdown at the next table.




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10 minutes ago, Max Power said:

I'm sure you have seen some of the rhetoric which has been espoused on TV by leading supporters of BLM such as Sasha Johnson, Sophie Duker etc?

Your BBC post does not link BLM to violence, it reports that far right groups are trying to do so.

Your "The Sun" post is getting upset because on a comedy show someone made what was obviously a joke.  Trouble is they were black.

Your Breitbart post is one I will not even follow.  Breitbart is not known for its honesty.

Please educate yourself and visit the BLM site.  it is very inclusive.  It does campaign in US to defund US police asking that the money is spent in the community instead, so that next time a young man in US is having mental issues and needs help there is a community service that can be called rather than the police who will possibly just shoot him.

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56 minutes ago, Someone Who Cares said:

Which is precisely why I did not reference religion in my original post.  Just wondering why you are introducing it as a topic...


Original post...

2 hours ago, Someone Who Cares said:

It is the Christian and the right thing to do... 

If this isn't bringing in religiosity into the subject then I don't know what is. 

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3 minutes ago, Someone Who Cares said:

Your BBC post does not link BLM to violence, it reports that far right groups are trying to do so.

Your "The Sun" post is getting upset because on a comedy show someone made what was obviously a joke.  Trouble is they were black.

Your Breitbart post is one I will not even follow.  Breitbart is not known for its honesty.

Please educate yourself and visit the BLM site.  it is very inclusive.  It does campaign in US to defund US police asking that the money is spent in the community instead, so that next time a young man in US is having mental issues and needs help there is a community service that can be called rather than the police who will possibly just shoot him.

Please don't patronise me, you do not know me and you don't know how 'educated' I am. That is an unfortunate slogan of BLM which assumes that anyone who isn't on their message needs educated.

Sophie Duker may have made a 'joke' but in view of when it was made and the context, it wasn't very funny. It reflected alot of what was being said about white people at the time, and still is. I'm not going to go posting lots of Youtube videos and articles because you already know there are plenty which show the BLM movement in a not so favourable light.

The Sun and Breitbart articles were posted so that you could view the videos as if I posted the videos from Youtube they would take up space on the page. You don't have to read the articles. You can see how a movement can be hijacked by its supporters very quickly and whatever message can be interpreted in many ways.

When BLM come up with a viable alternative to the Police, let me know.

I feel that you have hijacked this thread to try and portray Stu Peters and those who wish him well as racists. If so, that is very small minded of you, if not I apologise.

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I'm going to regret getting involved in this mess again, but I would recommend that anyone who has concerns over "defund the police" and is afraid that it's some sort of gateway to anarchy should read this. It's free as an eBook, again. It's very good and very clearly explains the faults in the system, how they could be improved, etc. It's very well measured.


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1 minute ago, Max Power said:

When BLM come up with a viable alternative to the Police, let me know.

There are lots of alternatives to a heavily militarised police force, which is what defunding the police calls for the end of. I really do encourage you to take a look at the book linked above, or if you don't have that sort of time, this is an OK article but nowhere near as good as the book https://www.vox.com/21312191/police-reform-defunding-abolition-black-lives-matter-protests

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1 minute ago, quilp said:

If this isn't bringing in religiosity into the subject then I don't know what is. 

More word twisting?  The English language is full and rich.  The word Christian can describe a member of that religion. It can also describe acts.  Religion more often refers to organised religious groups.  Religiosity  has yet another meaning.  To make my position clear, I like to think I do the right thing.  Some of these "right" things are like standing up for others in need.  I do not identify as a member of the Christian church.  It is not inclusive enough for me.  Too often it does not do the right thing.  However when Jesus described a Samaritan (not someone of his faith) as a neighbour, that has resounded with me.  I used to be Christian, but with the treatment of LGBT community by church, then no more.  I am aware there are many people on the IoM who do see themselves as Christian and I am not above pricking a few consciences by reminding them that they too should stand up for those in need too. 

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3 minutes ago, Someone Who Cares said:

More word twisting?  The English language is full and rich.  The word Christian can describe a member of that religion. It can also describe acts.  Religion more often refers to organised religious groups.  Religiosity  has yet another meaning.  To make my position clear, I like to think I do the right thing.  Some of these "right" things are like standing up for others in need.  I do not identify as a member of the Christian church.  It is not inclusive enough for me.  Too often it does not do the right thing.  However when Jesus described a Samaritan (not someone of his faith) as a neighbour, that has resounded with me.  I used to be Christian, but with the treatment of LGBT community by church, then no more.  I am aware there are many people on the IoM who do see themselves as Christian and I am not above pricking a few consciences by reminding them that they too should stand up for those in need too. 

So, doing the Christian thing is to be a bigot?  There can only be one source for the phrase, the Christian religion.

It may be more accurate to do the humane thing, or kind thing, or inclusive thing, or tolerant thing.  Lots of things you can do without doing the Christian thing. 

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11 minutes ago, Max Power said:

When BLM come up with a viable alternative to the Police, let me know.

You clearly don't understand the defund the police in US movement.  It is about diverting some of the funding to community projects not all.  In US policy training teaches the policy how to shoot to kill and focuses little to no time on how to de-escalate a situation

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3 minutes ago, Gladys said:

It may be more accurate to do the humane thing, or kind thing, or inclusive thing, or tolerant thing.  Lots of things you can do without doing the Christian thing. 

I don't disagree.  But I am not above trying to prick the conscience of some people who call themselves Christians but voted for someone who does not espouse any of their values

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