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Congratulations Stu Peters

Max Power

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13 hours ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Watch T.V. any night of the week and you'll see stereotypes of dumb men being outsmarted by women all the time. 

I don't need to switch on the tv to experience that in our household...

1 hour ago, Roger Mexico said:

My point was that it didn't really amplify the full 1950s-style stereotypes.  Flowery curtains and changing the colour of the carpet to pink would have been more consistent. 

Maybe the cartoonist was trying to imply that Stu wouldn't turn up unless you feed him.

Or maybe, just maybe, the "cartoonist" didn't have that nice Mr Peters in mind at all when he put together his magnum opus.

However it certainly smoked out all those on here running him down before he's even taken up the role. For what purpose I can't imagine. 

Performance is what counts. Not worthless speculation...

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1 hour ago, Ramseyboi said:

You clearly think he is a credible MHK.

I think it is the worst example of democracy I can remember on island and that there isn’t a single other constituency where he would have even got a look in.

To me he is the exact opposite of what we need a politician to be and I hope he surprises me and makes a valuable contribution to the future of the island my kids are growing up on.

More likely he will keep going with the clarksoneque persona and end up unemployed before the five years are up.

So you want democracy until you disagree with it? 

Every mhk was voted in fair and square 

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Some people want it all.

I would be vastly upset if the 24 were all of a shade of politics I agreed or disagreed with. There is a huge strength in having a mix of people and views in a Parliament. 
No one should feel alienated by the political representatives. 

Peter Karran was nearest we got (Ed 'the red' Callister before him) to having a dissenter and he was bullied and alienated by just about them all. Only problem was, he topped the poll for decades and consistently took far, far more votes than the big mouth bullies that tried to belittle him.

There will be times when we will all (yes, at some time all of us) be thankful there is a voice in Tynwald who will not just go with the flow. Let's wait and see.

Edited by Barlow
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2 hours ago, P.K. said:

Or maybe, just maybe, the "cartoonist" didn't have that nice Mr Peters in mind at all when he put together his magnum opus.

I agree with you that the cartoonist was almost certainly not thinking of SP at all when he put together that "cartoon" (Is a cartoon a cartoon if its some sketches over a photograph??).  What the cartoonist almost certainly had in his mind was the idea that the newly elected female MHK's would bring some niceties to the HoK.  Perhaps even make it like the Womens Institute.

That is where the sexism comes in.  It is the cartoonist who introduced the idea that the reforms that female MHK's would bring is "tea, biscuits and flowers".

2 hours ago, P.K. said:

However it certainly smoked out all those on here running him down before he's even taken up the role. For what purpose I can't imagine. 

I cannot imagine what SP was thinking as he posted his comment under that cartoon.  I don't think he was overtly sexist but it was certainly ill advised to wade into the comments knowing, as he surely must, that there are people on MF, on Facebook and in the general public who are just waiting for him to slip up.  Why give them stones to throw within a few days of being elected?

If SP wanted to make an "anti-woke" stance he would have been better doing so on something that was not so blatantly sexist although not really offensive. 

I would also have thought he may have wanted to consider what impact his comments on that cartoon will have on his ability to build positive working relationships with his new female colleagues.  


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4 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

I agree with you that the cartoonist was almost certainly not thinking of SP at all when he put together that "cartoon" (Is a cartoon a cartoon if its some sketches over a photograph??).  What the cartoonist almost certainly had in his mind was the idea that the newly elected female MHK's would bring some niceties to the HoK.  Perhaps even make it like the Womens Institute.


I read it women entering toxic male workplaces bring civilizing touches and improve the environment.

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19 minutes ago, Declan said:

I read it women entering toxic male workplaces bring civilizing touches and improve the environment.

I think that is a very generous reading.

I work in a heavily male dominated industry where we have not long* got away from the displaying of topless calendars, page 3 models pinned to the walls, and some horrendously sexist conversations etc etc.  We are now moving towards bringing women into the workforce in environments that they had been largely excluded from in the past.  How do you think those women would feel about being seen to be bringing "civilizing touches to improve the environment"? 

(* 10 years ago these were still common place with many of the men unable/unwilling to understand why they were not acceptable in the modern workplace.  I have been over this topic elsewhere on these forums and don't intend to cover the same ground again.)

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14 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

I agree with you that the cartoonist was almost certainly not thinking of SP at all when he put together that "cartoon" (Is a cartoon a cartoon if its some sketches over a photograph??).  What the cartoonist almost certainly had in his mind was the idea that the newly elected female MHK's would bring some niceties to the HoK.  Perhaps even make it like the Womens Institute.

That is where the sexism comes in.  It is the cartoonist who introduced the idea that the reforms that female MHK's would bring is "tea, biscuits and flowers".

I cannot imagine what SP was thinking as he posted his comment under that cartoon.  I don't think he was overtly sexist but it was certainly ill advised to wade into the comments knowing, as he surely must, that there are people on MF, on Facebook and in the general public who are just waiting for him to slip up.  Why give them stones to throw within a few days of being elected?

If SP wanted to make an "anti-woke" stance he would have been better doing so on something that was not so blatantly sexist although not really offensive. 

I would also have thought he may have wanted to consider what impact his comments on that cartoon will have on his ability to build positive working relationships with his new female colleagues.  

Is Mr Peters wanting to make an "anti-woke" stance whatever that is?

You are right that those who dislike him, for whatever reason, obviously can't wait for him to slip up so that they can gleefully pounce on it and blow it up out of all proportion. Those stupid enough to believe all the BLM nonsense springs to mind here.

Personally I think his performance in the HoK should overshadow all the faux outrage generated from pretty much nothing but clearly some folks lack a sense of proportion...

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21 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Is Mr Peters wanting to make an "anti-woke" stance whatever that is?

I refer you to his own manifesto;

"We need to wake up, and woke down! We must be able to discuss and debate difficult topics freely, reasonably and compassionately, without the constant fear of a creeping political correctness or the ‘woke army’ trying to shut us up. We are getting too close to Orwell’s dystopian future where expressing an opinion can have you arrested."

Make of that what you will. 

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16 hours ago, quilp said:

Yeah, but in reality it was also a subtle attempt to run a smear on Stu because of his personal comments, present and historical. Casting roundabout aspersions was also the intention.

I would think Stu is going to get a lot of that, and probably innuendo from his current new colleagues. A learning experience. 

I am sure he can give back what he gets when / if necessary. Go Stu.

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4 minutes ago, Boris Johnson said:

Question  for  the  forum.

If  SP  does  not  get  re  elected,  will  he  call the  elections  out  as  being fixed  and/ or  encourage  a  storm  of   the  Tynwald building ?

Of course - it's what Trump would, or did, do. And look what they got instead. 😀

Edited by Apple
It's a joke.
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5 minutes ago, Boris Johnson said:

Question  for  the  forum.

If  SP  does  not  get  re  elected,  will  he  call the  elections  out  as  being fixed  and/ or  encourage  a  storm  of   the  Tynwald building ?


I think Stu will probably retire, pension pot nicely topped up. Content at having tilted at a few windmills.

Edited by Declan
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