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Congratulations Stu Peters

Max Power

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1 minute ago, joebean said:

I didn’t say that did I? Any politician should be judged on what he/she does. If they were judged on actions and achievements we would end up with much better politics. The question for Stu Peters, and all the others, is whether he wishes to spend his time talking rubbish or doing something worthwhile. I’d recommend the latter. There are sufficient people in the world who talk but don’t act already - even here. As we have seen in this thread, there are plenty of people who will want to distract him with virtue signalling and accusations when, actually, there is real work to be done. 

To an extent I agree with you but if you want to do something worth while you need to recognise and understand issues rather than simply ignoring if they don't agree with your prejudices. 

I would take issue with you using the phrase virtue signalling as I view that as having a snide go at people who demonstrate on a matter somebody does not agree with. I don't think it would be right to describe people who were poppies or stop for a minutes silence on remembrance day to be described as virtual signalling so I dislike the use of the phrase in general.


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12 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

In any decent society the police should be the least funded out of the emergency services

but we're not a decent society, we're a greedy self serving bunch of cunts that don't even throw crumbs, we just drop a few that what we can't hang on to any longer..

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4 minutes ago, The Duck of Atholl said:

You are right. He should be judged by his actions. It will be interesting to see if he  (and others elected) actually roll their sleeves up and take positive remedial action. By which I mean not shouting the odds from the back benches or obsessing about planning or parking etc but dealing with our fiscal and budgetary issues and genuine cash generating enterprises. 

But shouting the odds from the back benches is what SP appeared to make the backbone of his campaign.

I always find it odd that people stand for election saying that they are going in to scrutinise and oppose government and to be part of the "opposition" when at the time of the election they have no idea who the government will be and what their policies will be. It is not like the UK where if you are not part of the party that is in power you campaigned against what they got elected on. If say the next CM, council of ministers and their policies are all people and issues you are in agreement with, if you stood as being part of the "opposition" what do you do then? Resign?

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25 minutes ago, Lost Login said:

But shouting the odds from the back benches is what SP appeared to make the backbone of his campaign.


And so was the basis on which he was elected.  As others have said, let us see what he does as an MHK and judge him on that, not what he has said as a local radio presenter. 

I also take issue with your reference to the recent case of false accusations of paedophilia.  That was not what the case was about, it was about harassment, misuse of telecommunication equipment and breaching court orders.  You have chosen a highly emotive subject, paedophilia, to make a somewhat fatuous and inaccurate analogy.   Much like the others you make such as the EDL, BNP etc.  The case was not about freedom of speech, it was about a self-appointed investigator and vigilante deciding someone was guilty of something and making their life hell.  It does have a resonance, but not in the way you think. 

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12 minutes ago, Gladys said:

And so was the basis on which he was elected.  As others have said, let us see what he does as an MHK and judge him on that, not what he has said as a local radio presenter. 

I also take issue with your reference to the recent case of false accusations of paedophilia.  That was not what the case was about, it was about harassment, misuse of telecommunication equipment and breaching court orders.  You have chosen a highly emotive subject, paedophilia, to make a somewhat fatuous and inaccurate analogy.   Much like the others you make such as the EDL, BNP etc.  The case was not about freedom of speech, it was about a self-appointed investigator and vigilante deciding someone was guilty of something and making their life hell.  It does have a resonance, but not in the way you think. 

Fair enough if I incorrectly remembered the case but the point I was trying to make, possibly not very eloquently, is that free speech and being able to express opinions should have restrictions and so I gave extreme examples to illustrate the point.

I have posted previously that I hope SP proves me wrong as an MHK, but until he does so I will judge him on his current and past actions as I find it difficult to see how he can address certain matters if he simply ignores, appears to deliberately miss understand or simply disagree with despite the evidence to the contrary because he his a gut feeling that he is right and the majority of experts wrong. 

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28 minutes ago, Lost Login said:

Fair enough if I incorrectly remembered the case but the point I was trying to make, possibly not very eloquently, is that free speech and being able to express opinions should have restrictions and so I gave extreme examples to illustrate the point.

I have posted previously that I hope SP proves me wrong as an MHK, but until he does so I will judge him on his current and past actions as I find it difficult to see how he can address certain matters if he simply ignores, appears to deliberately miss understand or simply disagree with despite the evidence to the contrary because he his a gut feeling that he is right and the majority of experts wrong. 

I absolutely agree, free speech has to be within acceptable boundaries.  However, within those boundaries there also has to be debate, not outright refusal to accept the contrary view.  That applies to both sides of any debate. 

As I say, let's see how all the successful candidates perform. 

Most, if not all, had accountability as a cornerstone of their manifesto.  That, IMHO, is where we need to see improvement.  That accountability is not just in how public money is spent, but in every aspect of how they perform their public duty.  

I also would like to see that each MHK not only knows the 7 Nolan Principles, but clearly and obviously applies them in the discharge of their role. 

For those unfamiliar, they are:-








Remember that list when judging performance and see how they measure up. 


Edited by Gladys
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28 minutes ago, Gladys said:

As others have said, let us see what he does as an MHK and judge him on that, not what he has said as a local radio presenter. 

I don’t think Stu can actually win in this situation, if he was elected due to his straight talking ‘no nonsense’ style that we’ve all seen and heard on Manx Radio, if he was to change that now he’d be an absolute hypocrite. I’m not exactly keen on the suggestion he might just adopt some sort of new MHK persona, I can’t see how that’s beneficial for anyone, least of all himself, we need more genuine people, not false ones.

Most newly elected MHKs are judged on their past, if you was to believe every prospective MHKs promises there would be absolutely nothing to chose between them, I don’t see a reason Stu should be treated any differently.

Will the real Stu please stand up!?

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Congratulations Stu, I am not your greatest fan by a long way, but good on you for putting your head on the block and standing in the first place, I sincerely hope you do well and have some influence for the betterment of the island. All I ask is that you think long and hard before you vote for Crookall as CM and Cregeen in for a vacant MLC position.


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4 minutes ago, Will Halsall said:

Congratulations Stu, I am not your greatest fan by a long way, but good on you for putting your head on the block and standing in the first place, I sincerely hope you do well and have some influence for the betterment of the island. All I ask is that you think long and hard before you vote for Crookall as CM and Cregeen in for a vacant MLC position.


I wonder if he's kept hold of his papering table?

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2 hours ago, Will Halsall said:

Congratulations Stu, I am not your greatest fan by a long way, but good on you for putting your head on the block and standing in the first place, I sincerely hope you do well and have some influence for the betterment of the island. All I ask is that you think long and hard before you vote for Crookall as CM and Cregeen in for a vacant MLC position.


Not sure how you can put your head on the block and stand...

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