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Congratulations Stu Peters

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20 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

Hardly the sign of a sensible and aware politician.  More the sign of a clown who wants to always be the centre of attention and who is in politics for all the wrong reasons in my opinion.

It seems to me that one of the main problems with politics at the moment is that too many politicians are not prepared to say or do anything that that they truly believe in any more. They spend their time trying to avoid 'offending' anyone and not committing to anything. 

Whether you agree with him or not, the fact that Stu Peters is prepared to say what he thinks, rather than being afraid to do so might turn out to be a good thing

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31 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

Maybe so, but what did he think he was achieving by commenting?

One day in to a new job which everyone knows brings great public scrutiny And he didn’t have the good sense to just scroll on by without commenting, knowing full well that any comment would be jumped on.


he's just giving the naysayers enough fuel to burn themselves out.

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1 hour ago, Ramseyboi said:

Maybe so, but what did he think he was achieving by commenting?

One day in to a new job which everyone knows brings great public scrutiny And he didn’t have the good sense to just scroll on by without commenting, knowing full well that any comment would be jumped on.

Hard not to disagree with you and wrighty.  I am not a women so can not comment whether they would view the cartoon as offensive. To me it just seems dated and not particularly funny so I am not offended but neither do I see those who criticise it as being the anti fun police.

Why any politician would want to comment on I have no idea as generally it is a no win situation especially if the comments reinforce peoples unflattering opinions about you. If you were seen as a woke politician and said it was fine or anti-woke and said it appeared a bit misogynist that might be different

Any politician in return for taking the pay cheque receives extra public scrutiny. On that basis giving or reinforcing the impression that your views are a bit behind the times is not a great idea as you are legislating in the modern world. You are also there to represent and assist your constituents and they are hardly likely to seek your assistance or guidance on a matter if they consider you lack understanding in respect of modern issues.  Fortunately the voters saw off Barron Boot this time but if you viewed yourself as working class and wanted assistance with regard to a matter relating to a rich land owner or a big business you would not go to him. Similarly it might be wise for a politician to try to not unnecessarily reinforce their image of being woke or anti-woke to much so that you do not unnecessarily risk disenfranchising a proportion of your electorate.    

In this case the best any politician could have done is probably stay schtum. 



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2 hours ago, wrighty said:

The cartoon’s not particularly original - I’m sure I’ve seen similar whenever women have been ‘allowed’ to join golf clubs, or play football matched etc - nor is it particularly funny, but it’s certainly not offensive beyond minor eye-rolling from some. Don’t see why anyone should be getting worked up about it or any commentary on it. 

Because Wrighty that's the world we live in, people have to let others know how offended they are as if it validates their existence.  You're offended? So what,move on 

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10 hours ago, Annoymouse said:

Well as sweeping generalisations go, I personally think females do tend to make much more effort when it comes to anything celebratory, even down to the small details such as nibbles.

My point was that it didn't really amplify the full 1950s-style stereotypes.  Flowery curtains and changing the colour of the carpet to pink would have been more consistent. 

Maybe the cartoonist was trying to imply that Stu wouldn't turn up unless you feed him.

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15 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

Because Wrighty that's the world we live in, people have to let others know how offended they are as if it validates their existence.  You're offended? So what,move on 

As mentioned, casual sexism/racism leads to more sexism/racism. People calling it out is an attempt at reducing that overall. Nothing to do with whatever "validating their existence" fantasy you've got going on.

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2 hours ago, Ramseyboi said:

 I can’t fathom what the people of mIddle were thinking?

Actually I think you can if you are prepared to stand down from your self-righteous attitude.

1 hour ago, Declan said:

He largely managed it for 20 years on the radio.

Yep, he was very popular on Manx Radio. Did a grand job on Morning Mandate, then Talking Heads/Mannin LIne and indeed the Late Show.

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10 hours ago, quilp said:

Did he realise that a simple trite comment made would be used against him as such by the virtue-vultures? Ha, maybe he's deliberately courting controversy, I never thought of that.

Well that was more or less what I said in the comment you objected to.  But I don't think spending his time 'Owning the libs' or whatever he thinks he is doing. is what people elected him for.  And there's a danger that it turns into a distracting sideshow that interferes with the reforms he says he is favour of.

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In my opinion, the cartoon falls under the heading of "everyday sexism". Taken in isolation, it's not particularly offensive or damaging in the greater scheme of things. 

However, these seemingly inconsequential minor acts of sexism add up because they're happening all the time. Like a tap constantly dripping in the background, it becomes maddening. 

If you continually add small pebbles to a pile of small pebbles, eventually they become a barrier.


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16 minutes ago, Barlow said:

Actually I think you can if you are prepared to stand down from your self-righteous attitude.

Yep, he was very popular on Manx Radio. Did a grand job on Morning Mandate, then Talking Heads/Mannin LIne and indeed the Late Show.

You clearly think he is a credible MHK.

I think it is the worst example of democracy I can remember on island and that there isn’t a single other constituency where he would have even got a look in.

To me he is the exact opposite of what we need a politician to be and I hope he surprises me and makes a valuable contribution to the future of the island my kids are growing up on.

More likely he will keep going with the clarksoneque persona and end up unemployed before the five years are up.

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16 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

You clearly think he is a credible MHK.

I think it is the worst example of democracy I can remember on island and that there isn’t a single other constituency where he would have even got a look in.

To me he is the exact opposite of what we need a politician to be and I hope he surprises me and makes a valuable contribution to the future of the island my kids are growing up on.

More likely he will keep going with the clarksoneque persona and end up unemployed before the five years are up.

I don't think SP is a credible MHK but he was voted in by the people so I would not say it is a bad example of democracy. 

I think that he may have got elected in some other constituencies as, regrettably, many people do hold similar views to him. A fair few post on here. Additionally his was a very simple message, no policies just we have been poorly governed with nobody properly challenging Govt, civil servants etc and I am the man who can. In addition he was a known name.

Agree that he appears to be the opposite of what I think we require but like you I hope he proves us wrong.

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1 hour ago, Zarley said:

In my opinion, the cartoon falls under the heading of "everyday sexism". Taken in isolation, it's not particularly offensive or damaging in the greater scheme of things. 

However, these seemingly inconsequential minor acts of sexism add up because they're happening all the time. Like a tap constantly dripping in the background, it becomes maddening. 

If you continually add small pebbles to a pile of small pebbles, eventually they become a barrier.


Until the pile gets too large and topples over according to Chaos theory.

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