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Congratulations Stu Peters

Max Power

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11 minutes ago, Stu Chubby White said:

Well you obviously support his views and yes there are plenty homophobic and racist people in Middle and elsewhere, he chose to play that card and get second place in a weak field. But only disgusting vermin would  go that way to get elected. and you Keep on defending him so you are not any better.

Oh good, a new member of our dysfunctional but generally fun group! I suspect 'disgusting vermin' might be considered hate speech (and yes, I am pro free speech but within appropriate legal limits) so I'm tempted to have a word with the cops who could maybe come round and make sure your mum knows what you're doing on her laptop.

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6 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

 I suspect 'disgusting vermin' might be considered hate speech

Unless you directed it at a specific group like a race it’s fine. 

Try not to worry, I’m sure this sort of thing will be covered in the new member’s media training. 

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I'm witheringly keen to 'educate myself' Declan.

So to call a group 'disgusting vermin' is a crime, but to use it against an identified person is not? Well, every day is a school day!

Thanks to Max and the positive posters. To those who think I'm an idiot (or worse) but will give me the benefit of time to prove myself, thanks.

To the haters: you always be hatin' and despite my best efforts I'll probably always be biting. And life goes on.


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I’m not a lawyer, so I was just speaking in terms of my own sense of right or wrong. It’s not hard to distinguish between “Jews are disgusting vermin” and “Peter Suttcliffe is disgusting vermin” though is it?

I’d only skim read Stu Chubby White’s (just released on typing that out what a ploddingly unwitty user name that is) I guess it does imply you are disgusting vermin and I would try not to use language like that myself.

I don’t know whether it’s a crime or not. Perhaps you could introduce an online abuse law? The current tools available to you are reporting it the mods or the libel laws. I’d probably not do either myself. 

Anyway, you have the opportunity to prove us “haters” wrong. Go and do it. 

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6 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

I'm witheringly keen to 'educate myself' Declan.

So to call a group 'disgusting vermin' is a crime, but to use it against an identified person is not? Well, every day is a school day!

Thanks to Max and the positive posters. To those who think I'm an idiot (or worse) but will give me the benefit of time to prove myself, thanks.

To the haters: you always be hatin' and despite my best efforts I'll probably always be biting. And life goes on.


No time for biting. Chop chop, you're a representative of the people now and will be handsomely rewarded. The days of holding court in your media world are over so put away your chippiness and get on with sorting out the mess that you were elected to do.

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7 hours ago, Stu Chubby White said:

Stu Peters is an old man supposedly gifted with wisdom and common sense (by only his own admission) he was not 12 more like 62 when he wrote that, your defense is getting worse by the minute. Yes he is a charming friendly homophobic , racist, sexist that you get on with but his views are repugnant not matter how much you get on with him as a mate.

I do love it when someone indulges in blatant hypocrisy. Digging up a post from 8 years ago (I bet that took some  dedicated searching) to come up with “knob jockey” as a terrible insult and then call the man a homophobic, a rascist and sexist. I presume the author knows Stu Peters well and has proper evidence of these slurs.. if not I would like to call Stu Chubby White a Cockpocket. He can use that against me in 8 years time when it will probably make even less of an impact on me than it would now. 
The nature of accusations and opinions of this poster is exactly why many people chose to put a cross next to Stu Peter’s name on Thursday. As I said, I look forward to his contribution over the next 5 years. 

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Some interesting posts here.  Here is my contribution.  I will keep it civil.  I am disappointed with the election of Stu Peters.  Someone found to have made insensitive comments on air should have the good grace to apologise, not to double down and call it a victory for free speech.  To get elected saying free speech needs to be defended seems disingenuous.  It's not like the local prison has anyone inside convicted of any hate crime.  It can't happen here as we have not followed the UK and introduced the necessary legislation over here to protect people of colour or people with disabilities for example.  As a society I believe we should stand up for those that need it.  It is the Christian and the right thing to do.  I therefore support BLM, do what i can to undo the very real impacts of white privilege (which does exist) and I am happy to eat in a restaurant even if an autistic child is having a breakdown at the next table.



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I am probably less than 10 years younger that SP so not that different in age though far apart in opinions.  Most people I know would be fairly appalled if many people's general view of them was that they were racist bigots yet SP appears proud that many appear to hold that view of him and wants to play up and enforce it.


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