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Congratulations Stu Peters

Max Power

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12 minutes ago, Someone Who Cares said:

Some interesting posts here.  Here is my contribution.  I will keep it civil.  I am disappointed with the election of Stu Peters.  Someone found to have made insensitive comments on air should have the good grace to apologise, not to double down and call it a victory for free speech.  To get elected saying free speech needs to be defended seems disingenuous.  It's not like the local prison has anyone inside convicted of any hate crime.  It can't happen here as we have not followed the UK and introduced the necessary legislation over here to protect people of colour or people with disabilities for example.  As a society I believe we should stand up for those that need it.  It is the Christian and the right thing to do.  I therefore support BLM, do what i can to undo the very real impacts of white privilege (which does exist) and I am happy to eat in a restaurant even if an autistic child is having a breakdown at the next table.



You may well be Someone Who Cares, but your support for the extremely divisive BLM movement, without understanding what that movement is about, has done more damage to relations between races than any good which many, like yourself, probably hoped it would do. 

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Congratulations Stu. Some of his views might be unpopular and I also disagree with some of them, but he was democratically elected and therefore should be judged at the end of his term and not right now. I for one am looking forward to a felt museum in honour of MF, a monorail around Middle, and a proper Autobahn from Ramsey to Port Erin by 2025. 

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I’m almost certain Stu Peters will stick his foot in it somewhere along the line and say something so deeply unpopular that he will either need to be removed or he will need to resign. I’m happy to be proved wrong but he always seemed quite opinionated on air and thought nothing of saying anything that could be deemed offensive because it was simply his ‘personal opinion’ , it’s a different matter entirely when being paid directly from the public purse…….


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40 minutes ago, Max Power said:

You may well be Someone Who Cares, but your support for the extremely divisive BLM movement, without understanding what that movement is about, has done more damage to relations between races than any good which many, like yourself, probably hoped it would do. 

Have you even visited the BLM website?  It is one of the most inclusive areas of the web that I know.  I think on balance BLM has joined a lot more together than it has torn apart.  It does seem to have upset a lot of racists who have accused the movement of doing damage to race relations.  I wonder why.  I would also like to point out that I did not reference religion.  I am fully aware that many established Christian churches do not do the Christian thing.

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1 hour ago, Someone Who Cares said:

Some interesting posts here.  Here is my contribution.  I will keep it civil.  I am disappointed with the election of Stu Peters.  Someone found to have made insensitive comments on air should have the good grace to apologise, not to double down and call it a victory for free speech.  To get elected saying free speech needs to be defended seems disingenuous.  It's not like the local prison has anyone inside convicted of any hate crime.  It can't happen here as we have not followed the UK and introduced the necessary legislation over here to protect people of colour or people with disabilities for example.  As a society I believe we should stand up for those that need it.  It is the Christian and the right thing to do.  I therefore support BLM, do what i can to undo the very real impacts of white privilege (which does exist) and I am happy to eat in a restaurant even if an autistic child is having a breakdown at the next table.



Sometimes you do read the most appalling nonsense. Everyone is entitled to support what they want. If you think BLM has done a lot to enhance race relations that is fine. The kind of behaviour you describe is just being a decent individual and had nothing to do with being Christian. If you are inferring that Stu Peters and those that voted for him are racist and would want autistic children and adults thrown out of restaurants that is an assumption based on your own prejudice and is not, in fact very Christian. But, perhaps, that is evidence of my own misunderstanding of Christianity.

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52 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Like all religions, Christianity is riven with prejudice and bigotry.  Not a great argument from someone intending to display tolerance and inclusivity. 

Which is precisely why I did not reference religion in my original post.  Just wondering why you are introducing it as a topic.  To answer your question about bringing Christianity into the argument - you did.  I stand by my statement however that people should do the right thing.  Even if the Christian church fails to look out for the needy, it is still the Christian thing to do as taught by that church.  I do not identify as a member of the Christian religion, it is too divisive for me, particularly in its treatment of the LBGT community (something the inclusive BLM movement does not do). 

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10 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

So to call a group 'disgusting vermin' is a crime, but to use it against an identified person is not? Well, every day is a school day!

That's the trouble with you Stu, you're such a snowflake.  Always looking for an excuse to be offended.  :P

Actually it's not a criminal offence to use a phrase such as 'disgusting vermin' against an individual, but it might be libellous and so end up in Court anyway as a civil matter.  One reason why use against groups may be criminal is that there is no scope for such collective response, but individuals in that group can still be affected by such language.  Individuals attacked specifically have more power to respond.

So if what SCW says offends you, you may be entitled to sue.  Just make sure they don't have photos of you sniffing round the bins.

Edited by Roger Mexico
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8 minutes ago, Someone Who Cares said:

Have you even visited the BLM website?  It is one of the most inclusive areas of the web that I know.  I think on balance BLM has joined a lot more together than it has torn apart.  It does seem to have upset a lot of racists who have accused the movement of doing damage to race relations.  I wonder why.  I would also like to point out that I did not reference religion.  I am fully aware that many established Christian churches do not do the Christian thing.

I have visited their website, but not for some time, they may have moderated their rhetoric but there seems very little recognition that the majority of white people have no issue with race. Those people are branded as 'enablers and useful idiots.

I'm guessing that cries to 'Defund the Police', 'Kill the Cops' and 'Kill Whitey' are always going to upset the 'racists' aren't they? 

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2 minutes ago, joebean said:

Sometimes you do read the most appalling nonsense. Everyone is entitled to support what they want. If you think BLM has done a lot to enhance race relations that is fine. The kind of behaviour you describe is just being a decent individual and had nothing to do with being Christian. If you are inferring that Stu Peters and those that voted for him are racist and would want autistic children and adults thrown out of restaurants that is an assumption based on your own prejudice and is not, in fact very Christian. But, perhaps, that is evidence of my own misunderstanding of Christianity.

I only question your ability to read and understand.  I did not mention Christianity.  I do not identify as Christian.  Perhaps it is you who draws prejudiced assumptions.  As I said, I think it is necessary to stand up for those that need it.  I would never put forward a view that autistic children should not be allowed in restaurants, and I will definitely not support someone with such self-centred views, 

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4 minutes ago, Max Power said:

I have visited their website, but not for some time, they may have moderated their rhetoric but there seems very little recognition that the majority of white people have no issue with race. Those people are branded as 'enablers and useful idiots.

I'm guessing that cries to 'Defund the Police', 'Kill the Cops' and 'Kill Whitey' are always going to upset the 'racists' aren't they? 

Are you sure you are visiting the right site?  Home - Black Lives Matter - There is nothing on this site calling for Kill Whitey.  Are you trying to use lies to stir up racial hatred?


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3 minutes ago, Someone Who Cares said:

I only question your ability to read and understand.  I did not mention Christianity.  I do not identify as Christian.  Perhaps it is you who draws prejudiced assumptions.  As I said, I think it is necessary to stand up for those that need it.  I would never put forward a view that autistic children should not be allowed in restaurants, and I will definitely not support someone with such self-centred views, 

There is really no point in debating with someone who contradicts themselves between one post and another and adopts a pious and unwarranted intellectual position. I am perfectly happy for you to continue with your tik-tok analysis of social issues and the opinions of those that take a different view. I’ll just pass on it. 

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