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Manx Gas MEGA Price Rise

James Blonde

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Putin has many levers at his disposal....if you want to destabilise neighbouring economies, start with energy prices that you have control of and upon which everything else is dependant in those neighbouring economies.

Bojo will do the rest by himself.

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On 2/3/2022 at 6:40 PM, TheTeapot said:

It's appalling. All the speculating, hedging, future trading and all that shite has completely destroyed anything like a real market for gas. The whole thing needs a total reset, it is absurd and out of control.

I think you are correct. The market is being driven by panic. Must to the benefit of the producers. 

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Unfortunately - I don't think that the current (or even higher) price levels are a short term blip, they are here pretty much to stay and certainly won't fall to the pre-crisis level; when did prices for anything ever do that?

Once customers have been squeezed and been proven able to cope and accustomed, by and large, the rises will remain, people are making too much money out of it to want to give it up.

Games over Ukraine are contributing to this and with Putin's hand on the Gazprom tap we are being held to permanent ransom now.

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4 hours ago, finlo said:

I read the other day of someone in the UK paying over £700 for 700 litres!

Christ on a bike!

we are on gas over here like the vast majority. 4p a kWH but leccy is 19.3p. I’m just in the process of re-roofing our Victorian terrace and the insulation is getting lavishly lashed in. Zoned heating controls next. 

We are lucky in that we can afford to weather this peak (we have to- no rebates for the squeezed middle!) it beggars belief how the majority are going to cope. Even commuting to work is getting dearer and dearer, and when you get home, it will really be the choice for many between eating and heating. 

What amazes me is just how much the British Public will suck up. On the top of two years of Covid, how we haven’t yet had major civil unrest is something of a miracle.

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