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Manx Gas MEGA Price Rise

James Blonde

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2 hours ago, Derek Flint said:

Christ on a bike!

we are on gas over here like the vast majority. 4p a kWH but leccy is 19.3p. I’m just in the process of re-roofing our Victorian terrace and the insulation is getting lavishly lashed in. Zoned heating controls next. 

We are lucky in that we can afford to weather this peak (we have to- no rebates for the squeezed middle!) it beggars belief how the majority are going to cope. Even commuting to work is getting dearer and dearer, and when you get home, it will really be the choice for many between eating and heating. 

What amazes me is just how much the British Public will suck up. On the top of two years of Covid, how we haven’t yet had major civil unrest is something of a miracle.

Who do you suggest pays for the extra fuel cost? 

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39 minutes ago, cissolt said:

The energy supplier's who are posting record profits? That's the way most European countries are tackling it.


Thats a fair suggestion. We don't have any here though. Our energy company is totally broke.

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57 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

Who do you suggest pays for the extra fuel cost? 


this is the problem. There are basic needs, which include water, sanitation, heat, light and an ability to cook. They are the hallmarks of civilization. Once you start carving them up for folk to make money from, rather than providing them at a non profit basis as basic human needs, then the problems start.

an open market is all good fun until it starts to go West. Unfortunately, at the moment, the MUA is effectively an energy company just like every other.

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MUA proudly announced that they posted a £25M surplus not two months ago. Politicians have posted on these very boards that the MUA situation is well under control. Whatever that means.

Nobody is privy to Manx Gas accounts other than their Board and whatever they furnish to the Regulator. But if they claim to have no money it's because their parent company have shipped it out to tax havens or their shareholder's dividends. 

Nobody is broke. Only the bill payers.

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1 hour ago, Derek Flint said:


this is the problem. There are basic needs, which include water, sanitation, heat, light and an ability to cook. They are the hallmarks of civilization. Once you start carving them up for folk to make money from, rather than providing them at a non profit basis as basic human needs, then the problems start.

an open market is all good fun until it starts to go West. Unfortunately, at the moment, the MUA is effectively an energy company just like every other.


And the worst is yet to come as the price of goods and services rises due to increased fuel costs!

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12 minutes ago, Max Power said:


And the worst is yet to come as the price of goods and services rises due to increased fuel costs!

A cynic I might be but I think a lot of the current price rises are just companies chancing their arm and blaming it on "beyond our control"

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11 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

MUA proudly announced that they posted a £25M surplus not two months ago. Politicians have posted on these very boards that the MUA situation is well under control. Whatever that means.

Nobody is privy to Manx Gas accounts other than their Board and whatever they furnish to the Regulator. But if they claim to have no money it's because their parent company have shipped it out to tax havens or their shareholder's dividends. 

Nobody is broke. Only the bill payers.

The £25M surplus is surely only operating profit and does not include repayment of the debt that is more than 10 times that figure. That surplus last year could turn into a £100M loss this year. And the same the year after, unless electricity prices are increased so that it is not being sold at a loss. 

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10 hours ago, doc.fixit said:

producers, middle men, tax takers, ad nauseam, ( if that's spelled correctly).

Whilst I agree with you. Your identification is very vague and generalised. It would be very difficult for a small island at the end of the chain to have any influence on such intermediaries.

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