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Manx Gas MEGA Price Rise

James Blonde

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How utterly predictable. This within a few months of 23 of our MHK's taking MG's word for it that they were only going to break even following the rise they voted for.

This rebate has been promised by MG for years, it's always someone else's fault that they haven't paid it. Try the same strategy with your gas bill and see how you get on.

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35 minutes ago, A fool and his money..... said:

How utterly predictable. This within a few months of 23 of our MHK's taking MG's word for it that they were only going to break even following the rise they voted for.

This rebate has been promised by MG for years, it's always someone else's fault that they haven't paid it. Try the same strategy with your gas bill and see how you get on.

I think every time Rob Callister opens his mouth that nothing sensible comes out. This is going to end up as another IOMG all singing all dancing calamitous fuck up. Wannabe Minister takes on Manx Gas, what could possibly go wrong. The only saving grace is perhaps his constituents in Onchan may wise up in 2026.

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47 minutes ago, 2112 said:

I think every time Rob Callister opens his mouth that nothing sensible comes out. This is going to end up as another IOMG all singing all dancing calamitous fuck up. Wannabe Minister takes on Manx Gas, what could possibly go wrong. The only saving grace is perhaps his constituents in Onchan may wise up in 2026.

Whats even worse is a little bird tells me its going to cost around £24 million to capture and pump sewerage from  Lower Laxey and pump it over the hill ,at an electricity charge not yet calculated , and to a  transfer station somewhere in darkest Baldrine , I sincerely one of the Tynwald value for money committees  picks this project up and investigates it to see if a its viable ,  and secondly if its the only solution ,    and finally if its best value for money , 

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12 minutes ago, Omobono said:

Whats even worse is a little bird tells me its going to cost around £24 million to capture and pump sewerage from  Lower Laxey and pump it over the hill ,at an electricity charge not yet calculated , and to a  transfer station somewhere in darkest Baldrine , I sincerely one of the Tynwald value for money committees  picks this project up and investigates it to see if a its viable ,  and secondly if its the only solution ,    and finally if its best value for money , 

You don't need any committee.

It's viable 

It's not the only solution 

It's not the best value for money.

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12 minutes ago, Omobono said:

Whats even worse is a little bird tells me its going to cost around £24 million to capture and pump sewerage from  Lower Laxey and pump it over the hill ,at an electricity charge not yet calculated , and to a  transfer station somewhere in darkest Baldrine , I sincerely one of the Tynwald value for money committees  picks this project up and investigates it to see if a its viable ,  and secondly if its the only solution ,    and finally if its best value for money , 

I don’t think the words value for money and Rob Callister fit in the same sentence. Everything that Rob Callister touches or is involved with doesn’t work out. If you want value for money, perhaps the TT scoreboard could have had a bit of TLC and it may have lasted many years, but our Mr TT wanted an all singing all dancing production number, and the Treasury probably thought ‘what planet is this guy on?’ and was rejected on grounds, no business case. So it was a case that the Ministers Apprentice thought he was entitled to blow taxpayers cash on a frivolous non essential item. 

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On 2/17/2022 at 9:29 PM, Omobono said:

Whats even worse is a little bird tells me its going to cost around £24 million to capture and pump SEWAGE from  Lower Laxey and pump it over the hill ,at an electricity charge not yet calculated , and to a  transfer station somewhere in darkest Baldrine , I sincerely one of the Tynwald value for money committees  picks this project up and investigates it to see if a its viable ,  and secondly if its the only solution ,    and finally if its best value for money , 

It would represent to stupidest waste of money ever (well since IRIS - which is partly excusable as they didn't know any better then

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15 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:

To be fair Mr Smith MHK is a proper knob and even he has half grasped the issue with Manx Gas. 


How on earth can "corporate sensitivity" apply to the accounts of a company that operates as a Government protected monopoly?

His comments do make you wonder why he voted for the rise though?

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On 2/17/2022 at 9:45 PM, cissolt said:

Wonder why the government won't release these Comms?  Could it be that there are shenanigans afoot? https://gef.im/2022/02/16/what-cant-we-know/

I think there's definitely more to this than meets the eye.

Tynwald voting on the rise without seeing the accounts or other relevant information.

A delay proposed for the relevant information to be found (by Claire Christian during the debate) resisted by ministers.

Now being very cagey about communications between MG and the CM.

Either there are vested interests in play and a lot more to this than we know. Or it's all above board but it has been and continues to be extremely poorly handled from a PR point of view. You decide.

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1 hour ago, A fool and his money..... said:

How on earth can "corporate sensitivity" apply to the accounts of a company that operates as a Government protected monopoly?

His comments do make you wonder why he voted for the rise though?

Because its a private limited company. That's how the law works. Why would they volunteer to do something that silly.

There is a contract. That's all that matters. Their obligation is to work within the contract to maximise their profit. We are being very naive.

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  • 3 weeks later...
11 hours ago, cissolt said:

Passive aggressive veiled threat from Ms Cox:

We ask that you work with us to maintain supply to the Isle of Man during these unique market conditions.


New regulations going to Tynwald today so price rises April 1st , what’s the guess ! I’m going for 40% plus 25% electricity 

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