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Manx Gas MEGA Price Rise

James Blonde

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6 minutes ago, Manx17 said:

It’s going  up 58% . How are they expecting the elderly to pay that.  Also the other insult to injury, they want you to do their job for them and read your own meters. How the hell do they get away with so much.

Wow 58%!  The emails between Alf and Manx Gas will be quite interesting if they ever get released

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Will find out in October when it goes up another 30%+...


If the Ukraine crisis gets resolved and prices stabilise, i still don't see the prices coming down, and likely not ever to the "before war" levels.  They will create a new baseline, and because it will be lower than where it was at its worst, most people will feel appeased

Edited by somewhatdamaged
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11 minutes ago, Manx17 said:

It’s going  up 58% . How are they expecting the elderly to pay that.  Also the other insult to injury, they want you to do their job for them and read your own meters. How the hell do they get away with so much.

Who are they?

Who do you think should pay?

Q - If the Government make up the difference then where does the Government get its money.....

A - Us

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5 minutes ago, cissolt said:

What does cura deem an acceptable return for Manx gas?

Its nothing to do with their return is it? Its related to the wholesale gas price. Seems the only way to do it. Why would you expect a commercial company to sell something for less that it pays for something

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1 minute ago, Happier diner said:

Its nothing to do with their return is it? Its related to the wholesale gas price. Seems the only way to do it. Why would you expect a commercial company to sell something for less that it pays for something

I was curious what cura deems an acceptable return.

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7 minutes ago, Manx17 said:

Well to behonest it’s the governments fault for making the island held to ransom by Manx gas in the first place with their good old tunnel vision. 

And where would you get the cheap gas from when considering a alternate company that would not be 'holding the IOM to ransom'. Silly talk IMO. 

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21 minutes ago, Manx17 said:

They shouldn’t of made most of the houses change to gas . Would be the best answer wouldn’t it. If they wanted to stop coal and log fires they should of went solar power and wind tidal instead of investing millions into gas. Where it is fucking everyone over. Where people either keep warm or eat.



....Is not the answer to the question I asked you

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19 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

Because it's monopoly?

And there is a contract. The price is based upon the cost of the raw material. It's a right pain in the arse I'll grant you. Bit not really related to the issue with Manx Gas. Do you really believe if there was competition it would make much difference? Do you think companies would be knocking at the door to volunteer to make a loss?

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Look on the bright side, at least we're heading into summer, it's warming up.

Unless the twats ask for another rise because they're not selling enough, like they did before....

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1 hour ago, Happier diner said:

 Its related to the wholesale gas price.

When wholesale prices were low in early 2020 Ancala Partners LLP couldn't drop the price as, apparently, they weren't selling enough to cover their costs. It's almost as though Ancala Partners LLP's pricing strategy has nothing to do with the wholesale price.

If you believe Ancala Partners LLP will put prices back down when wholesale prices ease off, you're either a) deluded or b) a shill.

Given your previous posts defending the indefensible, I know what I reckon...

As for CURA, Manx Gas have always shafted us; CURA have just said they don't now even have to supply the KY Jelly. I've never seen such a spineless regulator.

Edited by Ringy Rose
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